




Base class for Abaqus/CAE command line interface to run Abaqus commands.


The abqpy command line interface.

Module Contents

class AbqpyCLIBase[source]

Base class for Abaqus/CAE command line interface to run Abaqus commands.

Public Methods:


Run custom command.

abaqus(*args, **options)

Run custom Abaqus command: abaqus {args} {options}, arguments are separated by space, options are handled by the _parse_options() method.

Private Methods:


Parse options to be passed to Abaqus/CAE command line interface.

_parse_options(**options: str | int | bool | None) str[source]

Parse options to be passed to Abaqus/CAE command line interface.

If the value is a string or an integer, the option will be passed as option=value; if the value is a boolean, the option will be passed as option if True, or ignored if False; if the value is None, the option will be ignored.

run(cmd: str)[source]

Run custom command.

abaqus(*args, **options)[source]

Run custom Abaqus command: abaqus {args} {options}, arguments are separated by space, options are handled by the _parse_options() method.


Arguments and options to be passed to the Abaqus command.


Arguments and options to be passed to the Abaqus command.

class AbqpyCLI[source]

Bases: AbqpyCLIBase

The abqpy command line interface.

Public Data Attributes:


Miscellaneous commands for backward compatibility.

Public Methods:

cae(script, *args[, database, replay, ...])

Run Abaqus/CAE command.

viewer(script, *args[, database, replay, ...])

Run Abaqus/CAE command.

pde(*scripts[, script])

Run Abaqus/PDE command.

python(script, *args[, sim, log])

Run Abaqus/Python command.

optimization(task, job, *[, cpus, gpus, ...])

Run Abaqus optimization command.

help(*args, **options)

information(*args, **options)

whereami(*args, **options)

cse(*args, **options)

cosimulation(*args, **options)

fmu(*args, **options)

script(*args, **options)

doc(*args, **options)

licensing(*args, **options)

ascfil(*args, **options)

append(*args, **options)

findkeyword(*args, **options)

fetch(*args, **options)

make(*args, **options)

upgrade(*args, **options)

sim_version(*args, **options)

odb2sim(*args, **options)

odbreport(*args, **options)

restartjoin(*args, **options)

substructurecombine(*args, **options)

substructurerecover(*args, **options)

odbcombine(*args, **options)

networkDBConnector(*args, **options)

emloads(*args, **options)

mtxasm(*args, **options)

fromnastran(*args, **options)

tonastran(*args, **options)

fromansys(*args, **options)

frompamcrash(*args, **options)

fromradioss(*args, **options)

toOutput2(*args, **options)

fromdyna(*args, **options)

tozaero(*args, **options)

adams(*args, **options)

tosimpack(*args, **options)

fromsimpack(*args, **options)

toexcite(*args, **options)

moldflow(*args, **options)

encrypt(*args, **options)

decrypt(*args, **options)

suspend(*args, **options)

resume(*args, **options)

terminate(*args, **options)

sysVerify(*args, **options)

Inherited from AbqpyCLIBase


Run custom command.

abaqus(*args, **options)

Run custom Abaqus command: abaqus {args} {options}, arguments are separated by space, options are handled by the _parse_options() method.

Private Methods:

Inherited from AbqpyCLIBase


Parse options to be passed to Abaqus/CAE command line interface.

property misc : Self[source]

Miscellaneous commands for backward compatibility.

cae(script: str, *args, database: str | None = None, replay: str | None = None, recover: str | None = None, startup: str | None = None, gui: bool = False, envstartup: bool = True, savedOptions: bool = True, savedGuiPrefs: bool = True, startupDialog: bool = True, custom: str | None = None, guiTester: str | None = None, guiRecord: bool | None = None)[source]

Run Abaqus/CAE command.

