Wang, Hailin (汪海林), Tongji University / The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
This is the personal website of Hailin Wang. I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Geotechnical Engineering at Tongji University, Shanghai, China and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Hong Kong, China -
Tongji University |
Shanghai, China -
Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Wuhan, China -
Fengjie Middle School of Chongqing |
Fengjie, Chongqing, China
汪海林, 刘航宇, 顾晓强, and 宋许根. 基于多元概率分布模型的珠海黏土多参数预测. 岩土工程学报, 43(S2):193–196, 2021. doi:10.11779/CJGE2021S2046. ↩
Hai-Lin Wang, Yin-Fu Jin, Zhen-Yu Yin, and Xiao-Qiang Gu. Uncertainty Quantification of Soil–Structure Interface Properties with an Enhanced Hypoplastic Interface Model. International Journal of Geomechanics, 24(6):04024103, 2024. doi:10.1061/IJGNAI.GMENG-9248. ↩
Hai-Lin Wang, Zhen-Yu Yin, Yin-Fu Jin, and Xiao-Qiang Gu. Evaluation of Soil–Structure Interface Models. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 150(7):04024050, 2024. doi:10.1061/JGGEFK.GTENG-11486. ↩
Hai-Lin Wang, Zhen-Yu Yin, Xiao-Qiang Gu, and Yin-Fu Jin. Evaluation of Soil–Structure Interface Models Considering Cyclic Loading Effect. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2024(0):1–17, 2024. doi:10.1002/nag.3831. ↩