Abaqus Output Database¶
The Python ODB API commands are used to read and write data from an output database (.odb) file. The path to the Odb object can be via the session.odbs repository or via a variable. In this chapter the Access and Path statements refer to a variable called odb that represents an existing Odb object.
class Odb(name, analysisTitle=
, description=''
, path=''
)[source]¶ Bases:
The Odb object is the in-memory representation of an output database (ODB) file.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name]
Check Odb on help.3ds.com/2025.
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
A Boolean specifying whether the output database was opened with read-only access.
A repository of Amplitude objects.
A repository of Filter objects.
An OdbAssembly object.
A JobData object.
A repository of OdbPart objects.
A repository of Material objects.
A repository of OdbStep objects.
A repository of Section objects.
A repository of SectionCategory objects.
A SectorDefinition object.
A UserData object.
A RepositorySupport object.
A repository of Profile objects.
Public Methods:
(name, embeddedSpace, type)This method creates an OdbPart object.
(name, description, domain[, ...])This method creates an OdbStep object.
(name, description)This method creates a SectionCategory object.
Inherited from
(name[, timeSpan])This method creates a ActuatorAmplitude object.
(name, initial, maximum, ...)This method creates a DecayAmplitude object.
(name, fixedInterval, data)This method creates an EquallySpacedAmplitude object.
(name, initial, magnitude, ...)This method creates a ModulatedAmplitude object.
(name, frequency, start, ...)This method creates a PeriodicAmplitude object.
(name, data[, unitType, ...])This method creates a PsdDefinition object.
(name, data[, timeSpan])This method creates a SmoothStepAmplitude object.
(name[, initial, ...])This method creates a SolutionDependentAmplitude object.
(name, method, data[, ...])This method creates a SpectrumAmplitude object.
(name, data[, smooth, timeSpan])This method creates a TabularAmplitude object.
Inherited from
(name, cutoffFrequency[, ...])This method creates a ButterworthFilter object.
(name, cutoffFrequency[, ...])This method creates a Chebyshev1Filter object.
(name, cutoffFrequency[, ...])This method creates a Chebyshev2Filter object.
(name, cutoffFrequency[, ...])This method creates an OperatorFilter object.
Inherited from
(name[, description, materialIdentifier])This method creates a Material object.
Inherited from
(name, table)This method creates a ArbitraryProfile object.
(name, a, b, uniformThickness, t1)This method creates a BoxProfile object.
(name, l, h, b1, b2, t1, t2, t3, o)This method creates a ChannelProfile object.
(name, r)This method creates a CircularProfile object.
(name, area, i11, i12, ...)This method creates a GeneralizedProfile object.
(name, l, h, b, b1, b2, t1, t2, t3)This method creates a HatProfile object.
(name, r, t)This method creates a HexagonalProfile object.
(name, l, h, b1, b2, t1, t2, t3)This method creates an IProfile object.
(name, a, b, t1, t2)This method creates a LProfile object.
(name, r, t)This method creates a PipeProfile object.
(name, a, b)This method creates a RectangularProfile object.
(name, b, h, l, tf, tw)This method creates a TProfile object.
(name, a, b, c, d)This method creates a TrapezoidalProfile object.
Inherited from
(name[, analysisTitle, description, ...])This method creates a new Odb object.
()This method closes an output database.
(frameValue[, match])This method returns the frame at the specified time, frequency, or mode.
()This method saves output to an output database (.odb ) file.
()This method is used to update an Odb object in memory while an Abaqus analysis writes data to the associated output database.
Member Details:
- Part(name, embeddedSpace, type)[source]¶
This method creates an OdbPart object. Nodes and elements are added to this object at a later stage.
This function can be accessed by:
Check Part on help.3ds.com/2025.
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the part name.
- embeddedSpace¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the dimensionality of the Part object. Possible values are THREE_D, TWO_D_PLANAR, and AXISYMMETRIC.
- type¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of the Part object. Possible values are DEFORMABLE_BODY and ANALYTIC_RIGID_SURFACE.
- Returns:¶
An OdbPart object.
- Return type:¶
- SectionCategory(name, description)[source]¶
This method creates a SectionCategory object.
This function can be accessed by:
- Step(
- name,
- description,
- domain,
- timePeriod=
, - previousStepName=
, - procedure=
, - totalTime=
, This method creates an OdbStep object.
This function can be accessed by:
Check Step on help.3ds.com/2025.
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key.
- description¶
A String specifying the step description.
- domain¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the domain of the step. Possible values are TIME, FREQUENCY, ARC_LENGTH, and MODAL.The type of OdbFrame object that can be created for this step is based on the value of the domain argument.
- timePeriod=
¶ A Float specifying the time period of the step. timePeriod is required if domain = TIME; otherwise, this argument is not applicable. The default value is 0.0.
- previousStepName=
¶ A String specifying the preceding step. If previousStepName is the empty string, the last step in the repository is used. If previousStepName is not the last step, this will result in a change to the previousStepName member of the step that was in that position. A special value ‘Initial’ refers to the internal initial model step and may be used exclusively for inserting a new step at the first position before any other existing steps. The default value is an empty string.
- procedure=
¶ A String specifying the step procedure. The default value is an empty string. The following is the list of valid procedures:
- totalTime=
¶ A Float specifying the analysis time spend in all the steps previous to this step. The default value is −1.0.
- Returns:¶
An OdbStep object.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
ValueError – previousStepName is invalid, If previousStepName is invalid.
Other Classes¶
- class AnalyticSurface[source]¶
The AnalyticSurface object is a geometric surface that can be described with straight and/or curved line segments.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].analyticSurface session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].analyticSurface session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.analyticSurface
Member Details:
filletRadius : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying radius of curvature to smooth discontinuities between adjoining segments. The default value is 0.0.
localCoordData : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`], :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the global coordinates of points representing the local coordinate system, if used.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the name of the analytic surface.
segments : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment.OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment.OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment object>
[source]¶ An OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment object specifying the profile associated with the surface.
filletRadius : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
- class OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment[source]¶
A sequence of AnalyticSurfaceSegment describing an analytic surface profile.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].analyticSurface.segments session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].analyticSurface.segments session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.analyticSurface.segments
Member Details:
- Circle(center, endPoint)[source]¶
This method adds a AnalyticSurfaceSegment describing a circular segment of the surface profile.
Check Circle on help.3ds.com/2025.
- Line(endPoint)[source]¶
This method adds a AnalyticSurfaceSegment describing the line segment of the surface profile.
Check Line on help.3ds.com/2025.
- Parabola(middlePoint, endPoint)[source]¶
This method adds a AnalyticSurfaceSegment describing a parabolic segment of the surface profile.
- class AnalyticSurfaceSegment(type, data)[source]¶
An individual segment of the analytic surface.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].analyticSurface.segments[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].analyticSurface.segments[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.analyticSurface.segments[i]
Member Details:
data : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`], :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the coordinates of point/s representing the segment of the AnalyticSurface object. If type = CIRCLE, the first row contains coordinates of the end point and the second row contains coordinates of the center point. If type = PARABOLA, the first row contains coordinates of the middle point and the second row contains coordinates of the end point. If type = START or type = LINE, a single row contains coordinates of the start/end point.
data : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`], :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
- class BeamOrientation[source]¶
The BeamOrientation object represents the direction of the first beam section axis n1n1. Specifying the beam orientation using an additional node in the element connectivity list is not supported.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].beamOrientations[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].beamOrientations[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.beamOrientations[i]
Member Details:
- method : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the orientation assignment method. Possible values are N1_COSINES, CSYS, and VECT.
- class OdbSet(name, nodes)[source]¶
The set objects are used to identify regions of a model.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].elementSets[name] session.odbs[name].parts[name].nodeSets[name] session.odbs[name].parts[name].surfaces[name] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.elementSets[name] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].elementSets[name] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].nodeSets[name] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].surfaces[name] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.nodeSets[name] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.surfaces[name] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.elementSets[name] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.nodeSets[name] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.surfaces[name]
Check OdbSet on help.3ds.com/2025.
Member Details:
- ElementSet(name, elements)[source]¶
This method creates an element set from an array of OdbMeshElement objects (for part instance-level sets) or from a sequence of arrays of OdbMeshElement objects (for assembly-level sets).
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
- ElementSetFromElementLabels(name, elementLabels)[source]¶
This method creates an element set from a sequence of element labels.
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the name of the set and the repository key.
- elementLabels¶
A sequence of element labels. An element label is a sequence of Int element identifiers. For example, for a part:elementLabels=(2,3,5,7)`For an assembly:`elementLabels=((‘Instance-1’, (2,3,5,7)), (‘Instance-2’, (1,2,3)))
- Returns:¶
An OdbSet object.
- Return type:¶
- MeshSurface(name, meshSurfaces)[source]¶
This method creates a surface from the element and side identifiers for the assembly.
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the name of the set and the repository key.
- meshSurfaces¶
A sequence of sequences. Each sequence consists of an element sequence and a side identifier. The possible side identifiers depend on the type of element, as described in the following table:
Sequence of elements | Side identifiers |——————————– | —————————————- |Solid elements | FACE1, FACE2, FACE3, FACE4, FACE5, FACE6 |Three-dimensional shell elements | SIDE1, SIDE2 |Two-dimensional elements | FACE1, FACE2, FACE3, FACE4 |Wire elements | END, END2 |For example:
side1Elements=instance1.elements[217:218] side2Elements=instance2.elements[100:105] assembly.MeshSurface( name='Surf-1', meshSurfaces=((side1Elems,SIDE1), (side2Elems,SIDE2)) )
- Returns:¶
An OdbSet object.
