Boundary Condition¶
A specific type of boundary condition object and a specific type of boundary condition state object are designed for each type of boundary condition. A BoundaryCondition object stores the non-propagating data of a boundary condition as well as a number of instances of the corresponding BoundaryConditionState object, each of which stores the propagating data of the boundary condition in a single step. Instances of the BoundaryConditionState object are created and deleted internally by its corresponding BoundaryCondition object.
Create boundary conditions¶
- class BoundaryConditionModel(
- name,
- description=
, - stefanBoltzmann=
, - absoluteZero=
, - waveFormulation=
, - modelType=
, - universalGas=
, - copyConstraints=
, - copyConnectors=
, - copyInteractions=
, 基类:
Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.
This object can be accessed by:
Public Data Attributes:
Inherited from
A String specifying the repository key.
None or a Float specifying the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
None or a Float specifying the absolute zero constant.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of incident wave formulation to be used in acoustic problems.
None or a Float specifying the universal gas constant.
A Boolean specifying whether an input file should be written without parts and assemblies.
A Boolean specifying that the step specified by restartStep should be terminated at the increment specified by restartIncrement.
A Boolean specifying that a shell global model drives a solid submodel.
A Float specifying the time stamp that indicates when the model was last changed.
A String specifying the purpose and contents of the Model object.
A String specifying the name of the job that generated the restart data.
A String specifying the name of the step where the restart analysis will start.
A String specifying the name of the job that generated the results for the global model.
A boolean specifying the status of constraints created in a model, in the model which instances this model.
A boolean specifying the status of connectors created in a model, in the model which instances this model.
A boolean specifying the status of interactions created in a model, in the model which instances this model.
A KeywordBlock object.
A repository of Amplitude objects.
A repository of Profile objects.
A repository of BoundaryCondition objects.
A repository of ConstrainedSketchConstraint objects.
A repository of AnalyticalField objects.
A repository of DiscreteField objects.
A repository of PredefinedField objects.
A repository of Interaction objects.
A repository of InteractionProperty objects.
A repository of ContactControl objects.
A repository of ContactInitialization objects.
A repository of ContactStabilization objects.
A tuple of tuples of Strings specifying the linked child PartInstance name in the current model to the corresponding parent PartInstance name in a different model.
A tuple of tuples of Strings specifying the linked child Part name in the current model to the corresponding parent Part name in a different model.
A repository of Load objects.
A repository of Material objects.
A repository of Calibration objects.
A repository of Section objects.
A repository of RemeshingRule objects.
A repository of ConstrainedSketch objects.
A repository of Part objects.
A repository of Step objects.
A FeatureOptions object.
A repository of AdaptiveMeshConstraint objects.
A repository of AdaptiveMeshControl objects.
A repository of TimePoint objects.
A repository of Filter objects.
A repository of IntegratedOutputSection objects.
A repository of FieldOutputRequest objects.
A repository of HistoryOutputRequest objects.
A repository of OptimizationTask objects.
A repository of TableCollection objects.
A repository of EventSeriesType objects.
A repository of EventSeriesData objects.
An Int specifying the increment, interval, iteration or cycle where the restart analysis will start.
An Assembly object.
Public Methods:
(name, ...[, ...])This method creates a AccelerationBaseMotionBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates an AccelerationBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates a AcousticPressureBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates a ConcentrationBC object.
(name, createStepName[, ...])This method creates an ConnAccelerationBC object on a wire region.
(name, createStepName[, ...])This method creates a ConnDisplacementBC object on a wire region.
(name, createStepName[, ...])This method creates a ConnVelocityBC object on a wire region.
(name, ...[, ...])This method creates a DisplacementBaseMotionBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates a DisplacementBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates an ElectricPotentialBC object.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a EulerianBC object.
(name, createStepName, ...)This method creates an EulerianMotionBC object.
(name, createStepName, ...)This method creates a FluidCavityPressureBC object.
(name, ...[, ...])This method creates a MagneticVectorPotentialBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates a MaterialFlowBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates a PorePressureBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates a RetainedNodalDofsBC object.
(name, createStepName, ...)This method creates a SecondaryBaseBC object.
(name, createStepName, region, ...)This method creates a SubmodelBC object.
(name, createStepName, region)This method creates a TemperatureBC object.
(name, createStepName, dof)This method creates a VelocityBaseMotionBC object.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a VelocityBC object.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates an encastre TypeBC object.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a pinned TypeBC object.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the X axis.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the Y axis.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the Z axis.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the X axis.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the Y axis.
(name, createStepName, region[, ...])This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the Z axis.
Inherited from
(name[, description, ...])This method creates a Model object.
(name, inputFileName)This method creates a Model object by reading the keywords in an input file and creating the corresponding Abaqus/CAE objects.
(name, odbFileName)This method creates a Model object by reading an output database and creating any corresponding Abaqus/CAE objects.
(modelName, inputFileName)This method creates a Model object by reading the keywords in a Nastran bulk data file or Nastran input file and creating any corresponding Abaqus/CAE objects.
([description, noPartsInputFile, ...])This method modifies the Model object.
Member Details:
- AccelerationBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - a1=
, - a2=
, - a3=
, - ar1=
, - ar2=
, - ar3=
, - amplitude=
, - localCsys=
, - distributionType=
, This method creates an AccelerationBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- a1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although a1, a2, a3, ar1, ar2, and ar3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- a2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- a3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- 返回:¶
bc -- An AccelerationBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- AccelerationBaseMotionBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- dof,
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, This method creates a AccelerationBaseMotionBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- dof¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the constrained degree-of-freedom. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are U1, U2, U3, UR1, UR2, UR3. The default value is U1.
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- centerOfRotation=
¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
- correlation=
¶ A Correlation object.
- secondaryBase=
¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- useComplex=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- 返回:¶
bc -- An AccelerationBaseMotionBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- AcousticPressureBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method creates a AcousticPressureBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the acoustic pressure magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- 返回:¶
bc -- An AcousticPressureBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- ConcentrationBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method creates a ConcentrationBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the concentration magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A ConcentrationBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- ConnAccelerationBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - a1=
, - a2=
, - a3=
, - ar1=
, - ar2=
, - ar3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, This method creates an ConnAccelerationBC object on a wire region. Alternatively, the boundary condition may also be applied to a wire set referenced from an assembled fastener template model.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region=
¶ The wire region to which the boundary condition is applied. This argument is not valid when fastenerName and fastenerSetName are specified.
- fastenerName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- fastenerSetName=
¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- a1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although a1, a2, a3, ar1, ar2, and ar3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- a2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- a3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A ConnAccelerationBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- ConnDisplacementBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - u1=
, - u2=
, - u3=
, - ur1=
, - ur2=
, - ur3=
, - fixed=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - buckleCase=
, This method creates a ConnDisplacementBC object on a wire region. Alternatively, the boundary condition may also be applied to a wire set referenced from an assembled fastener template model.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region=
¶ The wire region to which the boundary condition is applied. This argument is not valid when fastenerName and fastenerSetName are specified.
