Calibration of Material¶
The calibration commands are used for material calibration.
Create material calibrations¶
- class CalibrationModel(
- name,
- description=
, - stefanBoltzmann=
, - absoluteZero=
, - waveFormulation=
, - modelType=
, - universalGas=
, - copyConstraints=
, - copyConnectors=
, - copyInteractions=
, Bases:
Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.
This object can be accessed by:
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
A String specifying the repository key.
None or a Float specifying the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
None or a Float specifying the absolute zero constant.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of incident wave formulation to be used in acoustic problems.
None or a Float specifying the universal gas constant.
A Boolean specifying whether an input file should be written without parts and assemblies.
A Boolean specifying that the step specified by restartStep should be terminated at the increment specified by restartIncrement.
A Boolean specifying that a shell global model drives a solid submodel.
A Float specifying the time stamp that indicates when the model was last changed.
A String specifying the purpose and contents of the Model object.
A String specifying the name of the job that generated the restart data.
A String specifying the name of the step where the restart analysis will start.
A String specifying the name of the job that generated the results for the global model.
A boolean specifying the status of constraints created in a model, in the model which instances this model.
A boolean specifying the status of connectors created in a model, in the model which instances this model.
A boolean specifying the status of interactions created in a model, in the model which instances this model.
A KeywordBlock object.
A repository of Amplitude objects.
A repository of Profile objects.
A repository of BoundaryCondition objects.
A repository of ConstrainedSketchConstraint objects.
A repository of AnalyticalField objects.
A repository of DiscreteField objects.
A repository of PredefinedField objects.
A repository of Interaction objects.
A repository of InteractionProperty objects.
A repository of ContactControl objects.
A repository of ContactInitialization objects.
A repository of ContactStabilization objects.
A tuple of tuples of Strings specifying the linked child PartInstance name in the current model to the corresponding parent PartInstance name in a different model.
A tuple of tuples of Strings specifying the linked child Part name in the current model to the corresponding parent Part name in a different model.
A repository of Load objects.
A repository of Material objects.
A repository of Calibration objects.
A repository of Section objects.
A repository of RemeshingRule objects.
A repository of ConstrainedSketch objects.
A repository of Part objects.
A repository of Step objects.
A FeatureOptions object.
A repository of AdaptiveMeshConstraint objects.
A repository of AdaptiveMeshControl objects.
A repository of TimePoint objects.
A repository of Filter objects.
A repository of IntegratedOutputSection objects.
A repository of FieldOutputRequest objects.
A repository of HistoryOutputRequest objects.
A repository of OptimizationTask objects.
A repository of TableCollection objects.
A repository of EventSeriesType objects.
A repository of EventSeriesData objects.
An Int specifying the increment, interval, iteration or cycle where the restart analysis will start.
An Assembly object.
Public Methods:
(name)This method creates a Calibration object.
Inherited from
(name[, description, ...])This method creates a Model object.
(name, inputFileName)This method creates a Model object by reading the keywords in an input file and creating the corresponding Abaqus/CAE objects.
(name, odbFileName)This method creates a Model object by reading an output database and creating any corresponding Abaqus/CAE objects.
(modelName, inputFileName)This method creates a Model object by reading the keywords in a Nastran bulk data file or Nastran input file and creating any corresponding Abaqus/CAE objects.
([description, noPartsInputFile, ...])This method modifies the Model object.
Member Details:
Other Classes¶
- class Behavior(name, typeName)[source]¶
The Behavior object specifies the method used for calibrating a material.
This object can be accessed by:
import calibration mdb.models[name].calibrations[name].behaviors[name]
Member Details:
biAxialAllName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the name of the dataset containing all the raw data in the test data file. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
calibrationName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A string specifying the name of calibration to which the behavior belongs.
- compute_E(dataSet)[source]¶
This method computes the value of young’s modulus from the existing DataSet object. The method is only valid for ElasIsoBehavior type of behavior.
- compute_elasticModulus(yieldPoint)[source]¶
This method computes the value of the elastic modulus from the yieldpoint value. The method is only valid for ElasPlasIsoBehavior type of behavior.
- compute_nu(dataSet)[source]¶
This method computes the value of Poisson’s Ratio from the existing DataSet object. The method is only valid for ElasIsoBehavior and ElasPlasIsoBehavior type of behavior.
compute_plasticPoints(dataSet, slider_val, start_index, end_index, yp=
)[source]¶ This method extracts the coordinates of the Plastic Points. The method is only valid for ElasPlasIsoBehavior type of behavior.
- compute_ultimatePoint(dataSet)[source]¶
This method computes the coordinates of the Ultimate point from the existing DataSet object. The method is only valid for ElasPlasIsoBehavior type of behavior.
- mapToMaterial(materialName)[source]¶
This method appends the calibration data obtained from the DataSet object to an existing material object. In the case of ElasIsoBehavior, it appends the young’s modulus and poisson’s ratio. For ElasPlasIsoBehavior it appends the young’s modulus, poisson’s ratio and Plastic points range and for FeFpBehavior it appends Plastic points range and Mullins effect properties.
modelName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A string specifying the name of the model to which the behavior belongs.
- setValues(
- E=
, - nu=
, - ds1Name=
, - ds2Name=
, - materialName=
, - yieldPoint=
, - ultimatePoint=
, - plasticPoints=
, - PoissonsRatio=
, - elasticModulus=
, - plasticPointsRange=
, - name=
, - uniaxialName=
, - biaxialName=
, - interpolation=
, - uniWeight=
, - biWeight=
, - uMullinsReload=
, - uMullinsUnload=
, - uPYieldPoint=
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
, - uPermSet=
, - uPrimary=
, - bMullinsReload=
, - bMullinsUnload=
, - bPYieldPoint=
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
, - bPermSet=
, - bPrimary=
, This method modifies the data for an existing behavior object.