- Return type:¶
- MeshSurfaceFromElsets(name, elementSetSeq)[source]¶
This method creates a mesh surface from a sequence of element sets.
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
- MeshSurfaceFromLabels(name, surfaceLabels)[source]¶
This method creates a mesh surface from a sequence of surface labels.
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the name of the set and the repository key.
- surfaceLabels¶
A sequence of surface labels. For example:
surfaceLabels=(('Instance-1', ((10, FACE1), (11, FACE2))), ('Instance-2', ((10, FACE3), (12, FACE4))))
is an element number andFACE1
indicates the side of the element.
- Returns:¶
An OdbSet object.
- Return type:¶
- NodeSetFromNodeLabels(name, nodeLabels)[source]¶
This method creates a node set from a sequence of node labels.
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
elements : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshElement.OdbMeshElement`] =
[source]¶ An OdbMeshElementArray object specifying the elements of an OdbSet. If a set spans more than one part instance, this member is a sequence of sequences for each part instance.
- faces : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A tuple of SymbolicConstants specifying the element face. If a set spans more than one part instance, this member is a sequence of sequences for each part instance.
instanceNames : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Strings specifying the namespaces for the nodes, elements, and faces; None if the set is on a Part or an OdbInstance object.
instances : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A repository of an OdbInstance object.
Added in version 2020: The
attribute was added.
isInternal : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[source]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the set is internal.
Added in version 2020: The
attribute was added.
- class FieldBulkData[source]¶
The FieldBulkData object represents the entire field data for a class of elements or nodes. All elements in a class correspond to the same element type and material.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].bulkDataBlocks[i]
Member Details:
componentLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A sequence of Strings specifying the component labels.
conjugateData : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type = TENSOR or VECTOR, conjugateData is a sequence containing the imaginary part of the components for each element or node in the block. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
data : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type = TENSOR or VECTOR, data is a sequence containing the components for each element or node in the block. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
elementLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`int`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A sequence of Ints specifying the element labels of the elements in the block. elementLabels is valid only if position = INTEGRATION_POINT, CENTROID, ELEMENT_NODAL, or ELEMENT_FACE.
instance : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbInstance.OdbInstance` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbInstance.OdbInstance object>
[source]¶ An OdbInstance object specifying the part to which the labels belong.
integrationPoints : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`int`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A sequence of Ints specifying the integration points in the elements in the block. integrationPoints is available only if position = INTEGRATION_POINT.
localCoordSystem : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A pointer to an array of Floats specifying the quaternion representing the local coordinate system (the rotation from global to local) at each output location. The quaternion is returned in the form q=(q,q0), which is the reverse of that shown in [Rotation variables](https://help.3ds.com/2022/english/DSSIMULIA_Established/SIMACAETHERefMap/simathe-c-rotationvars.htm?ContextScope=all). localCoordSystem is available for TENSOR data written in a local coordinate system. It is also available for VECTOR data for connector element outputs. For connector element outputs the quaternion form is q=(q0,q)q=(q0,q), which represents the rotation from local to global. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
mises : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A sequence of Floats specifying the calculated von Mises stress at each output location in the block of element data, or NULL. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MISES; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
nodeLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`int`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A sequence of Ints specifying the node labels of the nodes in the block. nodelabels is valid only if position = ELEMENT_NODAL or NODAL.
- position : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the position of the output in the element. Possible values are:
NODAL, specifying the values calculated at the nodes.
INTEGRATION_POINT, specifying the values calculated at the integration points.
ELEMENT_NODAL, specifying the values obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
CENTROID, specifying the value at the centroid obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
componentLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
class OdbInstance(name, object, localCoordSystem=
)[source]¶ Bases:
Member Details:
- NodeSet(name, nodes)[source]¶
This method creates a node set from an array of OdbMeshNode objects (for part instance-level sets) or from a sequence of arrays of OdbMeshNode objects (for assembly-level sets).
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
Check NodeSet on help.3ds.com/2025.
- class OdbPart(name, embeddedSpace, type)[source]¶
Member Details:
- NodeSet(name, nodes)[source]¶
This method creates a node set from an array of OdbMeshNode objects (for part instance-level sets) or from a sequence of arrays of OdbMeshNode objects (for assembly-level sets).
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
Check NodeSet on help.3ds.com/2025.
- RigidBody(
- referenceNode,
- position=
, - isothermal=
, - elset=
, - pinNodes=
, - tieNodes=
, - analyticSurface=
, This method defines an OdbRigidBody on the part object.
- Parameters:¶
- referenceNode¶
An OdbSet specifying the reference node assigned to the rigid body.
- position=
¶ A symbolic constant specify if the location of the reference node is to be defined by the user. Possible values are INPUT and CENTER_OF_MASS. The default value is INPUT.
- isothermal=
¶ A Boolean specifying an isothermal rigid body. The default value is OFF. This parameter is used only for a fully-coupled thermal stress analysis.
- elset=
¶ An OdbSet specifying an element set assigned to the rigid body.
- pinNodes=
¶ An OdbSet specifying pin-type nodes assigned to the rigid body.
- tieNodes=
¶ An OdbSet specifying tie-type nodes assigned to the rigid body.
- analyticSurface=
¶ An AnalyticSurface specifying the Analytic Rigid Surface assigned to the rigid body.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Rigid body definition requires a node set, If referenceNode is not a node set.
- class SectionPoint(number, description)[source]¶
The SectionPoint object describes the location of a section point within a section category.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].parts[name].elementSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].parts[name].nodeSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].parts[name].surfaces[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.elementSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].elementSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].nodeSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].surfaces[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.nodeSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.surfaces[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].sectionCategories[name].sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].locations[i].sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.elementSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.nodeSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.surfaces[name].elements[i].sectionCategory.sectionPoints[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].sectionPoint
Member Details:
- class FieldLocation[source]¶
The FieldLocation object specifies locations for which data are available in the field. For example, a displacement field will have a FieldLocation object with a position member value of NODAL. The FieldLocation object has no constructor; it is created automatically as an element of the location member of a FieldOutput object by the addData method of a FieldOutput object.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].locations[i]
Member Details:
- position : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the position of the output in the element. Possible values are:NODAL, specifying the values calculated at the nodes.INTEGRATION_POINT, specifying the values calculated at the integration points.ELEMENT_NODAL, specifying the values obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.ELEMENT_FACE.CENTROID, specifying the value at the centroid obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
- class FieldOutput(
- name: str,
- description: str,
- type: SymbolicConstant,
- componentLabels: tuple =
, - validInvariants: SymbolicConstant | None =
, - isEngineeringTensor: AbaqusBoolean | bool =
, - class FieldOutput(
- field: FieldOutput,
- name: str =
, - description: str =
, Bases:
A FieldOutput object contains field data for a specific output variable.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name]
Member Details:
componentLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A sequence of Strings specifying the labels for each component of the value. The length of the sequence must match the type. If type = TENSOR, the default value is name with the suffixes (‘11’, ‘22’, ‘33’, ‘12’, ‘13’, ‘23’). If type = VECTOR, the default value is name with the suffixes (‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’). If type = SCALAR, the default value is an empty sequence.
- description : --is-rst--:py:class:`str`[source]¶
) should not be used as a part of the field output description.
- Type:¶
A String specifying the output variable. Colon (
dim : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the dimension of vector or the first dimension (number of rows) of matrix.
dim2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the second dimension (number of columns) of matrix.
)[source]¶ This method generates a new vector field containing the transformed component values of the parent connector field to the node A coordinate system. The new field will hold values for the same connector elements as the parent field. Some connection types such as Axial, Link, Slip Ring, and Radial Thrust require that the deformationField be specified.
- Parameters:¶
- deformationField=
¶ A FieldOutput object specifying the nodal displacement vectors required by moving coordinate systems to determine instantaneous configurations.
- deformationField=
- Returns:¶
A FieldOutput object.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
odbException – The getConnectorFieldXformedToNodeA method throws an exception if the field requires a deformationField and the argument is not supplied.
- getSubset(
- position: SymbolicConstant,
- readOnly: AbaqusBoolean | bool =
, - getSubset(region: OdbSet)
- getSubset(localCoordSystem: Sequence[Sequence[float]])
- getSubset(sectionPoint: SectionPoint)
- getSubset(location: FieldLocation)
- getSubset(region: OdbMeshElement)
- getSubset(region: OdbMeshNode)
- getSubset(region: FieldOutput)
- getSubset(elementType: str)
- getSubset(*args, **kwargs)
- getTransformedField(
- datumCsys: str,
- projected22Axis: int | None =
, - projectionTol: str =
, - getTransformedField(
- datumCsys: str,
- deformationField: FieldOutput | None =
, - projected22Axis: int | None =
, - getTransformedField(
- datumCsys: str,
- deformationField: FieldOutput | None =
, - rotationField: FieldOutput | None =
, - getTransformedField(*args, **kwargs)
isComplex : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[source]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the data are complex.
isEngineeringTensor : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[source]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the field is an engineering tensor or not. Setting isEngineeringTensor to true makes a tensor field behave as a strain like quantity where the off-diagonal components of tensor are halved for invariants computation. This parameter applies only to tensor field outputs. The default value is OFF.
locations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.FieldLocation.FieldLocation`] =
[source]¶ A FieldLocationArray object.
- setComponentLabels(componentLabels)[source]¶
This method sets the component labels for the FieldOutput object.
- Parameters:¶
- componentLabels¶
A sequence of Strings specifying the labels for each component of the value. The length of the sequence must match the type. If type = TENSOR, the default value is name with the suffixes (‘11’, ‘22’, ‘33’, ‘12’, ‘13’, ‘23’). If type = VECTOR, the default value is name with the suffixes (‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’). If type = SCALAR, the default value is an empty sequence.