- fastenerName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- fastenerSetName=
¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- u1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although u1, u2, u3, ur1, ur2, and ur3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- u2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- u3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A ConnDisplacementBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- ConnVelocityBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - v1=
, - v2=
, - v3=
, - vr1=
, - vr2=
, - vr3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, This method creates a ConnVelocityBC object on a wire region. Alternatively, the boundary condition may also be applied to a wire set referenced from an assembled fastener template model.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region=
¶ The wire region to which the boundary condition is applied. This argument is not valid when fastenerName and fastenerSetName are specified.
- fastenerName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- fastenerSetName=
¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- v1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although v1, v2, v3, vr1, vr2, and vr3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- v2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- v3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A ConnVelocityBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- DisplacementBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - u1=
, - u2=
, - u3=
, - ur1=
, - ur2=
, - ur3=
, - fixed=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - localCsys=
, - buckleCase=
, This method creates a DisplacementBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD or distributionType = DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- u1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although u1, u2, u3, ur1, ur2, and ur3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- u2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- u3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FIELD, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A DisplacementBC object
- 返回类型:¶
- DisplacementBaseMotionBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- dof,
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, This method creates a DisplacementBaseMotionBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- dof¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the constrained degree-of-freedom. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are U1, U2, U3, UR1, UR2, UR3. The default value is U1.
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- centerOfRotation=
¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
- correlation=
¶ A Correlation object.
- secondaryBase=
¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- useComplex=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A DisplacementBaseMotionBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- ElectricPotentialBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method creates an ElectricPotentialBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the electrical potential magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- 返回:¶
bc -- An ElectricPotentialBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- EncastreBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- buckleCase=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates an encastre TypeBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- EulerianBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- definition=
, - inflowType=
, - outflowType=
, This method creates a EulerianBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- definition=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the flow conditions to be defined. Possible values are INFLOW, OUTFLOW, and BOTH. The default value is INFLOW.
- inflowType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the control of material flow into the Eulerian domain. Possible values are FREE, NONE, and VOID. The default value is FREE.
- outflowType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the control of flow of material out of the Eulerian domain. Possible values are ZERO_PRESSURE, FREE, NON_REFLECTING, and EQUILIBRIUM. The default value is ZERO_PRESSURE.
- 返回:¶
bc -- An EulerianBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- EulerianMotionBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- instanceName,
- followRegion=
, - region=
, - materialName=
, - ctrPosition1=
, - posPosition1=
, - negPosition1=
, - expansionRatio1=
, - contractRatio1=
, - ctrPosition2=
, - posPosition2=
, - negPosition2=
, - expansionRatio2=
, - contractRatio2=
, - ctrPosition3=
, - posPosition3=
, - negPosition3=
, - expansionRatio3=
, - contractRatio3=
, - allowContraction=
, - aspectLimit=
, - vmaxFactor=
, - volThreshold=
, - bufferSize=
, This method creates an EulerianMotionBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- instanceName¶
A String specifying the name of the Eulerian part instance.
- followRegion=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the mesh will follow a regular surface region or an Eulerian surface. The default value is ON.
- region=
¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- materialName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the Eulerian surface to follow. This argument applies only when followRegion = False.
- ctrPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 1-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio1=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. If expansionRatio1 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio1=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- ctrPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 2-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio2=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. If expansionRatio2 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio2=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- ctrPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 3-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio3=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. If expansionRatio3 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio3=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- allowContraction=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the mesh is allowed to contract . The default value is ON.
- aspectLimit=
¶ A Float specifying the maximum change in allowed aspect ratio (for any of the three mesh aspects, 1-2, 2-3, 3-1). The default value is 10.0.
- vmaxFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the multiplier for the mesh nodal velocity limit. The default value is 1.01.
- volThreshold=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the volume fraction when determining which nodes to include in the surface bounding box calculation for an Eulerian material surface. This argument applies only when followRegion = False. The default value is 0.5.
- bufferSize=
¶ None or a Float specifying the buffer between the surface box and the Eulerian section mesh bounding box. The default value is 2.0.
- 返回:¶
bc -- An EulerianMotionBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- FluidCavityPressureBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- fluidCavity,
- magnitude=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method creates a FluidCavityPressureBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- fluidCavity¶
A String specifying the name of a Fluid Cavity Interaction.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the fluid cavity pressure magnitude. The default value is 0.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A FluidCavityPressureBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- MagneticVectorPotentialBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- component1=
, - component2=
, - component3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates a MagneticVectorPotentialBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- component1=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET
- component2=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- component3=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A MagneticVectorPotentialBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- MaterialFlowBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method creates a MaterialFlowBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the material flow magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A MaterialFlowBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- PinnedBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- buckleCase=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates a pinned TypeBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- PorePressureBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method creates a PorePressureBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the pore pressure magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A PorePressureBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- RetainedNodalDofsBC( )[源代码]¶
This method creates a RetainedNodalDofsBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- u1=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 1-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- u2=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 2-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- u3=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 3-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- ur1=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 1-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- ur2=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 2-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- ur3=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 3-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A RetainedNodalDofsBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- SecondaryBaseBC(name, createStepName, regions, dofs)[源代码]¶
This method creates a SecondaryBaseBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- regions¶
A RegionArray object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied. Note that the usual region is ignored. The default value is MODEL.
- dofs¶
A sequence of sequences of Ints specifying the constrained degrees-of-freedom.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A SecondaryBaseBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- SubmodelBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- dof,
- globalStep,
- timeScale,
- shellThickness,
- globalDrivingRegion=
, - absoluteExteriorTolerance=
, - exteriorTolerance=
, - localCsys=
, - globalIncrement=
, - centerZoneSize=
, - intersectionOnly=
, This method creates a SubmodelBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- dof¶
A sequence of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied.
- globalStep¶
A String specifying the step in the global model from which Abaqus reads the values of the variables that will drive the submodel analysis. The String indicates the position of the step in the sequence of analysis steps. For example, globalStep = '1' indicates the first step.
- timeScale¶
A Boolean specifying whether to scale the time variable for the driven nodes' amplitude functions to match the submodel analysis step time. The default value is OFF.
- shellThickness¶
A Float specifying the thickness of the shell in the global model. This argument is required for shell-to-solid submodeling and is not applicable to other submodels. The default value is 0.0.
- globalDrivingRegion=
¶ A String specifying the element set in the global model that will be searched for elements whose responses will be used to drive the submodel. An empty string indicates that the entire global model will be searched. The default value is an empty string.
- absoluteExteriorTolerance=
¶ None or a Float specifying the absolute value by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is None.
- exteriorTolerance=
¶ None or a Float specifying the fraction of the average element size in the global model by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.05.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- globalIncrement=
¶ An Int specifying the increment number in the global model step from which the solution will be used to specify the values of the driven variables. If globalIncrement = 0, the solution from the last increment will be used. The globalIncrement argument is applicable only for linear perturbation steps. The default value is 0.
- centerZoneSize=
¶ A Float specifying the thickness of the center zone size around the shell midsurface. The default value is None.
- intersectionOnly=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to ignore driven nodes that lie outside the region of elements of the global model after accounting for the exterior search tolerance. The default value is OFF.
