Plug-in Registration¶
Plug-in commands register kernel and GUI plug-ins in either the Plug-ins menu or in a toolbox. Plug-in registration commands for accessing both kernel and GUI plug-ins are located in the Abaqus GUI Toolkit Reference Guide.
Other Classes¶
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- class AFXBoolKeyword(
- command,
- name,
- booleanType=
, - isRequired=
, - defaultValue=
, 基类:
This class is designed for command keywords that have Boolean values.
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TRUE_FALSE : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
[源代码]¶ Keyword value will be True or False.
- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the text string that represents the keyword's current value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- isValueChanged()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword value differs from its previous value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- setDefaultValue(defaultValue)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's default value.
- setDefaultValueByString(defaultValueString)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's default value (returns True if the given text string is valid).
- setValueByString(newValueString)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's current value (returns True if the given text string is valid).
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
TRUE_FALSE : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
class AFXCommand(mode, method, objectName=
, registerQuery=False
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class is the abstract base class for command classes that are processed by modes.
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- activate()[源代码]¶
Activates the command; active commands will be processed during command generation.
- deactivate()[源代码]¶
Deactivates the command; inactive commands will not be processed during command generation.
- getCommandString()[源代码]¶
Returns the command string based on the current values of the active keywords.
- getExpandedObjectName()[源代码]¶
Returns the expanded object name that has all the "%s"'s replaced by the current names.
- getKeyword(index)[源代码]¶
Returns the keyword at the given index (returns 0 if the index is out-of-bounds).
- isRequired()[源代码]¶
Returns True if this command is going to be sent even if none of its keywords has been modified, otherwise returns False.
)[源代码]¶ Sets the values of all keywords to their defaults.
- setObjectName(objectName)[源代码]¶
Sets the object name.
- setRequired(val)[源代码]¶
Sets this command as required or optional; if True the command will always be sent, if False the command will be sent only if it has modified keywords or if it has no keywords.
class AFXKeyword(command, name, isRequired=
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
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ID_DEACTIVATE : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
[源代码]¶ Used to deactivate the keyword.
- activate()[源代码]¶
Activates the keyword; active keywords will be processed during command generation.
- deactivate()[源代码]¶
Deactivates the keyword; inactive keywords will not be processed during command generation.
- getSetupCommands()[源代码]¶
Returns the keyword's variable initilization commands (part of the generated command string).
- getTypeName()[源代码]¶
Returns the keyword type name.
Implemented in AFXBoolKeyword, AFXComSymConstKeyword, AFXComTableKeyword, AFXFloatKeyword, AFXIntKeyword, AFXObjectKeyword, AFXStringKeyword, AFXSymConstKeyword, AFXTogglableKeyword, AFXTupleKeyword, and AFXTableKeyword.
- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the text string that represents the current keyword value.
Implemented in AFXBoolKeyword, AFXComSymConstKeyword, AFXComTableKeyword, AFXFloatKeyword, AFXIntKeyword, AFXObjectKeyword, AFXStringKeyword, AFXSymConstKeyword, AFXTogglableKeyword, and AFXTupleKeyword.
- isRequired()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword is a required argument of the host command; or returns False if the keyword is optional.
- isValueChanged()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword value differs from its previous value.
Implemented in AFXBoolKeyword, AFXComSymConstKeyword, AFXComTableKeyword, AFXFloatKeyword, AFXIntKeyword, AFXObjectKeyword, AFXStringKeyword, AFXTogglableKeyword, and AFXTupleKeyword.
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
ID_DEACTIVATE : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
class AFXColumnItems(referenceColumn, tgt=
, sel=0
, opts=0
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
Member Details:
class AFXComTableKeyword(command, name, isRequired=
, minLength=0
, maxLength=-1
, opts=0
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class manages values which are sent as tables in a command.
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ID_VALUE : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
[源代码]¶ ID for widgets exchanging array strings.
- equal(index, a, b)[源代码]¶
Returns True if the two table element values compare equal (index not used).
- getColumnStyle(index)[源代码]¶
Returns the style of the column elements. Will never return AFXTABLE_STYLE_DEFAULT!
- getColumnType(index)[源代码]¶
Returns the type of the column elements. Will never return AFXTABLE_TYPE_DEFAULT!