- setValidInvariants(validInvariants)[source]¶
This method sets the invariants valid for the FieldOutput object.
- Parameters:¶
- validInvariants¶
A sequence of SymbolicConstants specifying which invariants should be calculated for this field. An empty sequence indicates that no invariants are valid for this field. Possible values are:
The default value is an empty sequence.
- type : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the output type. Possible values are SCALAR, VECTOR, TENSOR_3D_FULL, TENSOR_3D_PLANAR, TENSOR_3D_SURFACE, TENSOR_2D_PLANAR, and TENSOR_2D_SURFACE.
- validInvariants : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A sequence of SymbolicConstants specifying which invariants should be calculated for this field. An empty sequence indicates that no invariants are valid for this field. Possible values are:MAGNITUDEMISESTRESCAPRESSINV3MAX_PRINCIPALMID_PRINCIPALMIN_PRINCIPALMAX_INPLANE_PRINCIPALMIN_INPLANE_PRINCIPALOUTOFPLANE_PRINCIPALThe default value is an empty sequence.
values : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\ \[:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.FieldValue.FieldValue`]] =
[source]¶ A FieldValueArray object specifying the order of the objects in the array is determined by the Abaqus Scripting Interface; see the data argument to the addData method for a description of the order.
componentLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
- class OdbMeshElement[source]¶
OdbMeshElement objects are created with the part.addElements or rootAssembly.addElements methods.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].parts[name].elementSets[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].parts[name].nodeSets[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].parts[name].surfaces[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.elements[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.elementSets[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].elementSets[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].nodeSets[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].surfaces[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.nodeSets[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.surfaces[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.elements[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.elementSets[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.nodeSets[name].elements[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.surfaces[name].elements[i]
Member Details:
connectivity : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`int`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Ints specifying the element connectivity. For connector elements connected to ground, the other node is repeated in the connectivity data. The position of the ground node cannot be ascertained. This is a limitation. It is important to note the difference with MeshElement object of MDB where the connectivity is node indices instead of node labels.
getNormal(faceIndex, stepName=
, frameValue=''
, match=CLOSEST
)[source]¶ This method returns the normal direction for the element face.
Added in version 2017: The getNormal method was added.
- Parameters:¶
- faceIndex¶
The value of faceIndex is 0 for a shell element and can range from 0 to 5 for a solid element.
- stepName=
¶ Name of the step.
- frameValue=
¶ A Double specifying the value at which the frame is required. frameValue can be the total fime or frequency.
- match=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying which frame to return if there is no frame at the exact frame value. Possible values are CLOSEST, BEFORE, AFTER, and EXACT. The default value is CLOSEST.When match = CLOSEST, Abaqus returns the closest frame. If the frame value requested is exactly halfway between two frames, Abaqus returns the frame after the value.When match = EXACT, Abaqus raises an exception if the exact frame value does not exist.
- Returns:¶
A tuple of 3 floats representing the unit normal vector. If the element face is collapsed such that a normal cannot be computed, a zero-length vector is returned.
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Frame not found, If the exact frame is not found.
OdbError – Step is not present in the ODB, If the step name is not found.
OdbError – If frameValue is not provided and stepName is empty.
instanceNames : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Strings specifying the instance names for nodes in the element connectivity.
label : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the element label.
connectivity : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`int`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
- class OdbMeshNode[source]¶
OdbMeshNode objects are created with the part.addNodes method.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].parts[name].nodeSets[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].parts[name].surfaces[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].nodeSets[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].surfaces[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.nodes[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.nodeSets[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.surfaces[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.nodes[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.nodeSets[name].nodes[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.surfaces[name].nodes[i]
Member Details:
- class FieldValue[source]¶
The FieldValue object represents the field data at a point. The FieldValue object has no constructor; it is created by the Odb object when data are added to the FieldOutput object using the addData method. For faster, bulk-data access, see Using bulk data access to an output database.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i]
Member Details:
conjugateData : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type = TENSOR or VECTOR, conjugateData is a sequence containing the components. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
conjugateDataDouble : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type = TENSOR or VECTOR, conjugateData is a sequence containing the components. If the underlying data are in single precision, an exception will be thrown.
data : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type = TENSOR or VECTOR, data is a sequence containing the components. If the underlying data are in double precision an exception will be thrown.
dataDouble : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying data in the form described by type. If type = TENSOR or VECTOR, data is a sequence containing the components. If the underlying data are in single precision, an exception will be thrown.
elementLabel : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the element label of the element containing the location. elementLabel is available only if position = INTEGRATION_POINT, CENTROID, ELEMENT_NODAL, or ELEMENT_FACE.
- face : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the face of the element. face is available only if position = ELEMENT_FACE.
instance : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbInstance.OdbInstance` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbInstance.OdbInstance object>
[source]¶ An OdbInstance object specifying the part to which the labels belong.
integrationPoint : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the integration point in the element. integrationPoint is available only if position = INTEGRATION_POINT.
inv3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the calculated third stress invariant. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes INV3; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
localCoordSystem : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`], :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the 3 x 3 matrix of Floats specifying the direction cosines of the local coordinate system (the rotation from global to local). Each sequence represents a row in the direction cosine matrix. localCoordSystem is available for TENSOR data written in a local coordinate system. It is also available for VECTOR data for connector element outputs. For connector element outputs the rotation is from local to global. If the underlying data are in double precision, an exception will be thrown.
localCoordSystemDouble : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`], :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of tuples of Floats specifying the 3 x 3 matrix of Doubles specifying the direction cosines of the local coordinate system (the rotation from global to local). Each sequence represents a row in the direction cosine matrix. localCoordSystemDouble is available for TENSOR data written in a local coordinate system. It is also available for VECTOR data for connector element outputs. For connector element outputs the rotation is from local to global. If the underlying data are in single precision, an exception will be thrown.
magnitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the length or magnitude of the vector. magnitude is valid only when type = VECTOR.
maxInPlanePrincipal : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the maximum principal in-plane stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MAX_INPLANE_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
maxPrincipal : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the calculated maximum principal stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MAX_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
midPrincipal : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the calculated intermediate principal stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MID_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
minInPlanePrincipal : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the calculated minimum principal in-plane stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MIN_INPLANE_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
minPrincipal : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the minimum principal stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MIN_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
mises : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the calculated von Mises stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes MISES; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
nodeLabel : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the node label of the node containing the location. nodelabel is available only if position = ELEMENT_NODAL or NODAL.
outOfPlanePrincipal : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the calculated principal out-of-plane stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes OUTOFPLANE_PRINCIPAL; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
- position : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the position of the output in the element. Possible values are:
NODAL, specifying the values calculated at the nodes.
INTEGRATION_POINT, specifying the values calculated at the integration points.
ELEMENT_NODAL, specifying the values obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
ELEMENT_FACE, specifying the results obtained for surface variables such as cavity radiation that are defined for the surface facets of an element.
CENTROID, specifying the value at the centroid obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
- precision : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the precision of the output in the element. Possible values are:
SINGLE_PRECISION, specifying that the output values are in single precision.
DOUBLE_PRECISION, specifying that the output values are in double precision.
press : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the calculated pressure stress. The value is valid only when the validInvariants member includes PRESS; otherwise, the value is indeterminate. Conjugate data will be ignored in invariant calculation.
sectionPoint : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.SectionPoint.SectionPoint` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A SectionPoint object.
conjugateData : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
class HistoryOutput(name, description, type, validInvariants=
)[source]¶ Bases:
The HistoryOutput object contains the history output at a point for the specified variable.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].historyRegions[name].historyOutputs[name]
Member Details:
- addData(frame: str, value: str)[source]¶
- addData(frame: tuple, value: tuple)
- addData(data: tuple)
- addData(*args, **kwargs)
conjugateData : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A tuple of pairs of Floats specifying the imaginary portion of a specified complex variable at each frame value (time, frequency, or mode). The pairs have the form (frameValue, value).
data : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A tuple of pairs of Floats specifying the pairs (frameValue, value) where frameValue is either time, frequency, or mode and value is the value of the specified variable at frameValue. (This value depends on the type of the variable.)
- type : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the output type. Only SCALAR is currently supported.
- validInvariants : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A sequence of SymbolicConstants specifying which invariants should be calculated for this field. Possible values are MAGNITUDE, MISES, TRESCA, PRESS, INV3, MAX_PRINCIPAL, MID_PRINCIPAL, and MIN_PRINCIPAL. The default value is an empty sequence.
- class HistoryPoint(node: OdbMeshNode)[source]¶
- class HistoryPoint(
- element: OdbMeshElement,
- ipNumber: int =
, - sectionPoint: SectionPoint | None =
, - face: SymbolicConstant =
, - node: OdbMeshNode | None =
, - class HistoryPoint(region: OdbSet)
- class HistoryPoint(assembly: OdbAssembly)
- class HistoryPoint(instance: OdbInstance)
The HistoryPoint object specifies the point at which history data will be collected. The HistoryPoint object is a temporary object used as an argument to the HistoryRegion method.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].historyRegions[name].point
Member Details:
assembly : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbAssembly.OdbAssembly` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbAssembly.OdbAssembly object>
[source]¶ An OdbAssembly object specifying the assembly for which the data are to be collected.
element : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshElement.OdbMeshElement` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshElement.OdbMeshElement object>
[source]¶ An OdbMeshElement object specifying the element for which the data are to be collected.
face : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[source]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the element face. This argument is used to define a history output position of ELEMENT_FACE or ELEMENT_FACE_INTEGRATION_POINT. Possible values are:
FACE_UNKOWN, specifying this value indicates that no value has been specified.
FACE1, specifying this value indicates that element face 1 has been specified.
FACE2, specifying this value indicates that element face 2 has been specified.