Added in version 2021: The
argument was added.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A SubmodelBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- TemperatureBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - dof=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - fixed=
, This method creates a TemperatureBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the temperature magnitude. The default value is 0.
- dof=
¶ A sequence of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied. The default value is (11,).
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A TemperatureBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- VelocityBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - v1=
, - v2=
, - v3=
, - vr1=
, - vr2=
, - vr3=
, - amplitude=
, - localCsys=
, - distributionType=
, This method creates a VelocityBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- v1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although v1, v2, v3, vr1, vr2, and vr3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- v2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- v3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A VelocityBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- VelocityBaseMotionBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- dof,
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, This method creates a VelocityBaseMotionBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- dof¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the constrained degree-of-freedom. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are U1, U2, U3, UR1, UR2, UR3. The default value is U1.
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- centerOfRotation=
¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
- correlation=
¶ A Correlation object.
- secondaryBase=
¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- useComplex=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- 返回:¶
bc -- A VelocityBaseMotionBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- XasymmBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- buckleCase=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the X axis.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- XsymmBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- buckleCase=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the X axis.
This function can be accessed by:
Check XsymmBC on
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- YasymmBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- buckleCase=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the Y axis.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- YsymmBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- buckleCase=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the Y axis.
This function can be accessed by:
Check YsymmBC on
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- ZasymmBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- buckleCase=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the Z axis.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
- ZsymmBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- buckleCase=
, - localCsys=
, This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the Z axis.
This function can be accessed by:
Check ZsymmBC on
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
Other Classes¶
- class AccelerationBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - a1=
, - a2=
, - a3=
, - ar1=
, - ar2=
, - ar3=
, - amplitude=
, - localCsys=
, - distributionType=
, -
The AccelerationBC object stores the data for an acceleration boundary condition. The AccelerationBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- fieldName=
, - a1=
, - a2=
, - a3=
, - ar1=
, - ar2=
, - ar3=
, - amplitude=
, - localCsys=
, - distributionType=
, This method modifies the data for an existing AccelerationBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- a1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although a1, a2, a3, ar1, ar2, and ar3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- a2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- a3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- fieldName=
- setValuesInStep( )[源代码]¶
This method modifies the propagating data for an existing AccelerationBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- a1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- a2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- a3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ar1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ar2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ar3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class BoundaryCondition[源代码]¶
The BoundaryCondition object is the abstract base type for other BoundaryCondition objects. The BoundaryCondition object has no explicit constructor. The methods and members of the BoundaryCondition object are common to all objects derived from the BoundaryCondition.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
- deactivate(stepName)[源代码]¶
This method deactivates the boundary condition in the specified step and all subsequent steps.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- move(fromStepName, toStepName)[源代码]¶
This method moves the boundary condition state from one step to a different step.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- class AccelerationBCState[源代码]¶
The AccelerationBCState object stores the propagating data of an acceleration boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the AccelerationBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the AccelerationBC object. The AccelerationBCState object has no constructor or methods. The AccelerationBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
a1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the acceleration component in the 1-direction.
- a1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the acceleration component in the 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
a2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the acceleration component in the 2-direction.
- a2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the acceleration component in the 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
a3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the acceleration component in the 3-direction.
- a3State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the acceleration component in the 3-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ar1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 1-direction.
- ar1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational acceleration component about the 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ar2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 2-direction.
- ar2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational acceleration component about the 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ar3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the rotational acceleration component about the 3-direction.
- ar3State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational acceleration component about the 3-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class BoundaryConditionState[源代码]¶
The BoundaryConditionState object is the abstract base type for other BoundaryConditionState objects. The BoundaryConditionState object has no explicit constructor or methods. The members of the BoundaryConditionState object are common to all objects derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
- class AccelerationBaseMotionBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- dof,
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, -
The AccelerationBaseMotionBC object stores the data for an acceleration base motion boundary condition. The AccelerationBaseMotionBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
amplitudeScaleFactor : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
centerOfRotation : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple` =
[源代码]¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
correlation : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Amplitude.Correlation.Correlation` =
<abaqus.Amplitude.Correlation.Correlation object>
[源代码]¶ A Correlation object.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
secondaryBase : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- setValues(
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, This method modifies the data for an existing AccelerationBaseMotionBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- centerOfRotation=
¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
- correlation=
¶ A Correlation object.
- secondaryBase=
¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- useComplex=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
setValuesInStep(stepName, amplitude=
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing AccelerationBaseMotionBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
useComplex : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[源代码]¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
amplitudeScaleFactor : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
- class AccelerationBaseMotionBCState[源代码]¶
The AccelerationBaseMotionBCState object stores the propagating data for a velocity base motion boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the AccelerationBaseMotionBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the AccelerationBaseMotionBC object. The AccelerationBaseMotionBCState object has no constructor or methods. The AccelerationBaseMotionBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class AcousticPressureBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, -
The AcousticPressureBC object stores the data for an acoustic pressure boundary condition. The AcousticPressureBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method modifies the data for an existing AcousticPressureBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the acoustic pressure magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- fieldName=
setValuesInStep(stepName, magnitude=
, amplitude=''
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing AcousticPressureBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float or the SymbolicConstant FREED specifying the acoustic pressure magnitude.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class AcousticPressureBCState[源代码]¶
The AcousticPressureBCState object stores the propagating data for an acoustic pressure boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the AcousticPressureBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the AcousticPressureBC object. The AcousticPressureBCState object has no constructor or methods. The AcousticPressureBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
magnitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the acoustic pressure magnitude.
- magnitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the acoustic pressure magnitude. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class ConcentrationBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, -
The ConcentrationBC object stores the data for a concentration boundary condition. The ConcentrationBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method modifies the data for an existing ConcentrationBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the concentration magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- fieldName=
setValuesInStep(stepName, magnitude=
, amplitude=''
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing ConcentrationBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float or the SymbolicConstant FREED specifying the concentration magnitude.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class ConcentrationBCState[源代码]¶
The ConcentrationBCState object stores the propagating data for a concentration boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the ConcentrationBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ConcentrationBC object. The ConcentrationBCState object has no constructor or methods. The ConcentrationBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
magnitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the concentration magnitude.
- magnitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the concentration magnitude. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class ConnAccelerationBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - a1=
, - a2=
, - a3=
, - ar1=
, - ar2=
, - ar3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, -
The ConnAccelerationBC object stores the data for a connector acceleration boundary condition. The ConnAccelerationBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
fastenerName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
fastenerSetName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - a1=
, - a2=
, - a3=
, - ar1=
, - ar2=
, - ar3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, This method modifies the data for an existing ConnAccelerationBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- region=
¶ The wire region to which the boundary condition is applied. This argument is not valid when fastenerName and fastenerSetName are specified.
