Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure the package.


Type: string

The file path of the abaqus command line batch file (.bat). Only set this environment variable if abaqus is not the default Abaqus command line executable. This variable is used by abqpy to run the Abaqus command line procedure inside the Python interpreter environment where it is installed.


Type: string of a Python dictionary

The default execution procedure invoked by abqpy inside the Python interpreter environment where it is installed is to run one of the two following command lines:

  1. When there is a import abaqus or from abaqus import ... statement:

    abaqus cae noGUI=script.py -- [args ...]
  2. When there is a import odbAccess or from odbAccess import ... statement:

    abaqus python script.py [args ...]

However, there are other execution procedures that can be run with the abaqus command and also another options that could be passed to these commands. To define these procedures and options you can create a new system environment variable named ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS, and set a dictionary to this variable with the options you want to use. The values of the dictionary keys would be booleans or strings, e.g.: {'gui': True, 'database': 'file.odb'}

The possible options are:

  1. Using abaqus cae command line options (import abaqus module):

        "gui": bool,
        "database": "database-file",
        "replay": "replay-file",
        "recover": "journal-file",
        "startup": "startup-file",
        "envstartup": bool,
        "savedOptions": bool,
        "savedGuiPrefs": bool,
        "startupDialog": bool,
        "custom": "script-file",
        "guiTester": "GUI-script",
        "guiRecord": bool,
  2. Using abaqus python command line options (import odbAccess module):

        "sim": "sim_file_name",
        "log": "log_file_name",

One advantage in using this alternative is to change the options at run time inside the code.


The environment variable ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS must be a valid string that can be parsed to a Python dictionary, which means that you must use True or False for boolean options. However, in the following individual environment variables, you can use true, on, yes or 1 (or capitalized ones since they are not case sensitive) to set the boolean option to True and any other values to set it to False.


Type: string

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the database option but has higher priority.


Type: string

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the replay option but has higher priority.


Type: string

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the recover option but has higher priority.


Type: string

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the startup option but has higher priority.


Type: bool {true, false, on, off, yes, no, 1, 0}

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the gui option but has higher priority.


Type: bool {true, false, on, off, yes, no, 1, 0}

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the envstartup option but has higher priority.


Type: bool {true, false, on, off, yes, no, 1, 0}

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the savedOptions option but has higher priority.


Type: bool {true, false, on, off, yes, no, 1, 0}

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the savedGuiPrefs option but has higher priority.


Type: bool {true, false, on, off, yes, no, 1, 0}

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the startupDialog option but has higher priority.


Type: string

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the custom option but has higher priority.


Type: string

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the guiTester option but has higher priority.


Type: bool {true, false, on, off, yes, no, 1, 0}

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the guiRecord option but has higher priority.


Type: string

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the sim option but has higher priority.


Type: string

A shortcut to the ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS environment variable to set the log option but has higher priority.


The snippet bellow changes the default procedure options before calling abaqus cae command procedure, at run time.

import os

os.environ["ABAQUS_COMMAND_OPTIONS"] = str({"gui": True, "database": "file.odb"})

from abaqus import *


In this specific case, the procedure will use the graphical user interface (GUI mode) and load a database file, i.e., it will run the following command line.

abaqus cae script=script.py database=file.odb -- [args ...]