- getFormattedValue(row, column)[源代码]¶
Returns the formatted value of the table element, suitable for placing in a command. If the element has AFXTABLE_EVALUATE style, and its contents are invalid, an exception will be thrown.
- getTypeName()[源代码]¶
Returns the name of the table keyword type.
Implements AFXKeyword. Reimplemented in AFXTableKeyword.
- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the formatted string that represents the current keyword value in a command.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- getValuesForBlanks()[源代码]¶
Returns a string with values substituted for blanks for all table columns.
- insertColumns(index, numColumns)[源代码]¶
Inserts columns starting at the given index.
- isValueChanged()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword value differs from its previous value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- removeColumns(index, numColumns)[源代码]¶
Removes columns starting at the given index.
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
ID_VALUE : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
- class AFXMode[源代码]¶
This class is the base class for modes.
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ID_CMD_ACTIVATED : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
[源代码]¶ Indicates that a command is activated.
ID_CMD_DEACTIVATED : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
[源代码]¶ Indicates that a command is deactivated.
ID_CMD_MODIFIED : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
[源代码]¶ Indicates that a command is modified.
ID_CMD_ACTIVATED : --is-rst--:py:class:`int` =
class AFXFloatKeyword(command, name, isRequired=
, defaultValue=0.0
, precision=6
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class is designed for the command keywords that have floating-point values.
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- getPrecision()[源代码]¶
Returns the precision that is used for converting the keyword's floating-point value to a text string.
- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the text string that represents the keyword's current value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- isValueChanged()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword value differs from its previous value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- setDefaultValue(defaultValue)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's default value.
- setPrecision(precision)[源代码]¶
Sets the precision that is used for converting the keyword's floating-point value to a text string.
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
class AFXFloatTarget(initialValue=
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class is designed for floating-point targets.
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- class AFXTarget[源代码]¶
This class is the base class for all target objects.
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- getType()[源代码]¶
Returns the target type; this method is deprecated in Abaqus 6.6, and its use should be replaced by getTypeName().
class AFXIntKeyword(command, name, isRequired=
, defaultValue=0
, evalExpression=True
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
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- getTypeName()[源代码]¶
Returns the name of the keyword type.
Implements AFXKeyword. Reimplemented in AFXSymConstKeyword.
- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the text string that represents the keyword's current value.
Implements AFXKeyword. Reimplemented in AFXSymConstKeyword.
- isValueChanged()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword value differs from its previous value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- setDefaultValue(defaultValue)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's default value.
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
- syncPreviousValue()[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's previous value to its current value.
Implements AFXKeyword. By clicking on Send, you accept that Dassault Systèmes will process your personal data and may contact you for further information. [Privacy Policy]( Total Results: Results per page This page cannot be found. The page might not exist or is temporarily unavailable. Try again or try searching for the topic. Use this form to provide feedback on this help topic. To get product support or to provide product feedback, go to [Frequently Asked Questions]( For support for online purchased solutions, go to [Online Purchase Support]( * Required Subject: Feedback on User Assistance * I acknowledge I have read and I hereby accept the [privacy policy]( under which my personal data will be used by Dassault Systèmes.
class AFXIntTarget(initialValue=
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class is designed for integer targets.
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class AFXItemProvider(initialItems=
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class provides a way to supply items to widgets, such as AFXComboBox and AFXList.
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class FXDataTarget(value, tgt=
, sel=0
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
A Data Target allows a valuator widget such as a Slider or Text Field to be directly connected with a variable in the program.
Whenever the valuator control changes, the variable connected through the data target is automatically updated; conversely, whenever the program changes a variable, all the connected valuator widgets will be updated to reflect this new value on the display. Data Targets also allow connecting Radio Buttons, Menu Commands, and so on to a variable. In this case, the new value of the connected variable is computed by substracting ID_OPTION from the message ID.
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class AFXObjectKeyword(command, name, isRequired=
, defaultValue="''"
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class is designed for the command keywords that have objects as values.
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- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the text string that represents the keyword's current value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- isValueChanged()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword value differs from its previous value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- setDefaultValue(defaultValue)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's default value.
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
- syncPreviousValue()[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's previous value to its current value.