- fastenerName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- fastenerSetName=
¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- a1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although a1, a2, a3, ar1, ar2, and ar3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- a2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- a3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the acceleration component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ar3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational acceleration component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
- region=
- setValuesInStep( )[源代码]¶
This method modifies the propagating data for an existing ConnAccelerationBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- a1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- a2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- a3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ar1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ar2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ar3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class ConnAccelerationBCState[源代码]¶
The ConnAccelerationBCState object stores the propagating data of a connector acceleration boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the ConnAccelerationBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ConnAccelerationBC object. The ConnAccelerationBCState object has no constructor or methods. The ConnAccelerationBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
a1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 1-direction.
- a1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
a2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 2-direction.
- a2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
a3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 3-direction.
- a3State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ar1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 4-direction.
- ar1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ar2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 5-direction.
- ar2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ar3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 6-direction.
- ar3State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the connector acceleration component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class ConnDisplacementBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - u1=
, - u2=
, - u3=
, - ur1=
, - ur2=
, - ur3=
, - fixed=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - buckleCase=
, -
The ConnDisplacementBC object stores the data for a connector displacement/rotation boundary condition. The ConnDisplacementBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
buckleCase : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
fastenerName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
fastenerSetName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
fixed : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[源代码]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - u1=
, - u2=
, - u3=
, - ur1=
, - ur2=
, - ur3=
, - fixed=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - buckleCase=
, This method modifies the data for an existing ConnDisplacementBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- region=
¶ The wire region to which the boundary condition is applied. This argument is not valid when fastenerName and fastenerSetName are specified.
- fastenerName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- fastenerSetName=
¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- u1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although u1, u2, u3, ur1, ur2, and ur3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- u2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- u3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- region=
- setValuesInStep(
- stepName,
- u1=
, - u2=
, - u3=
, - ur1=
, - ur2=
, - ur3=
, - amplitude=
, - buckleCase=
, This method modifies the propagating data for an existing ConnDisplacementBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- u1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- u2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- u3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ur1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ur2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ur3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
buckleCase : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
- class ConnDisplacementBCState[源代码]¶
The ConnDisplacementBCState object stores the propagating data for a connector displacement/rotation boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the ConnDisplacementBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ConnDisplacementBC object. The ConnDisplacementBCState object has no constructor or methods. The ConnDisplacementBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
u1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 1-direction.
- u1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the displacement component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
u2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 2-direction.
- u2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the displacement component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
u3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the displacement component in the connector's local 3-direction.
- u3State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the displacement component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ur1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 4-direction.
- ur1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ur2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the rotational component in the connector's local 5-direction.
- ur2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- class ConnVelocityBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - v1=
, - v2=
, - v3=
, - vr1=
, - vr2=
, - vr3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, -
The ConnVelocityBC object stores the data for a connector velocity boundary condition. The ConnVelocityBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
fastenerName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
fastenerSetName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- region=
, - fastenerName=
, - fastenerSetName=
, - v1=
, - v2=
, - v3=
, - vr1=
, - vr2=
, - vr3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, This method modifies the data for an existing ConnVelocityBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- region=
¶ The wire region to which the boundary condition is applied. This argument is not valid when fastenerName and fastenerSetName are specified.
- fastenerName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the assembled fastener to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerSetName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- fastenerSetName=
¶ A String specifying the assembled fastener template model set to which the boundary condition will be applied. This argument is not valid when region is specified. When this argument is specified, fastenerName must also be specified. The default value is an empty string.
- v1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although v1, v2, v3, vr1, vr2, and vr3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- v2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- v3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
- region=
- setValuesInStep( )[源代码]¶
This method modifies the propagating data for an existing ConnVelocityBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- v1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- v2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- v3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- vr1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- vr2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- vr3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 6-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class ConnVelocityBCState[源代码]¶
The ConnVelocityBCState object stores the propagating data for a velocity boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the ConnVelocityBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ConnVelocityBC object. The ConnVelocityBCState object has no constructor or methods. The ConnVelocityBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
v1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 1-direction.
- v1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the velocity component in the connector's local 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
v2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 2-direction.
- v2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the velocity component in the connector's local 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
v3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the velocity component in the connector's local 3-direction.
- v3State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the velocity component in the connector's local 3-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
vr1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 4-direction.
- vr1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 4-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
vr2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 5-direction.
- vr2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational velocity component in the connector's local 5-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- class DisplacementBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - u1=
, - u2=
, - u3=
, - ur1=
, - ur2=
, - ur3=
, - fixed=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - localCsys=
, - buckleCase=
, -
The DisplacementBC object stores the data for a displacement/rotation boundary condition. The DisplacementBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
buckleCase : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FIELD, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD or distributionType = DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
fixed : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[源代码]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- fieldName=
, - u1=
, - u2=
, - u3=
, - ur1=
, - ur2=
, - ur3=
, - fixed=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - localCsys=
, - buckleCase=
, This method modifies the data for an existing DisplacementBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField or DiscreteField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD or distributionType = DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- u1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although u1, u2, u3, ur1, ur2, and ur3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- u2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- u3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- ur3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, FIELD, and DISCRETE_FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- fieldName=
- setValuesInStep(
- stepName,
- u1=
, - u2=
, - u3=
, - ur1=
, - ur2=
, - ur3=
, - amplitude=
, - buckleCase=
, This method modifies the propagating data for an existing DisplacementBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- u1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- u2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- u3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the displacement component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ur1=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ur2=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- ur3=
¶ A Float, a Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational displacement component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET, UNCHANGED, and FREED.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
buckleCase : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
- class DisplacementBCState[源代码]¶
The DisplacementBCState object stores the propagating data for a displacement/rotation boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the DisplacementBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the DisplacementBC object. The DisplacementBCState object has no constructor or methods. The DisplacementBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
u1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the displacement component in the 1-direction.
- u1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the displacement component in the 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
u2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the displacement component in the 2-direction.
- u2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the displacement component in the 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
u3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the displacement component in the 3-direction.
- u3State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the displacement component in the 3-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ur1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the rotational displacement component about the 1-direction.
- ur1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational displacement component about the 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
ur2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float or a Complex specifying the rotational displacement component about the 2-direction.
- ur2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational displacement component about the 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- class DisplacementBaseMotionBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- dof,
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, -
The DisplacementBaseMotionBC object stores the data for a displacement base motion boundary condition. The DisplacementBaseMotionBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
amplitudeScaleFactor : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
centerOfRotation : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple` =
[源代码]¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
correlation : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Amplitude.Correlation.Correlation` =
<abaqus.Amplitude.Correlation.Correlation object>
[源代码]¶ A Correlation object.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
secondaryBase : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- setValues(
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, This method modifies the data for an existing DisplacementBaseMotionBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- centerOfRotation=
¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
- correlation=
¶ A Correlation object.
