Display Group

Display group commands are used to select a subset of the entities displayed in the viewport.

Create display groups

class DisplayGroupSession[source]

Bases: SessionBase

Public Data Attributes:

Inherited from SessionBase


A Boolean specifying whether an Abaqus interactive session is running.


A Boolean specifying whether Abaqus is executing a replay file.


A Float specifying the memory usage value for the Abaqus/CAE kernel process in megabytes.


A Float specifying the maximum value for the memory usage for the Abaqus/CAE kernel process in megabytes.


A Float specifying the limit for the memory use for the Abaqus/CAE kernel process in megabytes.


A repository of Color objects.


A JournalOptions object specifying how to record selection of geometry in the journal and replay files.


A MemoryReductionOptions object specifying options for running in reduced memory mode.


A NodeQuery object specifying nodes and their coordinates in a path.


A ConstrainedSketcherOptions object specifying common options for all sketches.


A ViewerOptions object.


An AnimationOptions object.


An AVIOptions object.


An ImageAnimationOptions object.


An ImageAnimation object.


A QuickTimeOptions object.


A repository of Viewport objects.


A RepositorySupport object.


A FieldReportOptions object.


A FreeBodyReportOptions object.


A FieldReportOptions object.


A FreeBodyReportOptions object.


A repository of Odb objects.


A repository of ScratchOdb objects.


A DefaultOdbDisplay object.


A DefaultPlot object.


A DefaultChartOptions object.


A repository of OdbData objects.


A repository of MdbData objects.


A repository of Path objects.


A repository of FreeBody objects.


A repository of Stream objects.


A repository of Spectrum objects.


A CurrentProbeValues object.


A ProbeOptions object.


A ProbeOptions object.


A ProbeReport object.


A ProbeReport object.


A SelectedProbeValues object.


A PrintOptions object.


An EpsOptions object.


A PageSetupOptions object.


A PngOptions object.


A PsOptions object.


A SvgOptions object.


A TiffOptions object.


An AutoColors object specifying the color palette to be used for color coding.


An AutoColors object specifying the color palette to be used forXYCurve objects.


A repository of XYData objects.


A repository of XYCurve objects.


A repository of XYPlot objects.


A repository of Chart objects.


An XYReportOptions object.


An XYReportOptions object.


A repository of View objects.


A repository of NetworkDatabaseConnector objects.


A repository of DisplayGroup objects.


A GraphicsInfo object.


A GraphicsOptions object.


A GraphicsOptions object.


A ViewportAnnotationOptions object.


A repository of Queue objects.


A String specifying the name of the current viewport.


A Dictionary object specifying the viewports and their associated models.


A repository of Image objects.


A repository of Movie objects.


A LightOptions object.


A DrawingArea object.


A MesherOptions object specifying how to control default settings in the Mesh module.


A repository of Drawing objects.

Public Methods:

DisplayGroup(name, leaf)

This method creates a DisplayGroup object.

Inherited from SessionBase

View(name, nearPlane, farPlane, width, ...)

This method creates a View object.


This method modifies the Session object.

enableCADConnection(CADName[, portNum])

This method enables the Abaqus/CAE listening port for the specified CAD system.


This method checks the status of CAD Connection.


This method disables an associative import CAD connection that was enabled.

enableParameterUpdate(CADName, CADVersion[, ...])

This method enables parameter updates for ProE and NX by establishing a connection with the listening port previously setup by the CAD application.

setCADPortNumber(CADName, Port)

This method enables parameter updates for CATIA V5 and CATIA V6 by establishing a connection with the listening port previously setup by the CAD application.

updateCADParameters(modelName, CADName, ...)

This method updates the parameters for the specified model using the specified parameter file.


This method disables an associative CAD connection using parameters.

printToFile(fileName[, format, ...])

This method prints canvas objects to a file using the attributes stored in the PrintOptions object and the appropriate format options object.

printToPrinter([printCommand, numCopies, ...])

This method prints canvas objects to a Windows printer or to a PostScript printer.


This method saves your customized display settings.

writeVrmlFile(fileName[, format, canvasObjects])

This method exports the current viewport objects to a file.

write3DXMLFile(fileName[, format, canvasObjects])

This method exports the current viewport objects to a file.

writeOBJFile(fileName[, canvasObjects])

This method exports the current viewport objects to a file.