Implements AFXKeyword. By clicking on Send, you accept that Dassault Systèmes will process your personal data and may contact you for further information. [Privacy Policy]( Total Results: Results per page This page cannot be found. The page might not exist or is temporarily unavailable. Try again or try searching for the topic. Use this form to provide feedback on this help topic. To get product support or to provide product feedback, go to [Frequently Asked Questions]( For support for online purchased solutions, go to [Online Purchase Support]( * Required Subject: Feedback on User Assistance * I acknowledge I have read and I hereby accept the [privacy policy]( under which my personal data will be used by Dassault Systèmes.
- class AFXSequenceString[源代码]¶
This class supports parsing and modification of strings containing sequences of elements separated with some separator character.
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- forceNumElements(num, fill)[源代码]¶
Forces the content string to contain a tuple with the given number of elements.
- getContentString()[源代码]¶
Returns a string containing values of the sequence elements.
Reimplemented in AFX2DArrayConstString.
- getPosition(index)[源代码]¶
Returns the position in the content string of the beginning character of the sequence element.
- insert(index, numElements, val)[源代码]¶
Inserts many copies of an element.
- remove(index, numElements)[源代码]¶
Removes elements starting at the given index.
setValue(index, value, replaceAll=
)[源代码]¶ Sets the value of a sequence element.
class AFXStringKeyword(command, name, isRequired=
, defaultValue="''"
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class is designed for the command keywords that have text string values.
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- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the text string that represents the keyword's current value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- isValueChanged()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword value differs from its previous value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- setDefaultValue(defaultValue)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's default value.
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
- syncPreviousValue()[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's previous value to its current value.
Implements AFXKeyword. By clicking on Send, you accept that Dassault Systèmes will process your personal data and may contact you for further information. [Privacy Policy]( Total Results: Results per page This page cannot be found. The page might not exist or is temporarily unavailable. Try again or try searching for the topic. Use this form to provide feedback on this help topic. To get product support or to provide product feedback, go to [Frequently Asked Questions]( For support for online purchased solutions, go to [Online Purchase Support]( * Required Subject: Feedback on User Assistance * I acknowledge I have read and I hereby accept the [privacy policy]( under which my personal data will be used by Dassault Systèmes.
class AFXStringTarget(initialValue=
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class is designed for string targets.
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class AFXSymConstKeyword(command, name, isRequired=
, defaultValue=0
)[源代码]¶ -
This class is designed for the command keywords that have symbolic constant values.
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- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the text string that represents the keyword's current value.
Reimplemented from AFXIntKeyword.
- setDefaultValue(defaultValue)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's default value.
- setDefaultValueByString(defaultValueString)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's default value (returns True if the given text string is valid).
- setValueByString(newValueString)[源代码]¶
Sets the keyword's current value (returns True if the given text string is valid).
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
class AFXTransition(intTarget, op, refValue, tgt, sel, ptr=
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class is designed for the finite state transition that the GUI (mostly the dialog boxes) can define to perform actions according to state changes.
The first three arguments of the constructors (keyword, op, and refValue) define an expression (keyword.getValue() op refValue). The current value of the keyword is compared with the reference value. When the expression evaluates to True, a message with the given selector will be sent to the specified message target.
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class AFXTupleKeyword(command, name, isRequired=
, minLength=0
, maxLength=-1
, opts=0
)[源代码]¶ 基类:
This class manages values which are sent as tuples in a command.
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- equal(index, a, b)[源代码]¶
Returns True if the two tuple element values compare equal (index is not used).
- getElementStyle(index)[源代码]¶
Returns the style of one element. Will never return AFXTUPLE_STYLE_DEFAULT!
- getElementType(index)[源代码]¶
Returns the type of one element. Will never return AFXTUPLE_TYPE_DEFAULT!
- getFormattedValue(index)[源代码]¶
Returns the formatted value of the tuple element, suitable for placing in a command. If the element has AFXTUPLE_EVALUATE style and its contents are invalid, an exception will be thrown.
- getValueAsString()[源代码]¶
Returns the formatted string that represents the current keyword value in a command.
Implements AFXKeyword.
- getValuesForBlanks()[源代码]¶
Returns a string containing values substituted for blanks for the tuple elements.
- isValueChanged()[源代码]¶
Returns True if the keyword value differs from its previous value.
Implements AFXKeyword.
)[源代码]¶ Sets the keyword value to its default.
- setValues(values)[源代码]¶
Sets values for all tuple elements (use commas to separate values within the string).
- class FXDrawable[源代码]¶
Drawable is an abstract base class for any surface that can be drawn upon, such as a FXWindow, or FXImage.