- secondaryBase=
¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- useComplex=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
setValuesInStep(stepName, amplitude=
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing DisplacementBaseMotionBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
useComplex : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[源代码]¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
amplitudeScaleFactor : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
- class DisplacementBaseMotionBCState[源代码]¶
The DisplacementBaseMotionBCState object stores the propagating data for a velocity base motion boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the DisplacementBaseMotionBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the DisplacementBaseMotionBC object. The DisplacementBaseMotionBCState object has no constructor or methods. The DisplacementBaseMotionBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class ElectricPotentialBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, -
The ElectricPotentialBC object stores the data for an electrical potential boundary condition. The ElectricPotentialBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method modifies the data for an existing ElectricPotentialBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the electrical potential magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- fieldName=
setValuesInStep(stepName, magnitude=
, amplitude=''
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing ElectricPotentialBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float or the SymbolicConstant FREED specifying the electrical potential magnitude.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class ElectricPotentialBCState[源代码]¶
The ElectricPotentialBCState object stores the propagating data for a electrical potential boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the ElectricPotentialBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the ElectricPotentialBC object. The ElectricPotentialBCState object has no constructor or methods. The ElectricPotentialBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
magnitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the electrical potential magnitude.
- magnitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the electrical potential magnitude. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class EulerianBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- definition=
, - inflowType=
, - outflowType=
, -
The EulerianBC object stores the data for an Eulerian boundary condition. The EulerianBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
definition : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the flow conditions to be defined. Possible values are INFLOW, OUTFLOW, and BOTH. The default value is INFLOW.
inflowType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the control of material flow into the Eulerian domain. Possible values are FREE, NONE, and VOID. The default value is FREE.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
outflowType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the control of flow of material out of the Eulerian domain. Possible values are ZERO_PRESSURE, FREE, NON_REFLECTING, and EQUILIBRIUM. The default value is ZERO_PRESSURE.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- region,
- definition=
, - inflowType=
, - outflowType=
, This method modifies the data for an existing EulerianBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- definition=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the material flow conditions to be defined. Possible values are INFLOW, OUTFLOW, and BOTH. The default value is INFLOW.
- inflowType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the control of material flow into the Eulerian domain. Possible values are FREE, NONE, and VOID. The default value is FREE.
- outflowType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the control of material flow out of the Eulerian domain. Possible values are ZERO_PRESSURE, FREE, NON_REFLECTING, and EQUILIBRIUM. The default value is ZERO_PRESSURE.
- setValuesInStep(
- stepName,
- definition=
, - inflowType=
, - outflowType=
, This method modifies the propagating data for an existing EulerianBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- definition=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the material flow conditions to be defined. Possible values are INFLOW, OUTFLOW, and BOTH. The default value is INFLOW.
- inflowType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the control of material flow into the Eulerian domain. Possible values are FREE, NONE, and VOID. The default value is FREE.
- outflowType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the control of material flow out of the Eulerian domain. Possible values are ZERO_PRESSURE, FREE, NON_REFLECTING, and EQUILIBRIUM. The default value is ZERO_PRESSURE.
- class EulerianBCState[源代码]¶
The EulerianBCState object stores the propagating data for an Eulerian boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the EulerianBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the EulerianBC object. The EulerianBCState object has no constructor or methods. The EulerianBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
definition : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the material flow conditions to be defined. Possible values are INFLOW, OUTFLOW, and BOTH. The default value is INFLOW.
- definitionState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the definition member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.
inflowType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the material flow conditions to be defined. Possible values are FREE, NONE, and VOID. The default value is FREE.
- inflowTypeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the definition member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.
outflowType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the material flow conditions to be defined. Possible values are ZERO_PRESSURE, FREE, NON_REFLECTING, and EQUILIBRIUM. The default value is ZERO_PRESSURE.
- outflowTypeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the definition member. Possible values are UNSET, SET, and UNCHANGED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class EulerianMotionBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- instanceName,
- followRegion=
, - region=
, - materialName=
, - ctrPosition1=
, - posPosition1=
, - negPosition1=
, - expansionRatio1=
, - contractRatio1=
, - ctrPosition2=
, - posPosition2=
, - negPosition2=
, - expansionRatio2=
, - contractRatio2=
, - ctrPosition3=
, - posPosition3=
, - negPosition3=
, - expansionRatio3=
, - contractRatio3=
, - allowContraction=
, - aspectLimit=
, - vmaxFactor=
, - volThreshold=
, - bufferSize=
, -
The EulerianMotionBC object stores the data for an Eulerian mesh motion boundary condition. The EulerianMotionBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
allowContraction : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[源代码]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the mesh is allowed to contract . The default value is ON.
aspectLimit : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the maximum change in allowed aspect ratio (for any of the three mesh aspects, 1-2, 2-3, 3-1). The default value is 10.0.
bufferSize : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the buffer between the surface box and the Eulerian section mesh bounding box. The default value is 2.0.
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
contractRatio1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. The default value is 0.0.
contractRatio2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. The default value is 0.0.
contractRatio3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. The default value is 0.0.
ctrPosition1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 1-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
ctrPosition2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 2-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
ctrPosition3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 3-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
expansionRatio1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. If expansionRatio1 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
expansionRatio2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. If expansionRatio2 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
expansionRatio3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. If expansionRatio3 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
followRegion : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[源代码]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the mesh will follow a regular surface region or an Eulerian surface. The default value is ON.
instanceName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the Eulerian part instance.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
materialName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the Eulerian surface to follow. This argument applies only when followRegion = False.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
negPosition1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
negPosition2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
negPosition3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
posPosition1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
posPosition2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
posPosition3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- instanceName,
- followRegion=
, - region=
, - materialName=
, - ctrPosition1=
, - posPosition1=
, - negPosition1=
, - expansionRatio1=
, - contractRatio1=
, - ctrPosition2=
, - posPosition2=
, - negPosition2=
, - expansionRatio2=
, - contractRatio2=
, - ctrPosition3=
, - posPosition3=
, - negPosition3=
, - expansionRatio3=
, - contractRatio3=
, - allowContraction=
, - aspectLimit=
, - vmaxFactor=
, - volThreshold=
, - bufferSize=
, This method modifies the data for an existing EulerianMotionBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- instanceName¶
A String specifying the name of the Eulerian part instance.
- followRegion=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the mesh will follow a regular surface region or an Eulerian surface. The default value is ON.
- region=
¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- materialName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the Eulerian surface to follow. This argument applies only when followRegion = False.
- ctrPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 1-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio1=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. If expansionRatio1 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio1=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- ctrPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 2-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio2=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. If expansionRatio2 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio2=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- ctrPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 3-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio3=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. If expansionRatio3 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio3=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- allowContraction=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the mesh is allowed to contract . The default value is ON.
- aspectLimit=
¶ A Float specifying the maximum change in allowed aspect ratio (for any of the three mesh aspects, 1-2, 2-3, 3-1). The default value is 10.0.
- vmaxFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the multiplier for the mesh nodal velocity limit. The default value is 1.01.
- volThreshold=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the volume fraction when determining which nodes to include in the surface bounding box calculation for an Eulerian material surface. This argument applies only when followRegion = False. The default value is 0.5.
- bufferSize=
¶ None or a Float specifying the buffer between the surface box and the Eulerian section mesh bounding box. The default value is 2.0.