FACE3, specifying this value indicates that element face 3 has been specified.
FACE4, specifying this value indicates that element face 4 has been specified.
FACE5, specifying this value indicates that element face 5 has been specified.
FACE6, specifying this value indicates that element face 6 has been specified.
SIDE1, specifying this value indicates that element side 1 has been specified.
SIDE2, specifying this value indicates element side 2 has been specified.
END1, specifying this value indicates that element end 1 has been specified.
END2, specifying this value indicates that element end 2 has been specified.
END3, specifying this value indicates that element end 3 has been specified.
The default value is FACE_UNKNOWN.
instance : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbInstance.OdbInstance` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbInstance.OdbInstance object>
[source]¶ An OdbInstance object specifying the instance for which the data are to be collected.
ipNumber : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the integration point. This argument is used to define a history output position of INTEGRATION_POINT or ELEMENT_FACE_INTEGRATION_POINT. The default value is 0.
- node : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshNode.OdbMeshNode`[source]¶
An OdbMeshNode object specifying the node for which the data are to be collected.
- position : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the result position of the history point. Possible values are:
NODAL, specifying the values calculated at the nodes.
ELEMENT_NODAL, specifying the values obtained by extrapolating results calculated at the integration points.
INTEGRATION_POINT, specifying the values calculated at the integration points.
ELEMENT_FACE, specifying the results obtained for surface variables such as cavity radiation that are defined for the surface facets of an element.
ELEMENT_FACE_INTEGRATION_POINT, specifying the results obtained for surface variables such as cavity radiation that are defined for the surface facets of an element when the surface facets have integration points.
WHOLE_ELEMENT, specifying the results obtained for whole element variables.
WHOLE_REGION, specifying the results for an entire region of the model.
WHOLE_PART_INSTANCE, specifying the results for an entire part instance of the model.
WHOLE_MODEL, specifying the results for the entire model.
assembly : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbAssembly.OdbAssembly` =
- class OdbAssembly[source]¶
Member Details:
- DatumCsys(name, datumCsys)[source]¶
This method copies oneOdbDatumCsys object to a new OdbDatumCsys object.
This function can be accessed by:
- DatumCsysBy6dofNode(name, coordSysType, origin)[source]¶
A datum coordinate system created with this method results in a system that follows the position of a node. The node location defines the origin of the datum coordinate system. The rotational displacement (UR1, UR2, UR3) of the node defines the orientation of the coordinate system axes. Results, such as those for displacement, are resolved into the orientation of the datum coordinate system without regard to the position of its origin. The last argument is given in the form of an OdbMeshNode object.
This function can be accessed by:
- DatumCsysByThreeCircNodes(name, coordSysType, node1Arc, node2Arc, node3Arc)[source]¶
This method is convenient to use where there are no nodes along the axis of a hollow cylinder or at the center of a hollow sphere. The three nodes that you provide as arguments determine a circle in space. The center of the circle is the origin of the datum coordinate system. The normal to the circle is parallel to the zz-axis of a cylindrical coordinate system or to the ϕϕ-axis of a spherical coordinate system. The line from the origin to the first node defines the rr-axis.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key.
- coordSysType¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of coordinate system. Possible values are CARTESIAN, CYLINDRICAL, and SPHERICAL.
- node1Arc¶
An OdbMeshNode object that lies on the circular arc.
- node2Arc¶
An OdbMeshNode object that lies on the circular arc.
- node3Arc¶
An OdbMeshNode object that lies on the circular arc.
- Returns:¶
An OdbDatumCsys object.
- Return type:¶
- DatumCsysByThreeNodes(name, coordSysType, origin, point1, point2)[source]¶
This method creates an OdbDatumCsys object using the coordinates of three OdbMeshNode objects. A datum coordinate system created with this method results in a system that follows the position of the three nodes. Results, such as those for displacement, are resolved into the orientation of the datum coordinate system without regard to the position of its origin. The last three arguments are given in the form of an OdbMeshNode object.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key.
- coordSysType¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of coordinate system. Possible values are CARTESIAN, CYLINDRICAL, and SPHERICAL.
- origin¶
An OdbMeshNode object specifying a node at the origin of the datum coordinate system.
- point1¶
An OdbMeshNode object specifying a node on the local 1- or rr-axis.
- point2¶
An OdbMeshNode object specifying a node in the 1-2 or rr-θθ plane.
- Returns:¶
An OdbDatumCsys object.
- Return type:¶
- DatumCsysByThreePoints(name, coordSysType, origin, point1, point2)[source]¶
This method creates an OdbDatumCsys object using three points. A datum coordinate system created with this method results in a fixed system.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key.
- coordSysType¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of coordinate system. Possible values are CARTESIAN, CYLINDRICAL, and SPHERICAL.
- origin¶
A sequence of Floats specifying the coordinates of the origin of the datum coordinate system.
- point1¶
A sequence of Floats specifying the coordinates of a point on the local 1- or rr-axis.
- point2¶
A sequence of Floats specifying the coordinates of a point in the 1-2 or rr-θθ plane.
- Returns:¶
An OdbDatumCsys object.
- Return type:¶
Instance(name, object, localCoordSystem=
)[source]¶ This method creates an OdbInstance object from an OdbPart object.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the instance name.
- object¶
An OdbPart object.
- localCoordSystem=
¶ A sequence of sequences of three Floats specifying the rotation and translation of the part instance in the global Cartesian coordinate system. The first three sequences specify the new local coordinate system with its center at the origin.The first sequence specifies a point on the 1-axis.The second sequence specifies a point on the 2-axis.The third sequence specifies a point on the 3-axis.The fourth sequence specifies the translation of the local coordinate system from the origin to its intended location.For example, the following sequence moves a part 10 units in the X direction with no rotation:localCoordSystem = ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (10, 0, 0))`The following sequence moves a part 5 units in the **X** direction with rotation: `localCoordSystem = ((0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (5, 0, 0))`transforms a part containing the two points`Pt1= (1,0,0) Pt2= (2,0,0) to Pt1 = (0, 6, 0) Pt2 = (0, 7, 0)
- Returns:¶
An OdbInstance object.
- Return type:¶
- NodeSet(name, nodes)[source]¶
This method creates a node set from an array of OdbMeshNode objects (for part instance-level sets) or from a sequence of arrays of OdbMeshNode objects (for assembly-level sets).
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].parts[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].NodeSet session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.NodeSet
Check NodeSet on help.3ds.com/2025.
- RigidBody(
- referenceNode,
- position=INPUT,
- isothermal=1,
- elements=<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>,
- tieNodes=<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>,
- pinNodes=<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>,
- analyticSurface=None,
This method creates a OdbRigidBody object.
This function can be accessed by:
session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].RigidBody session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.RigidBody
- Parameters:¶
- referenceNode¶
An OdbSet object specifying the reference node set associated with the rigid body.
- position :
], default:INPUT
A SymbolicConstant specifying the specific location of the OdbRigidBody reference node relative to the rest of the rigid body. Possible values are INPUT and CENTER_OF_MASS. The default value is INPUT.
- isothermal :
], default:1
A Boolean specifying specify whether the OdbRigidBody can have temperature gradients or be isothermal. This is used only for fully coupled thermal-stress analysis The default value is ON.
- elements :
, default:<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object at 0x7f6409cbec10>
An OdbSet object specifying the element set whose motion is governed by the motion of rigid body reference node.
- tieNodes :
, default:<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object at 0x7f640976f110>
An OdbSet object specifying the node set which have both translational and rotational degrees of freedom associated with the rigid body.
- pinNodes :
, default:<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object at 0x7f640976f090>
An OdbSet object specifying the node set which have only translational degrees of freedom associated with the rigid body.
- analyticSurface :
, default:None
An AnalyticSurface object specifying the analytic surface whose motion is governed by the motion of rigid body reference node.
- Returns:¶
An OdbRigidBody object.
- Return type:¶
class HistoryRegion(name, description, point, loadCase=
)[source]¶ Bases:
The HistoryRegion object contains history data for a single location in the model.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].historyRegions[name]
Member Details:
HistoryOutput(name, description, type, validInvariants=
)[source]¶ This method creates a HistoryOutput object.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the output variable name.
- description¶
A String specifying the output variable.
- type¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the output type. Only SCALAR is currently supported.
- validInvariants=
¶ A sequence of SymbolicConstants specifying which invariants should be calculated for this field. Possible values are MAGNITUDE, MISES, TRESCA, PRESS, INV3, MAX_PRINCIPAL, MID_PRINCIPAL, and MIN_PRINCIPAL. The default value is an empty sequence.
- Returns:¶
A HistoryOutput object.
- Return type:¶
- description : --is-rst--:py:class:`str`[source]¶
A String specifying the description of the HistoryRegion object.
- getSubset(variableName: str)[source]¶
- getSubset(start: float)
- getSubset(start: float, end: float)
- getSubset(*args, **kwargs)
historyOutputs : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.HistoryOutput.HistoryOutput`] =
[source]¶ A repository of HistoryOutput objects.
loadCase : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ None or an OdbLoadCase object specifying the load case associated with the HistoryRegion object. The default value is None.
HistoryOutput(name, description, type, validInvariants=
- class JobData[source]¶
The JobData object describes the context in which the analysis was run.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].jobData
Check JobData on help.3ds.com/2025.
Member Details:
- analysisCode : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the analysis code. Possible values are ABAQUS_STANDARD, ABAQUS_EXPLICIT, and UNKNOWN_ANALYSIS_CODE.
creationTime : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the date and time at which the analysis was run.
machineName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the name of the machine on which the analysis was run.
modificationTime : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the date and time at which the database was last modified.
- precision : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the precision. Only SINGLE_PRECISION is currently supported. Possible values are DOUBLE_PRECISION and SINGLE_PRECISION.