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- class FXId[源代码]¶
Encapsulates server side resource.
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- create()[源代码]¶
Create resource.
Reimplemented in FXBitmap, FXColorBar, FXColorSelector, FXColorWell, FXColorWheel, FXComboBox, FXComposite, FXCursor, FXDirBox, FXDirList, FXDockTitle, FXDriveBox, FXFileList, FXFont, FXFontSelector, FXGLCanvas, FXGLContext, FXGLViewer, FXGLVisual, FXGroupBox, FXHeader, FXIcon, FXIconList, FXImage, FXImageView, FXLabel, FXList, FXListBox, FXMDIChild, FXMenuButton, FXMenuCaption, FXMenuCascade, FXProgressBar, FXMenuTitle, FXOptionMenu, FXPrintDialog, FXRootWindow, FXScrollWindow, FXShell, FXSpinner, FXStatusline, FXTabBar, FXTable, FXText, FXTextField, FXToggleButton, FXToolbarShell, FXTooltip, FXTopWindow, FXTreeList, FXTreeListBox, FXVisual, FXWindow, AFXManagerMenuPane, AFXMainWindow, AFXPromptArea, AFXBaseTable, AFXColorButton, AFXColorFlyout, AFXComboBox, AFXDialog, AFXFloatSpinner, AFXFlyoutButton, AFXListBox, AFXNote, AFXOptionTreeItem, AFXPrimFloatSpinner, AFXProgressBar, AFXSpinner, AFXTable, AFXTextField, and AFXVerticalAligner.
- destroy()[源代码]¶
Destroy resource.
Reimplemented in FXBitmap, FXComboBox, FXComposite, FXCursor, FXDirBox, FXDirList, FXDriveBox, FXFileList, FXFont, FXGLCanvas, FXGLContext, FXGLVisual, FXIcon, FXImage, FXListBox, FXMenuCascade, FXOptionMenu, FXRootWindow, FXTreeList, FXTreeListBox, FXVisual, FXWindow, AFXManagerMenuCascade, AFXColorFlyout, and AFXTable.
- detach()[源代码]¶
Detach resource.
Reimplemented in FXBitmap, FXColorBar, FXColorWell, FXColorWheel, FXComboBox, FXComposite, FXCursor, FXDirBox, FXDirList, FXDockTitle, FXDriveBox, FXFileList, FXFont, FXGLCanvas, FXGLContext, FXGLViewer, FXGLVisual, FXGroupBox, FXHeader, FXIcon, FXIconList, FXImage, FXImageView, FXLabel, FXList, FXListBox, FXMDIChild, FXMenuButton, FXMenuCaption, FXMenuCascade, FXProgressBar, FXMenuTitle, FXOptionMenu, FXRootWindow, FXStatusline, FXTable, FXText, FXToggleButton, FXTooltip, FXTopWindow, FXTreeList, FXTreeListBox, FXVisual, FXWindow, AFXBaseTable, AFXColorFlyout, AFXFlyoutButton, AFXNote, and AFXTable.
- class FXObjectList(orig)[源代码]¶
List of pointers to objects.
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- size()[源代码]¶
Return size of list.
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- FXMAPFUNC(object, messageType, messageId, method)[源代码]¶
Creates an entry in the object's message map that will route a message to a method.
- 参数:¶
- object¶
An instance of the class in which the message map entry is to be made. Typically this is "self".
- messageType¶
An integer flag specifying the message type (e.g. SEL_COMMAND).
- messageId¶
An integer specifying the message ID.
- method¶
The method to which the message is to be routed. This method must be specified by including the class name (e.g. MyDB.myMethod).
- FXMAPFUNCS(object, messageType, startMessageId, endMessageId, method)[源代码]¶
Creates multiple entries in the object's message map that will route messages to a method.
- 参数:¶
- object¶
An instance of the class in which the message map entry is to be made. Typically this is "self".
- messageType¶
An integer flag specifying the message type (e.g. SEL_COMMAND).
- startMessageId¶
An integer specifying the starting message ID.
- endMessageId¶
An integer specifying the ending message ID.
- method¶
The method to which the message is to be routed. This method must be specified by including the class name (e.g. MyDB.myMethod).
- MKUINT(messageId, messageType)[源代码]¶
Creates a message selector by combining a message ID and a message type.