Compiling and linking your C++ source code

Sample postprocessing programs to perform commonly exercised tasks are presented in separate sections in this chapter. These and other C++ postprocessing programs must be compiled and linked using the make parameter when running the Abaqus execution procedure (see Making user-defined executables and subroutines). To link properly, the programs cannot contain a C++ main routine. Instead, the programs must begin with a C++ function called ABQmain.

#include <odb_API.h>

int ABQmain(int argc, char **argv) {
    // Insert user code here
    return 0;

The arguments passed into the program upon execution will be passed into ABQmain as though it were the standard C++ main function. The compile and link commands used by the abaqus make utility are determined by the settings of the compile_cpp and link parameters in the Abaqus environment file.