- class OdbStep(
- name,
- description,
- domain,
- timePeriod=
, - previousStepName=
, - procedure=
, - totalTime=
, Bases:
Member Details:
Frame(incrementNumber: int, frameValue: float, description: str =
)[source]¶ -
Frame(mode: int, frequency: float, description: str =
) - Frame(
- loadCase: OdbLoadCase,
- description: str =
, - frequency: float =
, - Frame(*args, **kwargs)
HistoryRegion(name, description, point, loadCase=
)[source]¶ This method creates a HistoryRegion object.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the name of the HistoryRegion object.
- description¶
A String specifying the description of the HistoryRegion object.
- point¶
A HistoryPoint object specifying the point to which the history data refer.
- loadCase=
¶ None or an OdbLoadCase object specifying the load case associated with the HistoryRegion object. The default value is None.
- Returns:¶
A HistoryRegion object.
- Return type:¶
Frame(incrementNumber: int, frameValue: float, description: str =
- class SectionCategory(name, description)[source]¶
The SectionCategory object is used to group regions of the model with like sections. Section definitions that contain the same number of section points or integration points are grouped together. To access data for a particular section definition, use the individual Section objects in the output database. For more information, see Beam Section profile commands and Section commands.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].parts[name].elementSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].parts[name].nodeSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].parts[name].surfaces[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.elementSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].elementSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].nodeSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].surfaces[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.nodeSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.surfaces[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].sectionCategories[name] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.elementSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.nodeSets[name].elements[i].sectionCategory session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.surfaces[name].elements[i].sectionCategory
Member Details:
- class OdbAssemblyBase[source]¶
The OdbAssembly object has no constructor; it is created automatically when an Odb object is created. Abaqus creates the rootAssembly member when an Odb object is created.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].rootAssembly
Member Details:
- ConnectorOrientation(
- region,
- localCsys1=
, - axis1=
, - angle1=
, - orient2sameAs1=
, - localCsys2=
, - axis2=
, - angle2=
, This method assigns a connector orientation to a connector region.
- Parameters:¶
- region¶
An OdbSet specifying a region.
- localCsys1=
¶ An OdbDatumCsys object specifying the first connector node local coordinate system or None, indicating the global coordinate system.
- axis1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a cylindrical or spherical datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation of the first connector node is applied. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.
- angle1=
¶ A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation about the first connector node axis. The default value is 0.0.
- orient2sameAs1=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the same orientation settings should be used for the second node of the connector. The default value is OFF.
- localCsys2=
¶ An OdbDatumCsys object specifying the second connector node local coordinate system or None, indicating the global coordinate system.
- axis2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a cylindrical or spherical datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation of the second connector node is applied. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.
- angle2=
¶ A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation about the second connector node axis. The default value is 0.0.
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Connector orientation assignment requires element set, If region is not an element set.
- RigidBody(
- referenceNode,
- position=
, - isothermal=
, - elset=
, - pinNodes=
, - tieNodes=
, - analyticSurface=
, This method defines an OdbRigidBody on the assembly.
- Parameters:¶
- referenceNode¶
An OdbSet specifying the reference node assigned to the rigid body.
- position=
¶ A symbolic constant specify if the location of the reference node is to be defined by the user. Possible values are INPUT and CENTER_OF_MASS. The default value is INPUT.
- isothermal=
¶ A Boolean specifying an isothermal rigid body. The default value is OFF. This parameter is used only for a fully coupled thermal stress analysis.
- elset=
¶ An OdbSet specifying an element set assigned to the rigid body.
- pinNodes=
¶ An OdbSet specifying pin-type nodes assigned to the rigid body.
- tieNodes=
¶ An OdbSet specifying tie-type nodes assigned to the rigid body.
- analyticSurface=
¶ An AnalyticSurface specifying the Analytic Rigid Surface assigned to the rigid body.
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Rigid body definition requires a node set, If referenceNode is not a node set
- SectionAssignment(region, section)[source]¶
This method is used to assign a section on an assembly or part. Section assignment on the assembly is limited to the connector elements only.
- addElements(
- labels,
- connectivity,
- instanceNames,
- type,
- elementSetName=
, - sectionCategory=
, This method is used to define elements using nodes defined at the OdbAssembly and/or OdbInstance level. For connector elements connected to ground, specify the lone node in the connectivity. The position of the ground node cannot be specified. This is a limitation. Warning:Adding elements not in ascending order of their labels may cause Abaqus/Viewer to plot contours incorrectly.
- Parameters:¶
- labels¶
A sequence of Ints specifying the element labels.
- connectivity¶
A sequence of sequences of Ints specifying the nodal connectivity.
- instanceNames¶
A sequence of Strings specifying the instanceNames of each node in the nodal connectivity array. If the node is defined at the assembly level, the instance name should be an empty string
- type¶
A String specifying the element type.
- elementSetName=
¶ A String specifying a name for this element set. The default value is the empty string.
- sectionCategory=
¶ A SectionCategory object for this element set.
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Addition of this element type is not permitted at the assembly level, Only certain element types are permitted at the assembly level. e.g., connector elements.
OdbError – Connectivity array must be provided for all element, If length of label array does not match connectivity data length.
addNodes(labels, coordinates, nodeSetName=
)[source]¶ This method adds nodes to the OdbAssembly object using node labels and coordinates. Warning:Adding nodes not in ascending order of their labels may cause Abaqus/Viewer to plot contours incorrectly.
connectorOrientations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Assembly.ConnectorOrientation.ConnectorOrientation`] =
[source]¶ A ConnectorOrientationArray object.
datumCsyses : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbDatumCsys.OdbDatumCsys`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbDatumCsys objects.
elementSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbSet objects specifying element sets.
elements : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshElement.OdbMeshElement`] =
[source]¶ An OdbMeshElementArray object.
instances : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbInstance.OdbInstance`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbInstance objects.
nodeSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbSet objects specifying node sets.
nodes : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshNode.OdbMeshNode`] =
[source]¶ An OdbMeshNodeArray object.
pretensionSections : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbPretensionSection.OdbPretensionSection`] =
[source]¶ An OdbPretensionSectionArray object.
rigidBodies : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbRigidBody.OdbRigidBody`] =
[source]¶ An OdbRigidBodyArray object.
- class OdbDatumCsys[source]¶
The OdbDatumCsys object contains a coordinate system that can be stored in an output database. You can create the datum coordinate system in the Visualization module during an Abaqus/CAE session and save the datum coordinate system to the output database before you exit Abaqus/CAE. Alternatively, the analysis code can write the datum coordinate system to the output database.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.datumCsyses[name]
Member Details:
- DatumCsys(name, datumCsys)[source]¶
This method copies oneOdbDatumCsys object to a new OdbDatumCsys object.
This function can be accessed by:
- DatumCsysBy6dofNode(name, coordSysType, origin)[source]¶
A datum coordinate system created with this method results in a system that follows the position of a node. The node location defines the origin of the datum coordinate system. The rotational displacement (UR1, UR2, UR3) of the node defines the orientation of the coordinate system axes. Results, such as those for displacement, are resolved into the orientation of the datum coordinate system without regard to the position of its origin. The last argument is given in the form of an OdbMeshNode object.
This function can be accessed by:
- DatumCsysByThreeCircNodes(name, coordSysType, node1Arc, node2Arc, node3Arc)[source]¶
This method is convenient to use where there are no nodes along the axis of a hollow cylinder or at the center of a hollow sphere. The three nodes that you provide as arguments determine a circle in space. The center of the circle is the origin of the datum coordinate system. The normal to the circle is parallel to the zz-axis of a cylindrical coordinate system or to the ϕϕ-axis of a spherical coordinate system. The line from the origin to the first node defines the rr-axis.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key.
- coordSysType¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of coordinate system. Possible values are CARTESIAN, CYLINDRICAL, and SPHERICAL.
- node1Arc¶
An OdbMeshNode object that lies on the circular arc.
- node2Arc¶
An OdbMeshNode object that lies on the circular arc.
- node3Arc¶
An OdbMeshNode object that lies on the circular arc.
- Returns:¶
An OdbDatumCsys object.
- Return type:¶
- DatumCsysByThreeNodes(name, coordSysType, origin, point1, point2)[source]¶
This method creates an OdbDatumCsys object using the coordinates of three OdbMeshNode objects. A datum coordinate system created with this method results in a system that follows the position of the three nodes. Results, such as those for displacement, are resolved into the orientation of the datum coordinate system without regard to the position of its origin. The last three arguments are given in the form of an OdbMeshNode object.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key.
- coordSysType¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of coordinate system. Possible values are CARTESIAN, CYLINDRICAL, and SPHERICAL.
- origin¶
An OdbMeshNode object specifying a node at the origin of the datum coordinate system.
- point1¶
An OdbMeshNode object specifying a node on the local 1- or rr-axis.
- point2¶
An OdbMeshNode object specifying a node in the 1-2 or rr-θθ plane.
- Returns:¶
An OdbDatumCsys object.
- Return type:¶
- DatumCsysByThreePoints(name, coordSysType, origin, point1, point2)[source]¶
This method creates an OdbDatumCsys object using three points. A datum coordinate system created with this method results in a fixed system.
This function can be accessed by:
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key.
- coordSysType¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of coordinate system. Possible values are CARTESIAN, CYLINDRICAL, and SPHERICAL.
- origin¶
A sequence of Floats specifying the coordinates of the origin of the datum coordinate system.
- point1¶
A sequence of Floats specifying the coordinates of a point on the local 1- or rr-axis.
- point2¶
A sequence of Floats specifying the coordinates of a point in the 1-2 or rr-θθ plane.