- Parameters:¶
- E=
¶ Young’s modulus. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasIsoBehavior.
- nu=
¶ Poisson’s ratio. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasIsoBehavior.
- ds1Name=
¶ The name of the first data set. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasIsoBehavior or ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- ds2Name=
¶ The name of the second data set. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasIsoBehavior or ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- materialName=
¶ Material Name.
- yieldPoint=
¶ Stress/strain value for the material yield point.Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- ultimatePoint=
¶ Stress/strain value for the material ultimate point.Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- plasticPoints=
¶ Stress/strain values for the Plastic portion of material curve. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- PoissonsRatio=
¶ Poisson’s Ratio. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- elasticModulus=
¶ Young’s Modulus for the elastic portion of the material curve. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- plasticPointsRange=
¶ Extent of the material Plastic points. Only valid if the behavior type is ElasPlasIsoBehavior
- name=
¶ Name of the behavior.
- uniaxialName=
¶ Name of the uniaxial dataset. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- biaxialName=
¶ Name of the biaxial dataset. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- interpolation=
¶ ‘linear’ specifies linear interpolation between data points, otherwise ‘logarithmic’. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- uniWeight=
¶ Uniaxial weight factor, uniWeight + biWeight should equal 1.0. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- biWeight=
¶ Biaxial weight factor, uniWeight + biWeight should equal 1.0. Only valid if the behavior type is FeFpBehavior
- uMullinsReload=
¶ A List of strings, specifying names of reloading DataSet objects obtained from uniaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- uMullinsUnload=
¶ A List of strings, specifying names of reloading DataSet objects obtained from uniaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- uPYieldPoint=
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
¶ A tuple specifying the coordinates of yield point of the permanent data set. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- uPermSet=
¶ A List of strings, specifying names of permanent DataSet objects obtained from uniaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- uPrimary=
¶ A string specifying name of Primary DataSet object.Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bMullinsReload=
¶ A List of strings, specifying names of reloading DataSet objects obtained from biaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bMullinsUnload=
¶ A List of strings, specifying names of unloading DataSet objects obtained from biaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bPYieldPoint=
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
¶ A tuple specifying the coordinates of yield point of the permanent data set. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bPermSet=
¶ A List of strings, specifying names of permanent DataSet objects obtained from biaxial test data. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- bPrimary=
¶ A string specifying name of Primary DataSet object. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
- E=
- typeName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str`[source]¶
A String specifying the type of the new Behavior. Values can be “ElasIsoBehavior”, “ElasPlasIsoBehavior”, “FeFpBehavior”, or a user plug-in behavior type.
uniAxialAllName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the name of the dataset containing all the raw data in the test data file. Only valid if the behavior is of type FeFpBehavior
xyDataDissect(dsName, modelName, calibrationName, biaxial=
)[source]¶ This method extracts primary, unload, reload and permanent DataSet objects from the existing DataSet object.The method is only valid for FeFpBehavior type of behavior.
- Parameters:¶
- dsName¶
A string specifying the name of the uniaxial/biaxial test dataset.
- modelName¶
A string specifying the name of the model to which the calibration behavior belongs.
- calibrationName¶
A string specifying the name of the Calibration object to which the behavior belongs.
- biaxial=
¶ A boolean specifying whether the test data is biaxial or uniaxial. The default value is True.
- Returns:¶
A sequence of strings specifying names of the DataSet objects containing loading, unloading, reloading and primary datasets.
- Return type:¶
biAxialAllName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
class DataSet(name, data=
, type=''
, form=''
)[source]¶ Bases:
The DataSetobject specifies material test data.
This object can be accessed by:
import calibration mdb.models[name].calibrations[name].dataSets[name]
Check DataSet on
Member Details:
data : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:class:`float`], :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A sequence of pairs of Floats specifying data set type pairs. Possible values are for stress/strain, force/displacement, or transverse strain/axial strain pairs.
form : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the form of the new dataset. Values can be “NOMINAL” or “TRUE”. The default value is “NOMINAl”.
data : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:class:`float`], :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
- class Calibration(name)[source]¶
A Calibration object is the object used to specify a material calibration. The Calibration object stores the data that is used for specifying materials from test data.
This object can be accessed by:
import calibration mdb.models[name].calibrations[name]
Member Details:
- Behavior(name, typeName)[source]¶
This method creates a Behavior object.
This function can be accessed by:
DataSet(name, data=
, type=''
, form=''
)[source]¶ This method creates a DataSet object.
This function can be accessed by:
Check DataSet on
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the name of the new dataset.
- data=
¶ A sequence of pairs of Floats specifying data set type pairs. Possible values are for stress/strain, force/displacement, or transverse strain/axial strain pairs.
- type=
¶ A String specifying the type of the new dataset. Values can be “STRESS/STRAIN”, “FORCE/DISPLACEMENT”, or “AXIALSTRAIN/TRANSVERSESTRAIN”. The default value is “STRESS/STRAIN”.
- form=
¶ A String specifying the form of the new dataset. Values can be “NOMINAL” or “TRUE”. The default value is “NOMINAl”.
- Returns:¶
A DataSet object.
- Return type:¶
behaviors : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Calibration.Behavior.Behavior` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Behavior object.