Member Details:

DisplayGroup(name, leaf)[source]

This method creates a DisplayGroup object.


This function can be accessed by:


A String specifying the repository key.


A Leaf object specifying the items in the display group.


A DisplayGroup object.

Return type:


Other Classes

class DisplayGroup(name, leaf)[source]

Bases: object

DisplayGroup objects are used to select a subset of the entities displayed in the viewport.


This object can be accessed by:

import assembly
import visualization
import part

Member Details:


This method adds the specified items to the display group.


A Leaf object specifying the items to add to the display group.

canRedo : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 0[source]

A Boolean specifying whether Redo is possible or not.

canUndo : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 0[source]

A Boolean specifying whether Undo is possible or not.


This method redefines the display group to be only those items that are not shared by the leaf argument and by the display group.


A Leaf object specifying the items to be excluded from the display group.


This method redefines the display group to be only those items that are shared by the leaf argument and the display group.


A Leaf object specifying the items to be included in the display group.

modelName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` = ''[source]

A String specifying the name of the model to which the display group belongs when the module is part- or assembly-based.

module : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the module in which the display group has been created. The possible values are PART, ASSEMBLY, PART_ASSEMBLY, ODB, and ALL.

name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` = ''[source]

A String specifying the repository key.

partName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` = ''[source]

A String specifying the name of the part to which the display group belongs when the module is part-based.


This method redoes the last undone operation on the display group.


This method removes the specified items from the display group.


A Leaf object specifying the items to remove from the display group.


This method replaces the contents of the display group with the specified items.


A Leaf object specifying the items with which to replace the current display group contents.


This method undoes the last operation performed on the display group.

class Leaf(leafType)[source]

Bases: object

Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. Leaf objects have similarities to Set objects; however, Leaf objects are evaluated when the DisplayGroup expression is evaluated, and they can have SymbolicConstant values (which are also evaluated when the DisplayGroup expression is evaluated).


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset
import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class DisplayGroupInstance[source]

Bases: object

A DisplayGroupInstance object stores the IDs of the entities displayed in a viewport. The DisplayGroupInstance object has no constructor. When you set a display group to be plotted in a viewport, Abaqus/CAE creates a DisplayGroupInstance object for each display group and places it in the DisplayGroupInstanceRepository object.


This object can be accessed by:

import assembly
import visualization
import part

Member Details:


This method returns the list of elements present in the DisplayGroupInstance object. The elements method returns a Dictionary object that uses part instance names for the keys. The value of the items in the Dictionary object is a List of user element labels that belong to the part instance and are contained in the DisplayGroupInstance object. This method is available only for DisplayGroupInstance objects that are members of the DisplayGroupInstance repository member of the OdbDisplay object.


A Dictionary object.

Return type:


lockOptions : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 0[source]

A Boolean specifying whether the display options stored on the DisplayGroupInstance object should be synchronized with changes to the viewport display options. This member is available only for DisplayGroupInstance objects that are members of the DisplayGroupInstance repository member of the OdbDisplay object. The default value is OFF.

name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` = ''[source]

A String specifying the repository key.


This method is used to obtain the list of nodes present in the DisplayGroupInstance object. It returns a Dictionary object keyed by part instance names, the value of which is a list of user node labels belonging to the part instance and contained in the DisplayGroupInstance object. This method is available only for DisplayGroupInstance objects that are members of the DisplayGroupInstance repository member of OdbDisplay object.


A Dictionary object.

Return type:


odbDisplayOptions : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.PlotOptions.OdbDisplayOptions.OdbDisplayOptions` = <abaqus.PlotOptions.OdbDisplayOptions.OdbDisplayOptions object>[source]

An OdbDisplayOptions object specifying this member is available only for DisplayGroupInstance objects that are members of the DisplayGroupInstance repository member of the OdbDisplay object.


This method modifies the DisplayGroupInstance object. The setValues method is available only for DisplayGroupInstance objects that are members of the DisplayGroupInstance repository member of the OdbDisplay object.


A Boolean specifying whether the display options stored on the DisplayGroupInstance object should be synchronized with changes to the viewport display options. This member is available only for DisplayGroupInstance objects that are members of the DisplayGroupInstance repository member of the OdbDisplay object. The default value is OFF.

class DisplayGroupInstanceRepository[source]

Bases: object

The DisplayGroupInstanceRepository object stores DisplayGroupInstance objects. In addition to all the standard Python repository methods, the DisplayGroupInstance repository defines additional methods as described below.


This object can be accessed by:

import visualization

Member Details:

syncOptions(name, updateInstances=1)[source]

This method synchronizes the display options stored on the OdbDisplay object with the display options stored on the DisplayGroupInstance object.


A String specifying the repository key.


A Boolean specifying whether to synchronize the display options on all the DisplayGroupInstance objects stored in the DisplayGroupInstanceRepository for which lockOptions is OFF. The default value of updateInstances is ON.

class LeafFromConstraintNames(name, type)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromConstraintNames object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. A Leaf object is used used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects that are used as arguments to DisplayGroup (DisplayGroup object) commands. The LeafFromConstraintNames object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

New in version 2019: The LeafFromConstraintNames class was added.

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are TIE, SHELL_TO_SOLID_COUPLING, DISTRIBUTING_COUPLING, KINEMATIC_COUPLING, RIGID_BODY, and MPC.

class LeafFromDatums(datumSeq)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromDatums object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromDatums object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromDisplayGroup(displayGroup)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromDisplayGroup object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands.The LeafFromDisplayGroup object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset
import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

displayGroup : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.DisplayGroup.DisplayGroup.DisplayGroup`][source]

A DisplayGroupArray object.

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromElementLabels(partInstanceName, elementLabels)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromElementLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromElementLabels object is derived from the Leaf object. This page discusses:


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

elementLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] = ()[source]

A sequence of Strings specifying expressions that denote element labels. The expression can be any of the following:An Int specifying a single element label; for example, 1.A String specifying a single element label; for example, ‘7’.A String specifying a sequence of element labels; for example, ‘3:5’ and ‘3:15:3’.

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

partInstanceName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str`[source]

A String specifying the name of the part instance to which elementLabels refers.

class LeafFromElementSets(elementSets)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromElementSets object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromElementSets object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

elementSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] = ()[source]

A sequence of Strings specifying element sets or a String specifying a single element set.

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromElementVarRange(minimumRange=None, maximumRange=3, insideRange=1)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromElementVarRange object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromElementVarRange object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

insideRange : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 1[source]

A Boolean specifying the method used to evaluate the range. If insideRange = ON, the range falls inside the specified minimum and maximum values. The default value is ON.

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

maximumRange : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` = 3[source]

A Float specifying the maximum value for the variable range. The default value is 3.40282346639e+038.

minimumRange : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`float`] = None[source]

A Float specifying the minimum value for the variable range. The default value is −3.40282346639E38.

class LeafFromGeometry(edgeSeq=(), faceSeq=(), cellSeq=())[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromGeometry object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromGeometry object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromInstance(instances)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromInstance object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromInstance object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromInstanceElementLabels(elementLabels)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromInstanceElementLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromInstanceElementLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromInstanceNodeLabels(nodeLabels)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromInstanceNodeLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromInstanceNodeLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromMeshElementLabels(elementSeq)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromMeshElementLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromMeshElementLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromMeshNodeLabels(nodeSeq)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromMeshNodeLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromMeshNodeLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromMeshSurfaceSets(surfaceSets)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromMeshSurfaceSets object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromMeshSurfaceSets object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromModelElemLabels(elementLabels)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromModelElemLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromModelElemLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

elementLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] = ()[source]

A sequence of Strings specifying expressions that denote element labels per part instance in the model. Each part instance element expression is a sequence of a String specifying the part instance name and a sequence of element expressions; for example, ((‘partInstance1’,(1,’7’,’3:15;3’),), (‘partInstance2’,’8’),)). The element expressions can be any of the following:An Int specifying a single element label; for example, 1.A String specifying a single element label; for example, ‘7’.A String specifying a sequence of element labels; for example, ‘3:5’ and ‘3:15:3’.

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromModelNodeLabels(nodeLabels)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromModelNodeLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromModelNodeLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

nodeLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] = ()[source]

A sequence of Strings specifying expressions that denote node labels per part instance in the model. Each part instance node expression is a sequence of a String specifying the part instance name and a sequence of node expressions; for example, ((‘partInstance1’,(1,’7’,’3:15;3’),), (‘partInstance2’,’8’),)). The node expressions can be any of the following:An Int specifying a single node label; for example, 1.A String specifying a single node label; for example, ‘7’.A String specifying a sequence of node labels; for example, ‘3:5’ and ‘3:15:3’.

class LeafFromNodeLabels(partInstanceName, nodeLabels)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromNodeLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromNodeLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

nodeLabels : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] = ()[source]

A sequence of Strings specifying expressions that denote node labels. The expression can be any of the following:An Int specifying a single node label; for example, 1.A String specifying a single node label; for example, ‘7’.A String specifying a sequence of node labels; for example, ‘3:5’ and ‘3:15:3’.

partInstanceName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str`[source]

A String specifying the name of the part instance to which nodeLabels refers.

class LeafFromNodeSets(nodeSets)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromNodeSets object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromNodeSets object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

nodeSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] = ()[source]

A sequence of Strings specifying node sets or a String specifying a single node set.

class LeafFromNodeVarRange(minimumRange=None, maximumRange=3, insideRange=1)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromNodeVarRange object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromNodeVarRange object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

insideRange : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 1[source]

A Boolean specifying the method used to evaluate the range. If insideRange = ON, the range falls inside the specified minimum and maximum values. The default value is ON.

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

maximumRange : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` = 3[source]

A Float specifying the maximum value for the variable range. The default value is 3.40282346639e+038.

minimumRange : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`float`] = None[source]

A Float specifying the minimum value for the variable range. The default value is −3.40282346639E38.

class LeafFromOdbEdgePick(edgePick)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromOdbEdgePick object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromOdbEdgePick object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromOdbElementLayups(elementLayups)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromOdbElementLayups object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromOdbElementLayups object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromOdbElementMaterials(elementMaterials)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromOdbElementMaterials object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromOdbElementMaterials object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromOdbElementPick(elementPick)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromOdbElementPick object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromOdbElementPick object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromOdbElementPlies(elementPlies)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromOdbElementPlies object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromOdbElementPlies object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromOdbElementSections(elementSections)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromOdbElementSections object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromOdbElementSections object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromOdbElementTypes(elementTypes)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromOdbElementTypes object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromOdbElementTypes object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromOdbNodePick(nodePick)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromOdbNodePick object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromOdbNodePick object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromPartElementLabels(part, elementLabels)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromPartElementLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromPartElementLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromPartInstance(partInstanceName)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromPartInstance object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromPartInstance object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

partInstanceName : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] = ()[source]

A sequence of Strings specifying the names of the part instances.

class LeafFromPartNodeLabels(part, nodeLabels)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromPartNodeLabels object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromPartNodeLabels object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromReferencePoint(refPtSeq)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromReferencePoint object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromReferencePoint object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromSets(sets)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromSets object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromSets object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupMdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

class LeafFromSurfaceSets(surfaceSets)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromSurfaceSets object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromSurfaceSets object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

surfaceSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`tuple`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`...<Ellipsis>`] = ()[source]

A sequence of Strings specifying surface sets, or a String specifying a single surface set.

class LeafFromSurfaceVarRange(minimumRange=None, maximumRange=3, insideRange=1)[source]

Bases: Leaf

The LeafFromSurfaceVarRange object can be used whenever a Leaf object is expected as an argument. Leaf objects are used to specify the items in a display group. Leaf objects are constructed as temporary objects, which are then used as arguments to DisplayGroup commands. The LeafFromSurfaceVarRange object is derived from the Leaf object.


This object can be accessed by:

import displayGroupOdbToolset

Member Details:

insideRange : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 1[source]

A Boolean specifying the method used to evaluate the range. If insideRange = ON, the range falls inside the specified minimum and maximum values. The default value is ON.

leafType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the leaf type. Possible values are EMPTY_LEAF, DEFAULT_MODEL, ALL_ELEMENTS, ALL_NODES, and ALL_SURFACES.

maximumRange : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` = 3[source]

A Float specifying the maximum value for the variable range. The default value is 3.40282346639e+038.

minimumRange : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`float`] = None[source]

A Float specifying the minimum value for the variable range. The default value is −3.40282346639E38.