- Returns:¶
An OdbDatumCsys object.
- Return type:¶
- coordSysType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of coordinate system. Possible values are CARTESIAN, CYLINDRICAL, and SPHERICAL.
- globalToLocal(coordinates)[source]¶
This method transforms specified coordinates in the global coordinate system into this local coordinate system.
Added in version 2022: The
method was added.Note
- localToGlobal(coordinates)[source]¶
This method transforms specified coordinates in this local coordinate system into the global coordinate system.
Added in version 2022: The
method was added.Note
origin : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying the coordinates of the origin of the datum coordinate system.
xAxis : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying a point on the X axis.
- class OdbRigidBody(
- referenceNode,
- position=INPUT,
- isothermal=1,
- elements=<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>,
- tieNodes=<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>,
- pinNodes=<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>,
- analyticSurface=None,
The Rigid body object is used to bind a set of elements and/or a set of nodes and/or an analytical surface with a reference node.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].rigidBodies[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].rigidBodies[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.rigidBodies[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.rigidBodies[i]
Member Details:
analyticSurface : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.AnalyticSurface.AnalyticSurface` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An AnalyticSurface object specifying the analytic surface whose motion is governed by the motion of rigid body reference node.
elements : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>
[source]¶ An OdbSet object specifying the element set whose motion is governed by the motion of rigid body reference node.
isothermal : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[source]¶ A Boolean specifying specify whether the OdbRigidBody can have temperature gradients or be isothermal. This is used only for fully coupled thermal-stress analysis The default value is ON.
pinNodes : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>
[source]¶ An OdbSet object specifying the node set which have only translational degrees of freedom associated with the rigid body.
position : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[source]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the specific location of the OdbRigidBody reference node relative to the rest of the rigid body. Possible values are INPUT and CENTER_OF_MASS. The default value is INPUT.
analyticSurface : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.AnalyticSurface.AnalyticSurface` | :py:obj:`None` =
class OdbBase(name, analysisTitle=
, description=''
, path=''
)[source]¶ Bases:
The Odb object is the in-memory representation of an output database (ODB) file.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name]
Check OdbBase on help.3ds.com/2025.
Member Details:
amplitudes : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Amplitude.Amplitude.Amplitude`] =
[source]¶ A repository of Amplitude objects.
customData : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.CustomKernel.RepositorySupport.RepositorySupport` =
<abaqus.CustomKernel.RepositorySupport.RepositorySupport object>
[source]¶ A RepositorySupport object.
filters : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Filter.Filter.Filter`] =
[source]¶ A repository of Filter objects.
getFrame(frameValue, match=
)[source]¶ This method returns the frame at the specified time, frequency, or mode. It will not interpolate values between frames. The method is not applicable to an Odb object containing steps with different domains or to an Odb object containing a step with load case specific data.
- Parameters:¶
- frameValue¶
A Double specifying the value at which the frame is required. frameValue can be the total time or frequency.
- match=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying which frame to return if there is no frame at the exact frame value. Possible values are CLOSEST, BEFORE, AFTER, and EXACT. The default value is CLOSEST.When match = CLOSEST, Abaqus returns the closest frame. If the frame value requested is exactly halfway between two frames, Abaqus returns the frame after the value.When match = EXACT, Abaqus raises an exception if the exact frame value does not exist.
- Returns:¶
An OdbFrame object.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Frame not found, If the exact frame is not found.
isReadOnly : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[source]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the output database was opened with read-only access.
jobData : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.JobData.JobData` =
<abaqus.Odb.JobData.JobData object>
[source]¶ A JobData object.
materials : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Material.Material.Material`] =
[source]¶ A repository of Material objects.
parts : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbPart.OdbPart`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbPart objects.
profiles : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.BeamSectionProfile.Profile.Profile`] =
[source]¶ A repository of Profile objects.
rootAssembly : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbAssembly.OdbAssembly` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbAssembly.OdbAssembly object>
[source]¶ An OdbAssembly object.
- save()[source]¶
This method saves output to an output database (.odb ) file.
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Database save failed. The database was opened as read-only. Modification of data is not permitted.
sectionCategories : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.SectionCategory.SectionCategory`] =
[source]¶ A repository of SectionCategory objects.
sections : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Section.Section.Section`] =
[source]¶ A repository of Section objects.
sectorDefinition : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.SectorDefinition.SectorDefinition` =
<abaqus.Odb.SectorDefinition.SectorDefinition object>
[source]¶ A SectorDefinition object.
steps : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbStep.OdbStep`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbStep objects.
- update()[source]¶
This method is used to update an Odb object in memory while an Abaqus analysis writes data to the associated output database. update checks if additional steps have been written to the output database since it was opened or last updated. If additional steps have been written to the output database, update adds them to the Odb object.
amplitudes : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Amplitude.Amplitude.Amplitude`] =
- class SectorDefinition[source]¶
The SectorDefinition object describes the number of symmetry sectors and axis of symmetry for a cyclic symmetry model.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].sectorDefinition
Member Details:
- class UserData[source]¶
Member Details:
- AnalyticSurfaceProfile()[source]¶
This method creates a OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment object.
- isUpgradeRequiredForOdb(upgradeRequiredOdbPath)[source]¶
This method determines if an output database file needs to be upgraded to the current release. You can access this method using either of the following techniques:
From a script running outside Abaqus/CAE. For example:
import odbAccess needsUpgrade = odbAccess.isUpgradeRequiredForOdb( upgradeRequiredOdbPath='myOdb.odb')
From the Visualization module in Abaqus/CAE. For example:
import visualization needsUpgrade = session.isUpgradeRequiredForOdb(upgradeRequiredOdbPath='myOdb.odb')
- Parameters:¶
- upgradeRequiredOdbPath¶
An String specifying the path to an output database file to test. The test determines if the output database needs to be upgraded to the current release.
- Returns:¶
A Boolean indicating the result of the test. A value of True indicates that the output database needs to be upgraded to the current release.
- Return type:¶
- maxEnvelope()[source]¶
Retrieve the maximum value of an output variable over a number of fields.
- Returns:¶
A sequence of two fieldOutput objects. The first fieldOutput object contains the maximum value. The second fieldOutput object contains the index of the field containing the maximum value. The index follows the order in which fields are positioned in the list of fieldOutput objects provided as the argument to the function.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
OdbError –
TypeError – This function takes no keyword arguments.
- minEnvelope()[source]¶
Retrieve the minimum value of an output variable over a number of fields.
- Returns:¶
A sequence of two fieldOutput objects. The first fieldOutput object contains the minimum value. The second fieldOutput object contains the index of the field containing the minimum value. The index follows the order in which fields are positioned in the list of fieldOutput objects provided as the argument to the function.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
OdbError –
TypeError – This function takes no keyword arguments.
openOdb(path, readOnly=
, readInternalSets=0
)[source]¶ This method opens an existing output database (.odb) file and creates a new Odb object. You typically execute this method outside of Abaqus/CAE when, in most cases, only one output database is open at any time. For example:
import odbAccess shockLoadOdb = odbAccess.openOdb(path='myOdb.odb')
- Parameters:¶
- path¶
A String specifying the path to an existing output database (.odb) file.
- readOnly=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the file will permit only read access or both read and write access. The initial value is
, indicating that both read and write access will be permitted.- readInternalSets=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the file will permit access to sets specified as Internal on the database. The initial value is
, indicating that internal sets will not be read.
- Returns:¶
An Odb object.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
OdbError – If the output database was generated by a previous release of Abaqus and needs upgrading. Run abaqus upgrade -job <newFilename> -odb <oldFileName> to upgrade it.
OdbError –
opened. – If the output database was generated by a newer release of Abaqus, and the installation of Abaqus needs upgrading.
- upgradeOdb(existingOdbPath, upgradedOdbPath)[source]¶
This method upgrades an existing Odb object to the current release and writes the upgraded version of the Odb object to a file. In addition, Abaqus/CAE writes information about the status of the upgrade to a log (.log) file. You can access this method using either of the following techniques:
From a script running outside Abaqus/CAE. For example:
import odbAccess odbAccess.upgradeOdb(existingOdbPath='oldOdb', upgradedOdbPath='upgradedOdb')
From the session object in Abaqus/CAE. For example:
import visualization session.upgradeOdb(existingOdbPath='oldOdb', upgradedOdbPath='upgradedOdb')
class OdbFrame(incrementNumber: int, frameValue: float, description: str =
)[source]¶ -
class OdbFrame(mode: int, frequency: float, description: str =
) - class OdbFrame(
- loadCase: OdbLoadCase,
- description: str =
, - frequency: float =
, Bases:
The domain of the OdbFrame object is taken from the parent step.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i]
Member Details:
- FieldOutput(
- name: str,
- description: str,
- type: SymbolicConstant,
- FieldOutput(
- field: FieldOutput,
- name: str =
, - description: str =
, - FieldOutput(*args, **kwargs)
associatedFrame : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbFrame.OdbFrame`] =
[source]¶ An OdbFrame object specifying the real or imaginary portion of the data corresponding to this cyclic symmetry mode.
cyclicModeNumber : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the cyclic mode number associated with the data stored on this frame. Only frequency analyses of cyclic symmetry models possess cyclic mode numbers.
description : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the contents of the frame. The default value is an empty string.
- domain : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the domain of the step of which the frame is a member. Possible values are TIME, FREQUENCY, and MODAL.
fieldOutputs : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.FieldOutput.FieldOutput`] =
[source]¶ A repository of FieldOutput objects specifying the key to the fieldOutputs repository is a String representing an output variable.