- setValuesInStep(
- stepName,
- ctrPosition1=
, - posPosition1=
, - negPosition1=
, - expansionRatio1=
, - contractRatio1=
, - ctrPosition2=
, - posPosition2=
, - negPosition2=
, - expansionRatio2=
, - contractRatio2=
, - ctrPosition3=
, - posPosition3=
, - negPosition3=
, - expansionRatio3=
, - contractRatio3=
, - allowContraction=
, - aspectLimit=
, - vmaxFactor=
, - volThreshold=
, - bufferSize=
, This method modifies the propagating data for an existing EulerianMotionBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- ctrPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 1-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition1=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio1=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. If expansionRatio1 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio1=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- ctrPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 2-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition2=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio2=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. If expansionRatio2 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio2=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- ctrPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 3-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- posPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- negPosition3=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- expansionRatio3=
¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. If expansionRatio3 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
- contractRatio3=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. The default value is 0.0.
- allowContraction=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the mesh is allowed to contract . The default value is ON.
- aspectLimit=
¶ A Float specifying the maximum change in allowed aspect ratio (for any of the three mesh aspects, 1-2, 2-3, 3-1). The default value is 10.0.
- vmaxFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the multiplier for the mesh nodal velocity limit. The default value is 1.01.
- volThreshold=
¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the volume fraction when determining which nodes to include in the surface bounding box calculation for an Eulerian material surface. This argument applies only when followRegion = False. The default value is 0.5.
- bufferSize=
¶ None or a Float specifying the buffer between the surface box and the Eulerian section mesh bounding box. The default value is 2.0.
vmaxFactor : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the multiplier for the mesh nodal velocity limit. The default value is 1.01.
volThreshold : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the volume fraction when determining which nodes to include in the surface bounding box calculation for an Eulerian material surface. This argument applies only when followRegion = False. The default value is 0.5.
allowContraction : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
- class EulerianMotionBCState[源代码]¶
The EulerianMotionBCState object stores the propagating data for an Eulerian mesh motion boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the EulerianMotionBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the EulerianMotionBC object. The EulerianMotionBCState object has no constructor or methods. The EulerianMotionBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
allowContraction : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[源代码]¶ A Boolean specifying whether the mesh is allowed to contract . The default value is ON.
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
aspectLimit : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the maximum change in allowed aspect ratio (for any of the three mesh aspects, 1-2, 2-3, 3-1). The default value is 10.0.
bufferSize : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the buffer between the surface box and the Eulerian section mesh bounding box. The default value is 2.0.
contractRatio1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. The default value is 0.0.
contractRatio2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. The default value is 0.0.
contractRatio3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. The default value is 0.0.
ctrPosition1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 1-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
ctrPosition2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 2-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
ctrPosition3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the 3-direction translational constraint on the center of the Eulerian mesh. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
expansionRatio1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 1 direction. If expansionRatio1 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
expansionRatio2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 2 direction. If expansionRatio2 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
expansionRatio3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the upper bounds on the allowable scaling of the mesh in the 3 direction. If expansionRatio3 = None, then there is no upper limit. The default value is None.
negPosition1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
negPosition2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
negPosition3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the negative (minimum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
posPosition1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 1 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
posPosition2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 2 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
posPosition3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the translational constraint on the positive (maximum) bounds of the mesh in the 3 direction. Possible values are FREE and FIXED. The default value is FREE.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
vmaxFactor : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the multiplier for the mesh nodal velocity limit. The default value is 1.01.
volThreshold : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the lower bounds on the volume fraction when determining which nodes to include in the surface bounding box calculation for an Eulerian material surface. This argument applies only when followRegion = False. The default value is 0.5.
- class FluidCavityPressureBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- fluidCavity,
- magnitude=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, -
The FluidCavityPressureBC object stores the data for a fluid cavity pressure boundary condition. The FluidCavityPressureBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
fluidCavity : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of a Fluid Cavity Interaction.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
, amplitude=UNSET
, fixed=0
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the data for an existing FluidCavityPressureBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the fluid cavity pressure magnitude. The default value is 0.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- magnitude=
setValuesInStep(stepName, magnitude=
, amplitude=''
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing FluidCavityPressureBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float or the SymbolicConstant FREED specifying the fluid cavity pressure magnitude.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class FluidCavityPressureBCState[源代码]¶
The FluidCavityPressureBCState object stores the propagating data for a fluid cavity pressure boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the FluidCavityPressureBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the FluidCavityPressureBC object. The FluidCavityPressureBCState object has no constructor or methods. The FluidCavityPressureBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
magnitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the fluid cavity pressure magnitude.
- magnitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the fluid cavity pressure magnitude. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class MagneticVectorPotentialBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- component1=
, - component2=
, - component3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - localCsys=
, -
The MagneticVectorPotentialBC object stores the data for a magnetic vector potential boundary condition. The MagneticVectorPotentialBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- component1=
, - component2=
, - component3=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - localCsys=
, This method modifies the data for an existing MagneticVectorPotentialBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- component1=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET
- component2=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- component3=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM and USER_DEFINED. The default value is UNIFORM.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- component1=
- setValuesInStep(
- stepName,
- component1=
, - component2=
, - component3=
, - amplitude=
, This method modifies the propagating data for an existing MagneticVectorPotentialBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- component1=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and UNCHANGED.
- component2=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and UNCHANGED.
- component3=
¶ A Complex, or a SymbolicConstant specifying the magnetic vector potential component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant areSET and UNCHANGED.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class MaterialFlowBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, -
The MaterialFlowBC object stores the data for a connector material flow boundary condition. The MaterialFlowBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method modifies the data for an existing MaterialFlowBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the material flow magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- fieldName=
setValuesInStep(stepName, magnitude=
, amplitude=''
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing MaterialFlowBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float or the SymbolicConstant FREED specifying the material flow magnitude.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class MaterialFlowBCState[源代码]¶
The MaterialFlowBCState object stores the propagating data for a connector material flow boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the MaterialFlowBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the MaterialFlowBC object. The MaterialFlowBCState object has no constructor or methods. The MaterialFlowBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
magnitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the material flow magnitude.
- magnitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the material flow magnitude. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class PorePressureBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, -
The PorePressureBC object stores the data for a pore pressure boundary condition. The PorePressureBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - distributionType=
, - amplitude=
, - fixed=
, This method modifies the data for an existing PorePressureBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the pore pressure magnitude. The default value is 0. The magnitude argument is optional if distributionType = USER_DEFINED.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- fieldName=
setValuesInStep(stepName, magnitude=
, amplitude=''
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing PorePressureBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float or the SymbolicConstant FREED specifying the pore pressure magnitude.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class PorePressureBCState[源代码]¶
The PorePressureBCState object stores the propagating data for a pore pressure boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the PorePressureBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the PorePressureBC object. The PorePressureBCState object has no constructor or methods. The PorePressureBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
magnitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the pore pressure magnitude.
- magnitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the pore pressure magnitude. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
class RetainedNodalDofsBC(name, createStepName, region, u1=
, u2=0
, u3=0
, ur1=0
, ur2=0
, ur3=0
)[源代码]¶ -
The RetainedNodalDofsBC object stores the data for a retained nodal dofs boundary condition. The RetainedNodalDofsBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
, u2=0
, u3=0
, ur1=0
, ur2=0
, ur3=0
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the data for an existing RetainedNodalDofsBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- u1=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 1-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- u2=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 2-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- u3=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 3-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- ur1=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 1-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- ur2=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 2-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- ur3=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 3-direction. The default value is OFF indicating that the degree of freedom is not retained.