script: str

The name of the python script to run


Extra arguments to be passed after the Abaqus/CAE command line options

database: str | None = None

The name of the database file to open, by default None

replay: str | None = None

The name of the replay file to open, by default None

recover: str | None = None

The name of the journal file to open, by default None

startup: str | None = None

The name of the startup file to open, by default None

gui: bool = False

Run Abaqus/CAE command with the graphical user interface (GUI mode), by default False.

envstartup: bool = True

Execute the Abaqus/CAE startup file, by default True

savedOptions: bool = True

Use the saved options, by default True

savedGuiPrefs: bool = True

Use the saved GUI preferences, by default True

startupDialog: bool = True

Display the startup dialog, by default True

custom: str | None = None

The name of the file containing Abaqus GUI Toolkit commands to be executed, by default None

guiTester: str | None = None

This option starts a separate user interface containing the Abaqus Python development environment along with Abaqus/CAE.

guiRecord: bool | None = None

Record the GUI commands to a file, by default None

pde(*scripts: str, script: str | None = None, **options)[source]

Run Abaqus/PDE command.

*scripts: str

Scripts to be included in the Abaqus/PDE session

script: str | None = None

Script to be opened at startup in Abaqus/PDE, by default None


Abaqus/CAE command line arguments

python(script: str, *args, sim: str | None = None, log: str | None = None)[source]

Run Abaqus/Python command.

script: str

The name of the python script to run


Extra arguments to be passed after the Abaqus/CAE command line options

sim: str | None = None

The name of the simulation file to open, by default None

log: str | None = None

The name of the log file to open, by default None

optimization(task: str, job: str, *, cpus: int | None = None, gpus: int | None = None, memory: int | None = None, interactive: bool = False, globalmodel: str | None = None, scratch: str | None = None)[source]

Run Abaqus optimization command.

task: str

The file containing the parameters that are used to execute the optimization.

job: str

The name of the folder in which the results of the optimization are stored.

cpus: int | None = None

The number of processors to use during an analysis run if parallel processing is available.

gpus: int | None = None

This acceleration of the Abaqus/Standard direct solver.

memory: int | None = None

Maximum amount of memory or maximum percentage of the physical memory that can be allocated.

interactive: bool = False

This option will cause the job to run interactively.

globalmodel: str | None = None

The name of the global model’s results file, ODB output database file, or SIM database file.

scratch: str | None = None

The name of the directory used for scratch files.

help(*args, **options)[source]
information(*args, **options)[source]
whereami(*args, **options)[source]
cse(*args, **options)[source]
cosimulation(*args, **options)[source]
fmu(*args, **options)[source]
script(*args, **options)[source]
doc(*args, **options)[source]
licensing(*args, **options)[source]
ascfil(*args, **options)[source]
append(*args, **options)[source]
findkeyword(*args, **options)[source]
fetch(*args, **options)[source]
make(*args, **options)[source]
upgrade(*args, **options)[source]
sim_version(*args, **options)[source]
odb2sim(*args, **options)[source]
odbreport(*args, **options)[source]
restartjoin(*args, **options)[source]
substructurecombine(*args, **options)[source]
substructurerecover(*args, **options)[source]
odbcombine(*args, **options)[source]
networkDBConnector(*args, **options)[source]
emloads(*args, **options)[source]
mtxasm(*args, **options)[source]
fromnastran(*args, **options)[source]
tonastran(*args, **options)[source]
fromansys(*args, **options)[source]
frompamcrash(*args, **options)[source]
fromradioss(*args, **options)[source]
toOutput2(*args, **options)[source]
fromdyna(*args, **options)[source]
tozaero(*args, **options)[source]
adams(*args, **options)[source]
tosimpack(*args, **options)[source]
fromsimpack(*args, **options)[source]
toexcite(*args, **options)[source]
moldflow(*args, **options)[source]
encrypt(*args, **options)[source]
decrypt(*args, **options)[source]
suspend(*args, **options)[source]
resume(*args, **options)[source]
terminate(*args, **options)[source]
sysVerify(*args, **options)[source]