- frameValue : --is-rst--:py:class:`float`[source]¶
A Float specifying the value in units determined by the domain member of the Step object. The equivalent in the time domain is stepTime; in the frequency domain the equivalent is frequency; and in the modal domain the equivalent is mode.
frequency : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the frequency. This member is valid only if domain = FREQUENCY or if the procedureType member of the Step object=FREQUENCY. The default value is 0.0.
- incrementNumber : --is-rst--:py:class:`int`[source]¶
An Int specifying the frame increment number within the step. The base frame has normally increment number 0, and the results run from 1. In case of multiple load cases, the same increment number is duplicated for each loadcase.
- class OdbLoadCase(name)[source]¶
The OdbLoadCase object describes a load case.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].loadCase session.odbs[name].steps[name].historyRegions[name].loadCase session.odbs[name].steps[name].loadCases[name]
Member Details:
class OdbInstanceBase(name, object, localCoordSystem=
)[source]¶ Bases:
A part instance is the usage of a part within an assembly.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance
Member Details:
AnalyticRigidSurf2DPlanar(name, profile, filletRadius=
)[source]¶ This method is used to define a two-dimensional AnalyticSurface object on the instance.
AnalyticRigidSurfExtrude(name, profile, filletRadius=
, localCoordData=()
)[source]¶ This method is used to define a three-dimensional cylindrical AnalyticSurface on the instance.
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
The name of the analytic surface.
- profile¶
A sequence of AnalyticSurfaceSegment objects or an OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment object.
- filletRadius=
¶ A Double specifying the radius of curvature to smooth discontinuities between adjoining segments. The default value is 0.0.
- localCoordData=
¶ A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the global coordinates of points used to define the local coordinate system.
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Analytic Rigid Surface of type CYLINDER can be defined only if the instance is of type THREE_D, If OdbPart associated with the part instance is not of type THREE_D.
AnalyticRigidSurfRevolve(name, profile, filletRadius=
, localCoordData=()
)[source]¶ This method is used to define a three-dimensional AnalyticSurface of revolution on the instance.
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
The name of the analytic surface.
- profile¶
A sequence of AnalyticSurfaceSegment objects or an OdbSequenceAnalyticSurfaceSegment object.
- filletRadius=
¶ A Double specifying the radius of curvature to smooth discontinuities between adjoining segments. The default value is 0.0.
- localCoordData=
¶ A sequence of sequences of Floats specifying the global coordinates of points used to define the local coordinate system.
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Analytic Rigid Surface of type REVOLUTION can be defined only if the instance is of type THREE_D, If OdbPart associated with the part instance is not of type THREE_D.
- RigidBody(
- referenceNode,
- position=
, - isothermal=
, - elset=
, - pinNodes=
, - tieNodes=
, - analyticSurface=
, This method defines an OdbRigidBody on the instance.
- Parameters:¶
- referenceNode¶
An OdbSet specifying the reference node assigned to the rigid body.
- position=
¶ A symbolic constant specify if the location of the reference node is to be defined by the user. Possible values are INPUT, and CENTER_OF_MASS. The default value is INPUT.
- isothermal=
¶ A Boolean specifying an isothermal rigid body. The default value is OFF. This parameter is used only for a fully-coupled thermal stress analysis.
- elset=
¶ An OdbSet specifying an element set assigned to the rigid body.
- pinNodes=
¶ An OdbSet specifying pin-type nodes assigned to the rigid body.
- tieNodes=
¶ An OdbSet specifying tie-type nodes assigned to the rigid body.
- analyticSurface=
¶ An AnalyticSurface specifying the Analytic Rigid Surface assigned to the rigid body.
- Raises:¶
OdbError – Rigid body definition requires a node set, If referenceNode is not a node set.
analyticSurface : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.AnalyticSurface.AnalyticSurface` =
<abaqus.Odb.AnalyticSurface.AnalyticSurface object>
[source]¶ An AnalyticSurface object specifying analytic Surface defined on the instance.
- assignBeamOrientation(region, method, vector)[source]¶
This method assigns a beam section orientation to a region of a part instance.
- assignMaterialOrientation(
- region,
- localCsys,
- axis=
, - angle=
, - stackDirection=
, This method assigns a material orientation to a region of a part instance.
- Parameters:¶
- region¶
An OdbSet specifying a region on an instance.
- localCsys¶
An OdbDatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system or None, indicating the global coordinate system.
- axis=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a cylindrical or spherical datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. For shells this axis is also the shell normal. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.
- angle=
¶ A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The default value is 0.0.
- stackDirection=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the stack or thickness direction of the material. Possible values are STACK_1, STACK_2, STACK_3, and STACK_ORIENTATION. The default value is STACK_3.
assignRebarOrientation(region, localCsys, axis=
, angle=0
)[source]¶ This method assigns a rebar reference orientation to a region of a part instance.
- Parameters:¶
- region¶
An OdbSet specifying a region on an instance.
- localCsys¶
An OdbDatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system or None, indicating the global coordinate system.
- axis=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a cylindrical or spherical datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. For shells this axis is also the shell normal. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.
- angle=
¶ A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The default value is 0.0.
- assignSection(region, section)[source]¶
This method is used to assign a section to a region on an instance.
beamOrientations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.BeamOrientation.BeamOrientation`] =
[source]¶ A BeamOrientationArray object.
elementSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbSet objects specifying element sets.
elements : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshElement.OdbMeshElement`] =
[source]¶ An OdbMeshElementArray object.
- embeddedSpace : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the dimensionality of the Part object. Possible values are THREE_D, TWO_D_PLANAR, AXISYMMETRIC, and UNKNOWN_DIMENSION.
- getElementFromLabel(label)[source]¶
This method is used to retrieved an element with a specific label from an instance object.
- getNodeFromLabel(label)[source]¶
This method is used to retrieved a node with a specific label from an instance object.
materialOrientations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Property.MaterialOrientation.MaterialOrientation`] =
[source]¶ A MaterialOrientationArray object.
nodeSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbSet objects specifying node sets.
nodes : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshNode.OdbMeshNode`] =
[source]¶ An OdbMeshNodeArray object.
rebarOrientations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.RebarOrientation.RebarOrientation`] =
[source]¶ A RebarOrientationArray object.
resultState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[source]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the state of the Instance as modified by the analysis. This member is only present if the Instance is part of the RootAssemblyState tree. Possible values are:PROPAGATED, specifying that the value is the same as the previous frame or the original rootAssembly.MODIFIED, specifying that the geometry of the instance has been changed at this frame.The default value is PROPAGATED.
rigidBodies : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbRigidBody.OdbRigidBody`] =
[source]¶ An OdbRigidBodyArray object.
sectionAssignments : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Property.SectionAssignment.SectionAssignment`] =
[source]¶ A SectionAssignmentArray object.
AnalyticRigidSurf2DPlanar(name, profile, filletRadius=
- class OdbPartBase(name, embeddedSpace, type)[source]¶
The OdbPart object is similar to the kernel Part object and contains nodes and elements, but not geometry.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name]
Member Details:
AnalyticRigidSurf2DPlanar(name, profile, filletRadius=
)[source]¶ This method is used to define a two-dimensional AnalyticSurface object on the part object.
AnalyticRigidSurfExtrude(name, profile, filletRadius=
)[source]¶ This method is used to define a three-dimensional cylindrical AnalyticSurface on the part object.
AnalyticRigidSurfRevolve(name, profile, filletRadius=
)[source]¶ This method is used to define a three-dimensional AnalyticSurface of revolution on the part object.
- addElements(labels: tuple, connectivity: tuple, type: str)[source]¶
addElements(elementData: tuple, type: str, elementSetName: str | None =
) - addElements(*args, **kwargs)
addNodes(labels: tuple, coordinates: tuple, nodeSetName: str | None =
)[source]¶ -
addNodes(nodeData: tuple, nodeSetName: str | None =
) - addNodes(*args, **kwargs)
analyticSurface : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.AnalyticSurface.AnalyticSurface` =
<abaqus.Odb.AnalyticSurface.AnalyticSurface object>
[source]¶ An AnalyticSurface object specifying analytic Surface defined on the instance.
- assignBeamOrientation(region, method, vector)[source]¶
This method assigns a beam section orientation to a region of a part instance.
- assignMaterialOrientation(
- region,
- localCSys,
- axis=
, - angle=
, - stackDirection=
, This method assigns a material orientation to a region of a part instance.
- Parameters:¶
- region¶
An OdbSet specifying a region on an instance.
- localCSys¶
An OdbDatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system or None, indicating the global coordinate system.
- axis=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a cylindrical or spherical datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. For shells this axis is also the shell normal. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.
- angle=
¶ A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The default value is 0.0.
- stackDirection=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the stack or thickness direction of the material. Possible values are STACK_1, STACK_2, STACK_3, and STACK_ORIENTATION. The default value is STACK_3.
assignRebarOrientation(region, localCsys, axis=
, angle=0
)[source]¶ This method assigns a rebar reference orientation to a region of a part instance.
- Parameters:¶
- region¶
An OdbSet specifying a region on an instance.
- localCsys¶
An OdbDatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system or None, indicating the global coordinate system.
- axis=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a cylindrical or spherical datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. For shells this axis is also the shell normal. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.
- angle=
¶ A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The default value is 0.0.
beamOrientations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.BeamOrientation.BeamOrientation`] =
[source]¶ A BeamOrientationArray object.
elementSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbSet objects specifying element sets.
elements : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshElement.OdbMeshElement`] =
[source]¶ An OdbMeshElementArray object.
- getElementFromLabel(label)[source]¶
This method is used to retrieved an element with a specific label from a part object.
- getNodeFromLabel(label)[source]¶
This method is used to retrieved a node with a specific label from a part object.
materialOrientations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Property.MaterialOrientation.MaterialOrientation`] =
[source]¶ A MaterialOrientationArray object.
nodeSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbSet objects specifying node sets.
nodes : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbMeshNode.OdbMeshNode`] =
[source]¶ An OdbMeshNodeArray object.
rebarOrientations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.RebarOrientation.RebarOrientation`] =
[source]¶ A RebarOrientationArray object.
rigidBodies : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbRigidBody.OdbRigidBody`] =
[source]¶ An OdbRigidBodyArray object.
AnalyticRigidSurf2DPlanar(name, profile, filletRadius=
- class OdbPretensionSection[source]¶
The pretension section object is used to define an assembly load. It associates a pretension node with a pretension section.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.pretensionSections[i]
Member Details:
element : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>
[source]¶ An OdbSet object specifying the element set that defines the pretension section.
node : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet` =
<abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet object>
[source]¶ An OdbSet object specifying the node set containing the pretension node.
element : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbSet.OdbSet` =
- class OdbSession[source]¶
Member Details:
- ScratchOdb(odb)[source]¶
This method creates a new ScratchOdb object.
This function can be accessed by:
openOdb(name, path=
, readOnly=0
)[source]¶ This method opens an existing output database (.odb) file and creates a new Odb object. This method is accessed only via the session object inside Abaqus/CAE and adds the new Odb object to the session.odbs repository. This method allows you to open multiple output databases at the same time and to use the repository key to specify a particular output database. For example:
import visualization session.openOdb(name='myOdb', path='stress.odb', readOnly=True)
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key. If the
is not the same as thepath
to the output database (.odb) file, thepath
must be specified as well. Additionally, to support backwards compatibility of the interface, if thename
parameter is omitted, thepath
will be presumed to be the same.- path=
¶ A String specifying the path to an existing output database (.odb) file.
- readOnly=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the file will permit only read access or both read and write access. The initial value is TRUE when the output database file is opened from Abaqus/CAE, indicating that only read access will be permitted.
- Returns:¶
An Odb object.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
OdbError – The database is from a previous release of Abaqus, If the output database was generated by a previous release of Abaqus and needs upgrading, Run abaqus upgrade -job <newFilename> -odb <oldFileName> to upgrade it.
OdbError – Abaqus installation must be upgraded before this output database can be opened, If the output database was generated by a newer release of Abaqus, and the installation of Abaqus needs upgrading.
AbaqusError – If the file is not a valid database.
- upgradeOdb(existingOdbPath, upgradedOdbPath)[source]¶
This method upgrades an existing Odb object to the current release and writes the upgraded version of the Odb object to a file. In addition, Abaqus/CAE writes information about the status of the upgrade to a log (.log) file. You can access this method using either of the following techniques:
From a script running outside Abaqus/CAE. For example:
import odbAccess odbAccess.upgradeOdb(existingOdbPath='oldOdb', upgradedOdbPath='upgradedOdb')
From the session object in Abaqus/CAE. For example:
import visualization session.upgradeOdb(existingOdbPath='oldOdb', upgradedOdbPath='upgradedOdb')
- class ScratchOdb(odb)[source]¶
A scratch output database is associated with an open output database and is used to store session- related, non-persistent objects, such as Step, Frame and FieldOutput objects. Abaqus creates a scratch output database when needed for these non-persistent objects during an Abaqus/CAE session. Abaqus deletes the scratch output database when the associated output database is closed.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.scratchOdbs[name]
Member Details:
- class OdbStepBase(
- name,
- description,
- domain,
- timePeriod=
, - previousStepName=
, - procedure=
, - totalTime=
, Bases:
An output database contains the same steps of the model database that originated it.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].steps[name]
Member Details:
acousticMass : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the current value of the mass of the acoustic media of the model.
acousticMassCenter : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying the coordinates of the center of mass of the acoustic media.
frames : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbFrame.OdbFrame`] =
[source]¶ An OdbFrameArray object.
- getFrame(
- frameValue: str,
- match: Literal[abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.abaqusConstants.CLOSEST] | Literal[abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.abaqusConstants.BEFORE] | Literal[abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.abaqusConstants.AFTER] | Literal[abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.abaqusConstants.EXACT] =
, - getFrame(loadCase: OdbLoadCase)
- getFrame(
- loadCase: OdbLoadCase,
- frameValue: str,
- match: Literal[abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.abaqusConstants.CLOSEST] | Literal[abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.abaqusConstants.BEFORE] | Literal[abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.abaqusConstants.AFTER] | Literal[abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.abaqusConstants.EXACT] =
, - getFrame(*args, **kwargs)
- getHistoryRegion(point, loadCase=<abaqus.Odb.OdbLoadCase.OdbLoadCase object>)[source]¶
This method retrieves a HistoryRegion object associated with a HistoryPoint in the model.
- Parameters:¶
- point¶
A HistoryPoint object specifying the point in the model.
- loadCase :
, default:<abaqus.Odb.OdbLoadCase.OdbLoadCase object at 0x7f64098f5d90>
An OdbLoadCase object specifying a load case in the step.
- Returns:¶
A HistoryRegion object.
- Return type:¶
- Raises:¶
OdbError – HistoryRegion not found, If a HistoryRegion object is not found.
historyRegions : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.HistoryRegion.HistoryRegion`] =
[source]¶ A repository of HistoryRegion objects.
inertiaAboutCenter : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying the moments and products of inertia about the center of mass. For 3-D models inertia quantities are written in the following order: I(XX), I(YY), I(ZZ), I(XY), I(XZ), and I(YZ). For 2-D models only I(ZZ) and I(XY) are outputted.
inertiaAboutOrigin : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying the moments and products of inertia about the origin of the global coordinate system. For 3-D models inertia quantities are written in the following order: I(XX), I(YY), I(ZZ), I(XY), I(XZ), and I(YZ). For 2-D models only I(ZZ) and I(XY) are outputted.
loadCases : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Odb.OdbLoadCase.OdbLoadCase`] =
[source]¶ A repository of OdbLoadCase objects.
mass : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the current value of the mass of the model. This does not include the mass of the acoustic media if any present.
massCenter : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`float`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[source]¶ A tuple of Floats specifying the coordinates of the center of mass.
nlgeom : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[source]¶ A Boolean specifying whether geometric nonlinearity can occur in this step.
number : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ An Int specifying the step number.
acousticMass : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
- class RebarOrientation[source]¶
The RebarOrientation object represents the orientation of the rebar reference.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].parts[name].rebarOrientations[i] session.odbs[name].rootAssembly.instances[name].rebarOrientations[i] session.odbs[name].steps[name].frames[i].fieldOutputs[name].values[i].instance.rebarOrientations[i]
Member Details:
angle : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation.
- axis : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a cylindrical or spherical datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3.
angle : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
- class UserDataBase[source]¶
The UserData object contains user-defined XY data. The UserData object has no constructor; it is created automatically when an Odb object is created.
This object can be accessed by:
import odbAccess session.odbs[name].userData
Member Details:
- XYData(
- name,
- data,
- sourceDescription=
, - contentDescription=
, - positionDescription=
, - legendLabel=
, - xValuesLabel=
, - yValuesLabel=
, - axis1QuantityType=
, - axis2QuantityType=
, This method creates an XYData object from a sequence of X - Y data pairs.
This function can be accessed by:
Check XYData on help.3ds.com/2025.
- Parameters:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the repository key.
- data¶
A sequence of pairs of Floats specifying the X - Y data pairs.
- sourceDescription=
¶ A String specifying the source of the X - Y data (e.g., “Entered from keyboard”, “Taken from ASCII file”, “Read from an ODB”, etc.). The default value is an empty string.
- contentDescription=
¶ A String specifying the content of the X - Y data (e.g., “field 1 vs. field 2”). The default value is an empty string.
- positionDescription=
¶ A String specifying additional information about the X - Y data (e.g., “for whole model”). The default value is an empty string.
- legendLabel=
¶ A String specifying the label to be used in the legend. The default value is the name of the XYData object.
- xValuesLabel=
¶ A String specifying the label for the X-values. This value may be overridden if the X - Y data are combined with other X - Y data. The default value is an empty string.
- yValuesLabel=
¶ A String specifying the label for the Y-values. This value may be overridden if the X - Y data are combined with other X - Y data. The default value is an empty string.
- axis1QuantityType=
¶ A QuantityType object specifying the QuantityType object associated to the X -axis1- values.
- axis2QuantityType=
¶ A QuantityType object specifying the QuantityType object associated to the Y -axis2- values.
- Returns:¶
An XYData object.
- Return type:¶
annotations : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\ \[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Annotation.Annotation.Annotation`] =
[source]¶ A repository of Annotation objects.
axis1QuantityType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.XY.QuantityType.QuantityType` =
<abaqus.XY.QuantityType.QuantityType object>
[source]¶ A QuantityType object specifying the QuantityType object associated to the X -axis1- values.
axis2QuantityType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.XY.QuantityType.QuantityType` =
<abaqus.XY.QuantityType.QuantityType object>
[source]¶ A QuantityType object specifying the QuantityType object associated to the Y -axis2- values.
contentDescription : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the content of the X - Y data (e.g., “field 1 vs. field 2”). The default value is an empty string.
data : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[source]¶ A tuple of pairs of Floats specifying the X - Y data pairs.
legendLabel : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the label to be used in the legend. The default value is the name of the XYData object.
positionDescription : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying additional information about the X - Y data (e.g., “for whole model”). The default value is an empty string.
sourceDescription : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the source of the X - Y data (e.g., “Entered from keyboard”, “Taken from ASCII file”, “Read from an ODB”, etc.). The default value is an empty string.
xValuesLabel : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[source]¶ A String specifying the label for the X-values. This value may be overridden if the X - Y data are combined with other X - Y data. The default value is an empty string.