- u1=
setValuesInStep(stepName, u1=
, u2=0
, u3=0
, ur1=0
, ur2=0
, ur3=0
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing RetainedNodalDofsBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- u1=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 1-direction.
- u2=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 2-direction.
- u3=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the degree of freedom in the 3-direction.
- ur1=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 1-direction.
- ur2=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 2-direction.
- ur3=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to retain the rotational degree of freedom about the 3-direction.
- class SecondaryBaseBC(name, createStepName, regions, dofs)[源代码]¶
The SecondaryBaseBC object stores the data for a secondary base boundary condition. The SecondaryBaseBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
dofs : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A tuple of tuples of Ints specifying the constrained degrees-of-freedom.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
regions : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region`] =
[源代码]¶ A RegionArray object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied. Note that the usual region is ignored. The default value is MODEL.
- class SecondaryBaseBCState[源代码]¶
The SecondaryBaseBCState object stores the propagating data for a secondary base boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the SecondaryBaseBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the SecondaryBaseBC object. The SecondaryBaseBCState object has no constructor or methods. The SecondaryBaseBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class SubmodelBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- dof,
- globalStep,
- timeScale,
- shellThickness,
- globalDrivingRegion=
, - absoluteExteriorTolerance=
, - exteriorTolerance=
, - localCsys=
, - globalIncrement=
, - centerZoneSize=
, - intersectionOnly=
, -
The SubmodelBC object stores the data for a submodel boundary condition. The SubmodelBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
absoluteExteriorTolerance : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the absolute value by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is None.
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
exteriorTolerance : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the fraction of the average element size in the global model by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.05.
globalDrivingRegion : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the element set in the global model that will be searched for elements whose responses will be used to drive the submodel. An empty string indicates that the entire global model will be searched. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- globalDrivingRegion=
, - absoluteExteriorTolerance=
, - exteriorTolerance=
, - localCsys=
, - globalIncrement=
, - centerZoneSize=
, This method modifies the data for an existing SubmodelBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- globalDrivingRegion=
¶ A String specifying the element set in the global model that will be searched for elements whose responses will be used to drive the submodel. An empty string indicates that the entire global model will be searched. The default value is an empty string.
- absoluteExteriorTolerance=
¶ None or a Float specifying the absolute value by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is None.
- exteriorTolerance=
¶ None or a Float specifying the fraction of the average element size in the global model by which a driven node of the submodel can lie outside the region of the elements of the global model. The default value is 0.05.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- globalIncrement=
¶ An Int specifying the increment number in the global model step from which the solution will be used to specify the values of the driven variables. If globalIncrement = 0, the solution from the last increment will be used. The globalIncrement argument is applicable only for linear perturbation steps. The default value is 0.
- centerZoneSize=
¶ A Float specifying the thickness of the center zone size around the shell midsurface. The default value is None.
- globalDrivingRegion=
- setValuesInStep(
- stepName,
- fixed=
, - dof=
, - globalStep=
, - globalIncrement=
, - centerZoneSize=
, This method modifies the propagating data for an existing SubmodelBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is ON.
- dof=
¶ A sequence of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied. The dof argument is applicable only if fixed = OFF.
- globalStep=
¶ A String specifying the step in the global model from which Abaqus reads the values of the variables that will drive the submodel analysis. The String indicates the position of the step in the sequence of analysis steps. For example, globalStep = '1' indicates the first step. The globalStep argument is applicable only if fixed = OFF.
- globalIncrement=
¶ An Int specifying the increment number in the global model step at which the solution will be used to specify the values of the driven variables. If globalIncrement = 0, the solution from the last increment will be used. The globalIncrement argument is applicable only for linear perturbation steps and if fixed = OFF. The default value is 0.
- centerZoneSize=
¶ A Float specifying the thickness of the center zone size around the shell midsurface. The default value is None.The centerZoneSize argument is applicable only if fixed = OFF.
absoluteExteriorTolerance : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
- class SubmodelBCState[源代码]¶
The SubmodelBCState object stores the propagating data for a Submodel boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the SubmodelBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the SubmodelBC object. The SubmodelBCState object has no constructor or methods. The SubmodelBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
centerZoneSize : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying the thickness of the center zone size around the shell midsurface. The default value is None.
- centerZoneSizefState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the centerZoneSize member. Possible values are SET and UNCHANGED.
dof : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`int`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[源代码]¶ A tuple of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied.
- dofState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the dof member. Possible values are SET and UNCHANGED.
globalIncrement : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ An Int specifying the increment number in the global model step at which the solution will be used to specify the values of the driven variables. This argument is applicable only for linear perturbation steps.
- globalIncrementState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the globalIncrement member. Possible values are SET and UNCHANGED.
globalStep : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the step in the global model from which Abaqus reads the values of the variables that will drive the submodel analysis. The String indicates the position of the step in the sequence of analysis steps. For example, globalStep = '1' indicates the first step.
- globalStepState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the globalStep member. Possible values are SET and UNCHANGED.
scale : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ None or a Float specifying a scaling value applied to the applied displacements at the interface. The default value is 1.0.
- scaleState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the scale member. Possible values are SET and UNCHANGED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class TemperatureBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - magnitude=
, - dof=
, - amplitude=
, - distributionType=
, - fixed=
, -
The TemperatureBC object stores the data for a temperature boundary condition. The TemperatureBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues( )[源代码]¶
This method modifies the data for an existing TemperatureBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float specifying the temperature magnitude. The default value is 0.
- dof=
¶ A sequence of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied. The default value is (11,).
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- fixed=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether the boundary condition should remain fixed at the current values at the start of the step. The default value is OFF.
- fieldName=
setValuesInStep(stepName, magnitude=
, dof=()
, amplitude=''
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing TemperatureBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- magnitude=
¶ A Float or the SymbolicConstant FREED specifying the temperature magnitude.
- dof=
¶ A sequence of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class TemperatureBCState[源代码]¶
The TemperatureBCState object stores the propagating data for a temperature boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the TemperatureBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the TemperatureBC object. The TemperatureBCState object has no constructor or methods. The TemperatureBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
dof : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\ \[:py:class:`int`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] =
[源代码]¶ A tuple of Ints specifying the degrees of freedom to which the boundary condition is applied.
- dofState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the dof member. Possible values are SET and UNCHANGED.
magnitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the temperature magnitude.
- magnitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the temperature magnitude. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
class TypeBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ -
The TypeBC object stores the data for several types of predefined boundary conditions that are commonly used in stress/displacement analyses. The TypeBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Check TypeBC on
Member Details:
static EncastreBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method creates an encastre TypeBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
static PinnedBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method creates a pinned TypeBC object.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
static XasymmBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the X axis.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
static XsymmBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the X axis.
This function can be accessed by:
Check XsymmBC on
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
static YasymmBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the Y axis.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
static YsymmBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the Y axis.
This function can be accessed by:
Check YsymmBC on
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
static ZasymmBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies antisymmetry about the Z axis.
This function can be accessed by:
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
static ZsymmBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method creates a TypeBC object that specifies symmetry about the Z axis.
This function can be accessed by:
Check ZsymmBC on
- 参数:¶
- name¶
A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
- createStepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is created.
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- 返回:¶
A TypeBC object.
- 返回类型:¶
buckleCase : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
setValues(region, typeName=
, localCsys=None
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the data for an existing TypeBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- region¶
A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- typeName=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying the predefined boundary condition type. Possible values are XSYMM, YSYMM, ZSYMM, XASYMM, YASYMM, ZASYMM, PINNED, and ENCASTRE.
- buckleCase=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is defined in a BUCKLE analysis. Possible values are NOT_APPLICABLE, STRESS_PERTURBATION, BUCKLING_MODES, and PERTURBATION_AND_BUCKLING. The default value is NOT_APPLICABLE.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
static EncastreBC(name, createStepName, region, buckleCase=
- class VelocityBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- region,
- fieldName=
, - v1=
, - v2=
, - v3=
, - vr1=
, - vr2=
, - vr3=
, - amplitude=
, - localCsys=
, - distributionType=
, -
The VelocityBC object stores the data for a velocity boundary condition. The VelocityBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
distributionType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` =
[源代码]¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
fieldName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
- setValues(
- fieldName=
, - v1=
, - v2=
, - v3=
, - vr1=
, - vr2=
, - vr3=
, - amplitude=
, - localCsys=
, - distributionType=
, This method modifies the data for an existing VelocityBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- fieldName=
¶ A String specifying the name of the AnalyticalField object associated with this boundary condition. The fieldName argument applies only when distributionType = FIELD. The default value is an empty string.
- v1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET. Note: Although v1, v2, v3, vr1, vr2, and vr3 are optional arguments, at least one of them must be specified.
- v2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- v3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- vr3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNSET and SET. The default value is UNSET.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- localCsys=
¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
- distributionType=
¶ A SymbolicConstant specifying how the boundary condition is distributed spatially. Possible values are UNIFORM, USER_DEFINED, and FIELD. The default value is UNIFORM.
- fieldName=
- setValuesInStep( )[源代码]¶
This method modifies the propagating data for an existing VelocityBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- v1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- v2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- v3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the velocity component in the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- vr1=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 1-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- vr2=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 2-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- vr3=
¶ A Float or a SymbolicConstant specifying the rotational velocity component about the 3-direction. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are SET and FREED.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- class VelocityBCState[源代码]¶
The VelocityBCState object stores the propagating data for a velocity boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the VelocityBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the VelocityBC object. The VelocityBCState object has no constructor or methods. The VelocityBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
v1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the velocity component in the 1-direction.
- v1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the velocity component in the 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
v2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the velocity component in the 2-direction.
- v2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the velocity component in the 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
v3 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the velocity component in the 3-direction.
- v3State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the velocity component in the 3-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
vr1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the rotational velocity component about the 1-direction.
- vr1State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational velocity component about the 1-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
vr2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the rotational velocity component about the 2-direction.
- vr2State : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the rotational velocity component about the 2-direction. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- class VelocityBaseMotionBC(
- name,
- createStepName,
- dof,
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, -
The VelocityBaseMotionBC object stores the data for a velocity base motion boundary condition. The VelocityBaseMotionBC object is derived from the BoundaryCondition object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].boundaryConditions[name]
Member Details:
amplitudeScaleFactor : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
[源代码]¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- category : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the category of the boundary condition. Possible values are MECHANICAL and THERMAL.
centerOfRotation : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple` =
[源代码]¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
correlation : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Amplitude.Correlation.Correlation` =
<abaqus.Amplitude.Correlation.Correlation object>
[源代码]¶ A Correlation object.
localCsys : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` | :py:obj:`None` =
[源代码]¶ None or a DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the boundary condition's degrees of freedom. If localCsys = None, the degrees of freedom are defined in the global coordinate system. The default value is None.
name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the boundary condition repository key.
region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Region.Region` =
<abaqus.Region.Region.Region object>
[源代码]¶ A Region object specifying the region to which the boundary condition is applied.
secondaryBase : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- setValues(
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
, - centerOfRotation=
, - correlation=
, - secondaryBase=
, - useComplex=
, - amplitude=
, This method modifies the data for an existing VelocityBaseMotionBC object in the step where it is created.
- 参数:¶
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
¶ A Float specifying the scale factor for the amplitude curve. The default value is 1.0.
- centerOfRotation=
¶ A ModelDot object specifying a tuple containing one center of rotation. The default value is the global origin. This argument applies only when dof = UR1, UR2, or UR3.
- correlation=
¶ A Correlation object.
- secondaryBase=
¶ A String specifying the name of the SecondaryBaseBC object associated with this boundary condition. The default value is an empty string.
- useComplex=
¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or the SymbolicConstant UNSET specifying the name of the amplitude reference. UNSET should be used if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference. The default value is UNSET. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
- amplitudeScaleFactor=
setValuesInStep(stepName, amplitude=
)[源代码]¶ This method modifies the propagating data for an existing VelocityBaseMotionBC object in the specified step.
- 参数:¶
- stepName¶
A String specifying the name of the step in which the boundary condition is modified.
- amplitude=
¶ A String or a SymbolicConstant specifying the name of the amplitude reference. Possible values for the SymbolicConstant are UNCHANGED and FREED. UNCHANGED should be used if the amplitude is propagated from the previous analysis step. FREED should be used if the boundary condition is changed to have no amplitude reference. You should provide the amplitude argument only if it is valid for the specified step.
useComplex : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\ \[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] =
[源代码]¶ A Boolean specifying whether to define the imaginary (out-of-plane) portion of the base motion record given by amplitude definition. The default value is OFF.
amplitudeScaleFactor : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` =
- class VelocityBaseMotionBCState[源代码]¶
The VelocityBaseMotionBCState object stores the propagating data for a velocity base motion boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the VelocityBaseMotionBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the VelocityBaseMotionBC object. The VelocityBaseMotionBCState object has no constructor or methods. The VelocityBaseMotionBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are:
- class TypeBCState[源代码]¶
The TypeBCState object stores the propagating data for a predefined boundary condition in a step. One instance of this object is created internally by the TypeBC object for each step. The instance is also deleted internally by the TypeBC object. The TypeBCState object has no constructor or methods. The TypeBCState object is derived from the BoundaryConditionState object.
This object can be accessed by:
import load mdb.models[name].steps[name].boundaryConditionStates[name]
The corresponding analysis keywords are:
Member Details:
amplitude : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` =
[源代码]¶ A String specifying the name of the amplitude reference. The String is empty if the boundary condition has no amplitude reference.
- amplitudeState : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the amplitude reference. Possible values are UNSET, SET, UNCHANGED, FREED, and MODIFIED.
- status : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[源代码]¶
A SymbolicConstant specifying the propagation state of the BoundaryConditionState object. Possible values are: