
Features in Abaqus/CAE include Parts, Datums, Partitions, and Assembly operations. Assembly commands create Feature objects on only the rootAssembly object. The commands that create Feature objects on only the Part object are described in Part commands. The commands that create Feature objects on both the Part and the rootAssembly objects are described in Feature commands.

Create instances

class AssemblyModel(name, description='', stefanBoltzmann=None, absoluteZero=None, waveFormulation=abaqusConstants.NOT_SET, modelType=abaqusConstants.STANDARD_EXPLICIT, universalGas=None, copyConstraints=1, copyConnectors=1, copyInteractions=1)[source]

Bases: ModelBase

Abaqus creates a Model object named Model-1 when a session is started.


This object can be accessed by:


Public Data Attributes:

Inherited from ModelBase


A String specifying the repository key.


None or a Float specifying the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.


None or a Float specifying the absolute zero constant.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the type of incident wave formulation to be used in acoustic problems.


None or a Float specifying the universal gas constant.


A Boolean specifying whether an input file should be written without parts and assemblies.


A Boolean specifying that the step specified by restartStep should be terminated at the increment specified by restartIncrement.


A Boolean specifying that a shell global model drives a solid submodel.


A Float specifying the time stamp that indicates when the model was last changed.


A String specifying the purpose and contents of the Model object.


A String specifying the name of the job that generated the restart data.


A String specifying the name of the step where the restart analysis will start.


A String specifying the name of the job that generated the results for the global model.


A boolean specifying the status of constraints created in a model, in the model which instances this model.


A boolean specifying the status of connectors created in a model, in the model which instances this model.


A boolean specifying the status of interactions created in a model, in the model which instances this model.


A KeywordBlock object.


A repository of Amplitude objects.


A repository of Profile objects.


A repository of BoundaryCondition objects.


A repository of ConstrainedSketchConstraint objects.


A repository of AnalyticalField objects.


A repository of DiscreteField objects.


A repository of PredefinedField objects.


A repository of Interaction objects.


A repository of InteractionProperty objects.


A repository of ContactControl objects.


A repository of ContactInitialization objects.


A repository of ContactStabilization objects.


A tuple of tuples of Strings specifying the linked child PartInstance name in the current model to the corresponding parent PartInstance name in a different model.


A tuple of tuples of Strings specifying the linked child Part name in the current model to the corresponding parent Part name in a different model.


A repository of Load objects.


A repository of Material objects.


A repository of Calibration objects.


A repository of Section objects.


A repository of RemeshingRule objects.


A repository of ConstrainedSketch objects.


A repository of Part objects.


A repository of Step objects.


A FeatureOptions object.


A repository of AdaptiveMeshConstraint objects.


A repository of AdaptiveMeshControl objects.


A repository of TimePoint objects.


A repository of Filter objects.


A repository of IntegratedOutputSection objects.


A repository of FieldOutputRequest objects.


A repository of HistoryOutputRequest objects.


A repository of OptimizationTask objects.


An Int specifying the increment, interval, iteration or cycle where the restart analysis will start.


An Assembly object.

Public Methods:

Instance(name, objectToCopy)

This method copies a PartInstance object from the specified model and creates a new PartInstance object.

convertAllSketches([regenerate, ...])

This method converts all sketches from Abaqus 6.5 or earlier to the equivalent ConstrainedSketch objects.


This method links the selected PartInstance objects to the corresponding PartInstance objects from the specified models.

Inherited from ModelBase

__init__(name[, description, ...])

This method creates a Model object.

setValues([description, noPartsInputFile, ...])

This method modifies the Model object.

Member Details:

Instance(name, objectToCopy)[source]

This method copies a PartInstance object from the specified model and creates a new PartInstance object.


This function can be accessed by:


A String specifying the repository key.


A PartInstance object to be copied.


A Model object.

Return type:


convertAllSketches(regenerate=True, convertReversedSketches=True)[source]

This method converts all sketches from Abaqus 6.5 or earlier to the equivalent ConstrainedSketch objects.


A Boolean specifying if all the features in assembly as well as in all the parts in the model should be regenerated after the conversion. The default value is True.


A Boolean specifying whether sketches in analytic rigid parts should be converted even if they cause the orientation of surfaces defined on them to be flipped. The default value is True.


A list of strings describing any warnings or errors encountered during the conversion process.

Return type:



This method links the selected PartInstance objects to the corresponding PartInstance objects from the specified models. If all instances of a Part are selected for linking, the Part will be linked as well. If not, a new linked child Part object will be created and added to the repository.


A tuple of tuples containing the instance name to be linked and the corresponding PartInstance object to which it will be linked.


A list of strings describing any warnings or errors encountered during the conversion process.

Return type:


Other Classes

class Assembly[source]

Bases: MeshEditAssembly, MeshAssembly, PropertyAssembly, RegionAssembly, Displayable

An Assembly object is a container for instances of parts. The Assembly object has no constructor command. Abaqus creates the rootAssembly member when a Model object is created.


This object can be accessed by:

import assembly

Member Details:

ConnectorOrientation(region, localCsys1=None, axis1=abaqusConstants.AXIS_1, angle1=0, orient2sameAs1=1, localCsys2=None, axis2=abaqusConstants.AXIS_1, angle2=0)[source]

This method creates a ConnectorOrientation object.


This function can be accessed by:


A Set object specifying the region to which the orientation is assigned.


A DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the first connector point. This value may be None, indicating the global coordinate system.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.


A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The default value is 0.0.


A Boolean specifying whether or not the second connector point is to use the same local coordinate system, axis, and angle as the first point. The default value is ON.


A DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the second connector point. This value may be None, indicating the global coordinate system.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.


A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The default value is 0.0.


A ConnectorOrientation object.

Return type:


class ConnectorOrientation(region, localCsys1=None, axis1=abaqusConstants.AXIS_1, angle1=0, orient2sameAs1=1, localCsys2=None, axis2=abaqusConstants.AXIS_1, angle2=0)[source]

Bases: object

The ConnectorOrientation object is used to assign a connector orientation to a connector.


This object can be accessed by:

import assembly
import odbAccess

Member Details:

angle1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` = 0[source]

A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The default value is 0.0.

angle2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`float` = 0[source]

A Float specifying the angle of the additional rotation. The default value is 0.0.

axis1 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` = 'AXIS_1'[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.

axis2 : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant` = 'AXIS_1'[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the axis of a datum coordinate system about which an additional rotation is applied. Possible values are AXIS_1, AXIS_2, and AXIS_3. The default value is AXIS_1.

localCsys1 : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.Datum.DatumCsys.DatumCsys`] = <abaqus.Datum.DatumCsys.DatumCsys object>[source]

A DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the first connector point. This value may be None, indicating the global coordinate system.

localCsys2 : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.Datum.DatumCsys.DatumCsys`] = <abaqus.Datum.DatumCsys.DatumCsys object>[source]

A DatumCsys object specifying the local coordinate system of the second connector point. This value may be None, indicating the global coordinate system.

orient2sameAs1 : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 1[source]

A Boolean specifying whether or not the second connector point is to use the same local coordinate system, axis, and angle as the first point. The default value is ON.

region : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Set.Set`[source]

A Set object specifying the region to which the orientation is assigned.

setValues(*args, **kwargs)[source]

This method modifies the ConnectorOrientation object.

class AssemblyBase[source]

Bases: AssemblyFeature

An Assembly object is a container for instances of parts. The Assembly object has no constructor command. Abaqus creates the rootAssembly member when a Model object is created.


This object can be accessed by:

import assembly

Member Details:

Instance(name: str, part: Part, autoOffset: AbaqusBoolean | bool = OFF, dependent: AbaqusBoolean | bool = OFF) PartInstance[source]
Instance(name: str, model: AssemblyModel, autoOffset: AbaqusBoolean | bool = OFF) ModelInstance
Instance(name, *args, **kwargs)

This method creates a PartInstance object and puts it into the instances repository.


This function can be accessed by:

name: str

A String specifying the repository key. The name must be a valid Abaqus object name.


Key-value arguments


A PartInstance object.

Return type:


InstanceFromBooleanCut(name, instanceToBeCut, cuttingInstances, originalInstances=abaqusConstants.SUPPRESS)[source]

This method creates a PartInstance in the instances repository after subtracting or cutting the geometries of a group of part instances from that of a base part instance.


This function can be accessed by:


A String specifying the repository key. The name must be a valid Abaqus object name.


A PartInstance specifying the base instance from which to cut other instances.


A sequence of PartInstance objects specifying the instances with which to cut the base instance.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the original instances should be suppressed or deleted after the merge operation. Possible values are SUPPRESS or DELETE. The default value is SUPPRESS.


A PartInstance object.

Return type:


InstanceFromBooleanMerge(name, instances, keepIntersections=False, originalInstances=abaqusConstants.SUPPRESS, domain=abaqusConstants.GEOMETRY, mergeNodes=abaqusConstants.BOUNDARY_ONLY, nodeMergingTolerance=None, removeDuplicateElements=True)[source]

This method creates a PartInstance in the instances repository after merging two or more part instances.


This function can be accessed by:


A String specifying the repository key. The name must be a valid Abaqus object name.


A sequence of PartInstance objects specifying the part instances to merge.


A Boolean specifying whether the boundary intersections of Abaqus native part instances should be retained after the merge operation. The default value is False.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the original instances should be suppressed or deleted after the merge operation. Possible values are SUPPRESS or DELETE. The default value is SUPPRESS.


A SymbolicConstant specifying whether geometry or mesh of the specified part instances is to be merged. Possible values are GEOMETRY, MESH or BOTH. The default value is GEOMETRY.


A SymbolicConstant specifying which nodes of the specified part instances should be considered for merging. This argument is only applicable if domain is MESH. Possible values are BOUNDARY_ONLY, ALL, or NONE. The default value is BOUNDARY_ONLY.


A Float specifying the maximum distance between nodes of the specified part instances that will be merged and replaced with a single node in the new part. The location of the new node is the average position of the deleted nodes. This argument is only applicable if domain is MESH. The default value is 10⁻⁶.


A Boolean specifying whether elements with the same connectivity in the new part will be merged into a single element. This argument is only applicable if domain is MESH. The default value is True.


A PartInstance object.

Return type:


LinearInstancePattern(instanceList, number1, spacing1, number2, spacing2, direction1=(), direction2=())[source]

This method creates multiple PartInstance objects in a linear pattern and puts them into the instances repository.


This function can be accessed by:


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of instances to pattern.


An Int specifying the total number of instances, including the original instances, that appear along the first direction in the pattern.


A Float specifying the spacing between instances along the first direction in the pattern.


An Int specifying the total number of instances, including the original instances, that appear along the second direction in the pattern.


A Float specifying the spacing between instances along the second direction in the pattern.


A sequence of three Floats specifying a vector along the first direction. The default value is (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).


A sequence of three Floats specifying a vector along the second direction. The default value is (0.0, 1.0, 0.0).


A sequence of PartInstance objects.

Return type:


RadialInstancePattern(instanceList, number, totalAngle, point=(), axis=())[source]

This method creates multiple PartInstance objects in a radial pattern and puts them into the instances repository.


This function can be accessed by:


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of instances to pattern.


An Int specifying the total number of instances, including the original instances, that appear in the radial pattern.


A Float specifying the total angle in degrees between the first and last instance in the pattern. A positive angle corresponds to a counter-clockwise direction. The values 360° and -360° represent a special case where the pattern makes a full circle. In this case, because the copy would overlay the original, the copy is not placed at the last position. Possible values are -360.0 ≤ totalAngle ≤ 360.0.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the center of the radial pattern. The default value is (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).


A sequence of three Floats specifying the central axis of the radial pattern. The default value is (0.0, 0.0, 1.0).


A sequence of PartInstance objects.

Return type:


allInstances : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.Assembly.PartInstance.PartInstance`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Assembly.ModelInstance.ModelInstance`]] = {}[source]

A PartInstance object specifying the PartInstances and A ModelInstance object specifying the ModelInstances.

allInternalSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Set.Set`] = {}[source]

A repository of Set objects specifying picked regions.

allInternalSurfaces : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Surface.Surface`] = {}[source]

A repository of Surface objects specifying picked regions.

allSets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Set.Set`] = {}[source]

A repository of Set objects specifying for more information, see [Region commands](

allSurfaces : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Surface.Surface`] = {}[source]

A repository of Surface objects specifying for more information, see [Region commands](


This method makes a backup copy of the features in the assembly.

The backup() method is used in conjunction with the restore() method.


This method deletes the geometry cache.

Deleting the geometry cache reduces the amount of memory being used.

connectorOrientations : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.Assembly.ConnectorOrientation.ConnectorOrientation`] = [][source]

A ConnectorOrientationArray object.

copyMeshPattern(elements=(), faces=(), elemFaces=(), targetFace=None, nodes=(), coordinates=())[source]

This method copies a mesh pattern from a source region consisting of a set of shell elements or element faces onto a target face, mapping nodes and elements in a one-one correspondence between source and target.


A sequence of MeshElement objects or a Set object containing elements and specifying the source region.


A sequence of Face objects that have associated with shell elements or element faces and specifying the source region.


A sequence of MeshFace objects specifying the source region.


A MeshFace object specifying the target region. The target face can be of a different part instance.


A sequence of MeshNode objects or a Set object containing nodes on the boundary of source region which are to be positioned to the boundary of target face.


A sequence of three-dimensional coordinate tuples specifying the coordinates for each of the given nodes. When specified, the number of coordinate tuples must match the number of given nodes, and be ordered to correspond to the given nodes in ascending order according to index. These coordinates are positions of the nodes of a mesh that will be the target face corresponding to nodes provided.

datums : --is-rst--:py:class:`list`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.Datum.Datum.Datum`] = [][source]

A repository of Datum objects specifying all Datum objects in the assembly.


This method deletes all the features in the assembly.


This method deletes specified features from the assembly.


A sequence of Strings specifying the feature names that will be deleted from the assembly.

edges : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.EdgeArray.EdgeArray` = [][source]

An EdgeArray object specifying all the edges existing at the assembly level. This member does not provide access to the edges at the instance level.

elements : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshElementArray.MeshElementArray` = [][source]

A MeshElementArray object specifying all the elements existing at the assembly level. This member does not provide access to the elements at the instance level.

engineeringFeatures : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.EngineeringFeature.EngineeringFeature.EngineeringFeature` = <abaqus.EngineeringFeature.EngineeringFeature.EngineeringFeature object>[source]

An EngineeringFeature object.

excludeFromSimulation(instances, exclude)[source]

This method excludes the specified part instances from the analysis.


A sequence of PartInstance objects to be excluded from the analysis.


A Bool specifying whether to exclude the selected instances from the analysis or include them.


This method prints the name and status of all the features in the feature lists.

features : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Assembly.AssemblyFeature.AssemblyFeature`] = {}[source]

A repository of Feature objects specifying all Feature objects in the assembly.

featuresById : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Assembly.AssemblyFeature.AssemblyFeature`] = {}[source]

A repository of Feature objects specifying all Feature objects in the assembly.The Feature objects in the featuresById repository are the same as the Feature objects in the features repository. However, the key to the objects in the featuresById repository is an integer specifying the ID, whereas the key to the objects in the features repository is a string specifying the name.

getAngle(plane1, plane2, line1, line2, commonVertex='')[source]

This method returns the angle between the specified entities.


A Face, MeshFace, or a Datum object specifying the first plane. The Datum object must represent a datum plane. The plane1 and line1 arguments are mutually exclusive. One of them must be specified.


A Face, MeshFace, or a Datum object specifying the second plane. The Datum object must represent a datum plane. The plane2 and line2 arguments are mutually exclusive. One of them must be specified.


An Edge, MeshEdge, or a Datum object specifying the first curve. The Datum object must represent a datum axis. The plane1 and line1 arguments are mutually exclusive. One of them must be specified.


An Edge, MeshEdge, or a Datum object specifying the second curve. The Datum object must represent a datum axis. The plane2 and line2 arguments are mutually exclusive. One of them must be specified.


If the two selected Edge objects have more than one vertex in common, this ConstrainedSketchVertex object specifies the vertex at which to evaluate the angle.


A Float specifying the angle between the specified entities. If you provide a plane as an argument, Abaqus/CAE computes the angle using the normal to the plane.

Return type:



This method returns the coordinates of a specified point.


A ConstrainedSketchVertex, Datum point, MeshNode, or ReferencePoint specifying the entity to query.


A tuple of three Floats representing the coordinates of the specified point.

Return type:

tuple[float, float]

getDistance(entity1, entity2, printResults=0)[source]

Depending on the arguments provided, this method returns one of the following:

  • The distance between two points.

  • The minimum distance between a point and an edge.

  • The minimum distance between two edges.


A ConstrainedSketchVertex, Datum point, MeshNode, or Edge specifying the first entity from which to measure.


A ConstrainedSketchVertex, Datum point, MeshNode, or Edge specifying the second entity to which to measure.


A Boolean that determines whether a verbose output is to be printed. The default is True


A Float specifying the calculated distance.

Return type:



Given an array of edge objects, this method returns a tuple of dictionary objects. Each object consists of five members including the attachment line and associated face and vertex objects.


An EdgeArray object which is a sequence of Edge objects.


A tuple of dictionary objects. Each dictionary contains five items with the following keys:

  • edge: An Edge object specifying the attachment line.

  • startFace: A Face object specifying the face associated with one end of the attachment line.

  • endFace: A Face object specifying the face associated with the other end of the attachment line.

  • startVertex: A ConstrainedSketchVertex object specifying the vertex associated with one end of the attachment line. This end is also associated with the startFace.

  • endVertex: A ConstrainedSketchVertex object specifying the vertex associated with the other end of the attachment line. This end is also associated with the endFace.

Return type:


getMassProperties(regions='', relativeAccuracy=abaqusConstants.LOW, useMesh=False, specifyDensity=False, density='', specifyThickness=False, thickness='', miAboutCenterOfMass=True, miAboutPoint=Ellipsis)[source]

This method returns the mass properties of the assembly, or instances or regions. Only beams, trusses, shells, solids, point, nonstructural mass, and rotary inertia elements are supported.


A MeshElementArray, CellArray, FaceArray, EdgeArray, or list of PartInstance objects specifying the regions whose mass properties are to be queried. The whole assembly is queried by default.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the relative accuracy for geometry computation. Possible values are LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. The default value is LOW.


A Boolean specifying whether the mesh should be used in the computation if the geometry is meshed. The default value is False.


A Boolean specifying whether a user-specified density should be used in regions with density errors such as undefined material density. The default value is False.


A double value specifying the user-specified density value to be used in regions with density errors. The user-specified density should be greater than 0.


A Boolean specifying whether a user-specified thickness should be used in regions with thickness errors such as undefined thickness. The default value is False.


A double value specifying the user-specified thickness value to be used in regions with thickness errors. The user-specified thickness should be greater than 0.


A Boolean specifying if the moments of inertia should be evaluated about the center of mass. The default value is True.


A tuple of three floats specifying the coordinates of the point about which to evaluate the moment of inertia. By default if the moments of inertia are not being evaluated about the center of mass, they will be evaluated about the origin.


properties – A Dictionary object with the following items: area: None or a Float specifying the sum of the area of the specified faces. The area is computed only for one side for shells. areaCentroid: None or a tuple of three Floats representing the coordinates of the area centroid. volume: None or a Float specifying the volume of the specified regions. volumeCentroid: None or a tuple of three Floats representing the coordinates of the volume centroid. massFromMassPerUnitSurfaceArea: None or a Float specifying the mass due to mass per unit surface area. mass: None or a Float specifying the mass of the specified regions. It is the total mass and includes mass from quantities such as mass per unit surface area. centerOfMass: None or a tuple of three Floats representing the coordinates of the center of mass. momentOfInertia: None or a tuple of six Floats representing the moments of inertia about the center of mass or about the point specified. warnings: A tuple of SymbolicConstants representing the problems encountered while computing the mass properties. Possible SymbolicConstants are: UNSUPPORTED_ENTITIES: Some unsupported entities exist in the specified regions. The mass properties are computed only for beams, trusses, shells, solids, point and non-structural mass elements, and rotary inertia elements. The mass properties are not computed for axisymmetric elements, springs, connectors, gaskets, or any other elements. MISSING_THICKNESS: For some regions, the section definitions are missing thickness values. ZERO_THICKNESS: For some regions, the section definitions have a zero thickness value. VARIABLE_THICKNESS: The nodal thickness or field thickness specified for some regions has been ignored. NON_APPLICABLE_THICKNESS: For some regions, the thickness value is not applicable to the corresponding sections specified on the regions. MISSING_DENSITY: For some regions, the section definitions are missing material density values. MISSING_MATERIAL_DEFINITION: For some regions, the material definition is missing. ZERO_DENSITY: For some regions, the section definitions have a zero material density value. UNSUPPORTED_DENSITY: For some regions, either a negative material density or a temperature dependent density has been specified, or the material value is missing for one or more plies in the composite section. SHELL_OFFSETS: For shells, this method does not account for any offsets specified. MISSING_SECTION_DEFINITION: For some regions, the section definition is missing. UNSUPPORTED_SECTION_DEFINITION: The section definition provided for some regions is not supported. REINFORCEMENTS: This method does not account for any reinforcements specified on the model. SMEARED_PROPERTIES: For regions with composite section assignments, the density is smeared across the thickness. The volume centroid and center of mass computations for a composite shell use a lumped mass approach where the volume and mass is assumed to be lumped in the plane of the shell. As a result of these approximations the volume centroid, center of mass and moments of inertia may be slightly inaccurate for regions with composite section assignments. UNSUPPORTED_NON_STRUCTURAL_MASS_ENTITIES: This method does not account for any non-structural mass on wires. INCORRECT_MOMENT_OF_INERTIA: For geometry regions with non-structural mass per volume, the non-structural mass is assumed to be a point mass at the centroid of the regions. Thus, the moments of inertia may be inaccurate as the distribution of the non-structural mass is not accounted for. Use the mesh for accurately computing the moments of inertia. MISSING_BEAM_ORIENTATIONS: For some regions with beam section assignments, the beam section orientations are missing. UNSUPPORTED_BEAM_PROFILES: This method supports the Box, Pipe, Circular, Rectangular, Hexagonal, Trapezoidal, I, L, T, Arbitrary, and Tapered beam profiles. Any other beam profile is not supported. TAPERED_BEAM_MI: Moment of inertia calculations for tapered beams are not accurate. SUBSTRUCTURE_INCORRECT_PROPERTIES: The user assigned density and thickness is not considered for substructures.

Return type:



This method returns a list of the sections assigned to the regions encompassed by the specified surface.


A string specifying the Surface name.


A tuple of strings representing the section names. If no section names are found, the tuple will contain one empty string.

Return type:


importCatiaV5File(filename, ids=())[source]

This method imports an assembly from a CATIA V5 Elysium Neutral file into the root assembly.


A String specifying the path to the CATIA V5 Elysium Neutral file from which to import the assembly.


A sequence of Ints. Each Int in the sequence is a unique identifier of the occurrence in the assembly tree or component identifier associated with the part in the EAF file. If ids is an empty sequence, all occurrences or parts will be imported. The default value is an empty sequence.

importEafFile(filename, ids=())[source]

This method imports an assembly from an EAF file into the root assembly.


A String specifying the path to the EAF file from which to import the assembly.


A sequence of Ints. Each Int in the sequence is a unique identifier of the occurrence in the assembly tree or component identifier associated with the part in the EAF file. If ids is an empty sequence, all occurrences or parts will be imported. The default value is an empty sequence.

importEnfFile(filename, ids=())[source]

This method imports an assembly from an Elysium Neutral file created by Pro/ENGINEER, I-DEAS, or CATIA V5 into the root assembly.


A String specifying the path to the Elysium Neutral file from which to import the assembly.


A sequence of Ints. Each Int in the sequence is a unique identifier of the occurrence in the assembly tree or component identifier associated with the part in the EAF file. If ids is an empty sequence, all occurrences or parts will be imported. The default value is an empty sequence.

importIdeasFile(filename, ids=())[source]

This method imports an assembly from an I-DEAS Elysium Neutral file into the root assembly.


A String specifying the path to the I-DEAS Elysium Neutral file from which to import the assembly.


A sequence of Ints. Each Int in the sequence is a unique identifier of the occurrence in the assembly tree or component identifier associated with the part in the EAF file. If ids is an empty sequence, all occurrences or parts will be imported. The default value is an empty sequence.

importParasolidFile(filename, ids=())[source]

This method imports an assembly from the Parasolid file into the root assembly.


A String specifying the path to a Parasolid file from which to import the assembly.


A sequence of Ints. Each Int in the sequence is a unique identifier of the occurrence in the assembly tree or component identifier associated with the part in the EAF file. If ids is an empty sequence, all occurrences or parts will be imported. The default value is an empty sequence.

importProEFile(filename, ids=())[source]

This method imports an assembly from a Pro/ENGINEER Elysium Neutral file into the root assembly.


A String specifying the path to the Pro/ENGINEER Elysium Neutral file from which to import the assembly.


A sequence of Ints. Each Int in the sequence is a unique identifier of the occurrence in the assembly tree or component identifier associated with the part in the EAF file. If ids is an empty sequence, all occurrences or parts will be imported. The default value is an empty sequence.

instances : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Assembly.PartInstance.PartInstance`] = {}[source]

A repository of PartInstance objects.

isLocked : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`int`] = None[source]

An Int specifying whether the assembly is locked or not. Possible values are 0 and 1.

isOutOfDate : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`int`] = None[source]

An Int specifying that feature parameters have been modified but that the assembly has not been regenerated. Possible values are 0 and 1.


This method locks the assembly.

Locking the assembly prevents any further changes to the assembly that can trigger regeneration of the assembly.


This method converts the specified part instances from independent to dependent part instances.


A sequence of PartInstance objects to convert to dependent part instances.


This method converts the specified part instances from dependent to independent part instances.


A sequence of PartInstance objects to convert to independent part instances.

modelInstances : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Assembly.ModelInstance.ModelInstance`] = {}[source]

A repository of ModelInstance objects.

modelName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` = ''[source]

A String specifying the name of the model to which the assembly belongs.

nodes : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshNodeArray.MeshNodeArray` = [][source]

A MeshNodeArray object specifying all the nodes existing at the assembly level. This member does not provide access to the nodes at the instance level.


This method prints a summary of assigned connector sections.


This method prints a summary of connector orientations.

projectReferencesOntoSketch(sketch, filter=abaqusConstants.ALL_EDGES, upToFeature=None, edges=(), vertices=())[source]

This method projects the specified edges, vertices, and datum points from the assembly onto the specified ConstrainedSketch object. The edges, vertices, and datum points appear on the sketch as reference geometry.


The ConstrainedSketch object on which the edges, vertices, and datum points are projected.


A SymbolicConstant specifying how to limit the amount of projection. Possible values are ALL_EDGES and COPLANAR_EDGES. If filter = COPLANAR_EDGES, edges that are coplanar to the sketching plane are the only candidates for projection. The default value is ALL_EDGES.


A Feature object specifying a marker in the feature-based history of the part. Abaqus/CAE projects onto the sketch only the part entities that were created before the feature specified by this marker. By default, all part entities are candidates for projection.


A sequence of candidate edges to be projected onto the sketch. By default, all edges are candidates for projection.


A sequence of candidate vertices to be projected onto the sketch. By default, all vertices are candidates for projection.


This method displays the position of geometric states relative to the sequence of features in the assembly cache.

The output is displayed in the message area.

referencePoints : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ReferencePoint.ReferencePoint`] = {}[source]

A repository of ReferencePoint objects.


This method regenerates the assembly and brings it up to date with the latest values of the assembly parameters.

When you modify features of an assembly, it may be convenient to postpone regeneration until you make all your changes, since regeneration can be time consuming. In contrast, when you modify features of a part that is included in the assembly, you should use this command to regenerate the assembly. When you regenerate the assembly, it will reflect the changes that you made to the part.

regenerateConstraintsTogether : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 1[source]

A Boolean specifying whether the positioning constraints in the assembly should be regenerated together before regenerating other assembly features. The default value is ON.If the assembly has position constraint features and you modify the value of regenerateConstraintsTogether, Abaqus/CAE will regenerate the assembly features.


This method prints any regeneration warnings associated with the features.


This method restores the parameters of all features in the assembly to the value they had before a failed regeneration.

Use the restore method after a failed regeneration, followed by a regenerate command.


This method resumes all the suppressed features in the part or assembly.


This method resumes the specified suppressed features in the assembly.


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of features to resume.


This method resumes the last set of features to be suppressed in the assembly.

rotate(instanceList, axisPoint, axisDirection, angle)[source]

This method rotates given instances by the specified amount.


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of instances to rotate.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the coordinates of a point on the axis.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the direction of the axis.


A Float specifying the rotation angle in degrees. Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction.


This method caches the current geometry, which improves regeneration performance.

sectionAssignments : --is-rst--:py:class:`~typing.List`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.Property.SectionAssignment.SectionAssignment`] = [][source]

A SectionAssignmentArray object.

setMeshNumberingControl(instances, startNodeLabel=None, startElemLabel=None)[source]

This method changes the start node and/or element labels on the specified independent part instances before or after Abaqus/CAE generates the meshes. For the meshed instances, Abaqus/CAE changes the node and/or element labels while preserving the original order and incrementation.


A sequence of PartInstance objects to change the start node and/or element labels.


A positive Integer specifying the new start node label.


A positive Integer specifying the new start element label.


This method modifies the behavior associated with the specified assembly.


A Boolean specifying whether the positioning constraints in the assembly should be regenerated together before regenerating other assembly features. The default value is ON.If the assembly has position constraint features and you modify the value of regenerateConstraintsTogether, Abaqus/CAE will regenerate the assembly features.


FeatureError – Regeneration failed, If one or more features in the assembly fails to regenerate

sets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Set.Set`] = {}[source]

A repository of Set objects.

skins : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Skin.Skin`] = {}[source]

A repository of Skin objects specifying the skins created on the assembly.


This method smooths the given nodes of a native mesh, moving them locally to a more optimal location that improves the quality of the mesh.


A sequence of MeshNode objects or a Set object containing nodes.

stringers : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Stringer.Stringer`] = {}[source]

A repository of Stringer objects specifying the stringers created on the assembly.


This method suppresses specified features.


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of features to suppress in the assembly.

surfaces : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Surface.Surface`] = {}[source]

A repository of Surface objects specifying for more information, see [Region commands](

timeStamp : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`float`] = None[source]

A Float specifying which gives an indication when the assembly was last modified.

translate(instanceList, vector)[source]

This method translates given instances by the specified amount.


A sequence of Strings specifying the names of instances to translate.


A sequence of three Floats specifying a translation vector.


This method converts the specified PartInstance objects from linked child instances to regular instances. The parts associated with the selected instances will be converted to regular parts as well.


A sequence of PartInstance objects to be converted to regular part instances.


This method unlocks the assembly.

Unlocking the assembly allows it to be regenerated after any modifications to the assembly.

vertices : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.VertexArray.VertexArray` = [][source]

A VertexArray object specifying all the vertices existing at the assembly level. This member does not provide access to the vertices at the instance level.

writeAcisFile(fileName, version=None)[source]

This method exports the assembly to a named file in ACIS part (SAT) or assembly (ASAT) format.


A String specifying the name of the file to which to write. The file name’s extension is used to determine whether a part or assembly is written. Use the file extension .asat for the assembly format.


A Float specifying the ACIS version. For example, the Float 12.0 corresponds to ACIS Version 12.0. The default value is the current version of ACIS.

writeCADParameters(paramFile, modifiedParams=(), updatePaths='')[source]

This method writes the parameters that were imported from the CAD system to a parameter file.


A String specifying the parameter file name.


A tuple of tuples each containing the part name, the parameter name and the modified parameter value. Default is an empty tuple.


A Bool specifying whether to update the path of the CAD model file specified in the parameterFile to the current directory, if the CAD model is present in the current directory.

class AssemblyFeature[source]

Bases: Feature

The following commands operate on Feature objects. For more information about the Feature object, see Feature object.


This object can be accessed by:

import assembly

Member Details:

static AttachmentLines(name, points, sourceFaces, sourceElementFaces, targetFaces, targetElementFaces, projectionMethod=abaqusConstants.PROJECT_BY_PROXIMITY, projectionDirStartPt=None, projectionDirEndPt=None, sourceToTargetProjMethod=abaqusConstants.PROJECT_BY_NUMBER, numProjections='', projectionDistance='', flipSourceToTargetDirection=0, setName='')[source]

This method creates a Feature object by creating attachment lines between the given set of source and target faces. The given points are first projected onto the source faces using the specified projection method. The points are then projected normal to the source faces onto the target faces. The user can specify the number of projections or the length of projection vector for projection onto the target faces. The lines are then created between the source face and the closest target face. Subsequent lines are created between the target faces.


This function can be accessed by:


A String specifying a unique Feature name.


A tuple of points. Each point can be a ConstrainedSketchVertex, Datum point, Reference point, an Attachment point, orphan mesh Node, or an Interesting point object.


A sequence of Face objects specifying the geometry faces onto which the points are to be projected.


A sequence of MeshFace objects specifying the orphan mesh element faces onto which the points are to be projected.


A sequence of Face objects specifying the geometry faces on which the attachment lines will terminate.


A sequence of MeshFace objects specifying the orphan mesh element faces on which the attachment lines will terminate.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method to be used to project onto source faces. Possible values are PROJECT_BY_PROXIMITY and PROJECT_BY_DIRECTION. The default value is PROJECT_BY_PROXIMITY.


A point specifying the start point of the projection direction to project onto source faces. The point can be a ConstrainedSketchVertex, Datum point, Reference point, Attachment point, orphan mesh Node, Interesting Point object, or a tuple of Floats representing the coordinates of a point.


A point specifying the end point of the projection direction to project onto source faces. The point can be a ConstrainedSketchVertex, Datum point, Reference point, Attachment point, orphan mesh Node, Interesting point object, or a tuple of Floats representing the coordinates of a point.


A SymbolicConstant specifying the method to be used to project onto target faces. Possible values are PROJECT_BY_NUMBER and PROJECT_BY_DISTANCE. The default value is PROJECT_BY_NUMBER.


An integer specifying the maximum number of layers each point should be projected onto when the source to target projection method is PROJECT_BY_NUMBER.


A float specifying the maximum distance of the projection vector when the source to target projection method is PROJECT_BY_DISTANCE.


A Boolean specifying whether the computed projection direction from the source to the target faces should be flipped.


A String specifying a unique set name.


A Feature object.

Return type:


static Coaxial(movableAxis, fixedAxis, flip)[source]

This method moves an instance so that its selected face is coaxial with the selected face of a fixed instance.


This function can be accessed by:


A cylindrical or conical Face on the part instance to be moved.


A cylindrical or conical Face on the part instance that remains fixed.


A Boolean specifying whether the axes are forward aligned (OFF) or reverse aligned (ON).


A Feature object.

Return type:




static CoincidentPoint(movablePoint, fixedPoint)[source]

This method moves an instance so that a specified point is coincident with a specified point of a fixed instance.


This function can be accessed by:


A ConstrainedSketchVertex, a Datum point, or a ReferencePoint or a mesh node from an orphan mesh on the part instance to be moved.


A ConstrainedSketchVertex, a Datum point, or a ReferencePoint or a mesh node from an orphan mesh on the part instance to remain fixed.


feature – A Feature object

Return type:


static EdgeToEdge(movableAxis, fixedAxis, flip, clearance)[source]

This method moves an instance so that its edge is parallel to an edge of a fixed instance.


This function can be accessed by:


A straight Edge, a Datum axis, or an element edge from an orphan mesh on the part instance to be moved.


A straight Edge, a Datum axis, or an element edge from an orphan mesh on the part instance to remain fixed.


A Boolean specifying whether the edges are forward aligned (OFF) or reverse aligned (ON).


A Float specifying the distance between the two edges (for two-dimensional and axisymmetric instances only).


A Feature Object.

Return type:




static FaceToFace(movablePlane, fixedPlane, flip, clearance)[source]

This method moves an instance so that its face is coincident with a face of a fixed instance.


This function can be accessed by:


A planar face, a Datum plane, or a face from an orphan mesh on the part instance to be moved.


A planar face, a Datum plane, or a face from an orphan mesh on the part instance to remain fixed.


A Boolean specifying whether the normals to the faces are forward aligned (OFF) or reverse aligned (ON).


A Float specifying the distance between the two faces.


A Feature Object.

Return type:




static ParallelCsys(movableCsys, fixedCsys)[source]

This method moves an instance so that its Datum coordinate system is parallel to a Datum coordinate system of a fixed instance.


This function can be accessed by:


A Datum coordinate system on the part instance to be moved.


A Datum coordinate system on the part instance to remain fixed.


A Feature object.

Return type:




static ParallelEdge(movableAxis, fixedAxis, flip)[source]

This method moves an instance so that its edge is parallel to an edge of a fixed instance.


This function can be accessed by:


A straight Edge, a Datum axis, or an element edge from an orphan mesh on the part instance to be moved.


A straight Edge, a Datum axis, or an element edge from an orphan mesh on the part instance to remain fixed.


A Boolean specifying whether the edges are forward aligned (OFF) or reverse aligned (ON).


A Feature object.

Return type:




static ParallelFace(movablePlane, fixedPlane, flip)[source]

This method moves an instance so that its face is parallel to a face of a fixed instance.


This function can be accessed by:


A planar face, a Datum plane, or a face from an orphan mesh on the part instance to be moved.


A planar face, a Datum plane, or a face from an orphan mesh on the part instance to remain fixed.


A Boolean specifying whether the normals to the faces are forward aligned (OFF) or reverse aligned (ON).


A Feature object.

Return type:




class ModelInstance(name, model, autoOffset=0)[source]

Bases: object

A ModelInstance object is an instance of a Model.


This object can be accessed by:

import assembly

Member Details:


This method converts the position constraints of an instance to absolute positions.

The method deletes the constraint features on the instance but preserves the position in space.

datums : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Datum.Datum.Datum`] = {}[source]

A repository of Datum objects.

edges : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.EdgeArray.EdgeArray` = [][source]

An EdgeArray object.

elements : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshElementArray.MeshElementArray` = [][source]

A MeshElementArray object.


This method prints the sum of the translations and rotations applied to the ModelInstance object.

nodes : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshNodeArray.MeshNodeArray` = [][source]

A MeshNodeArray object.

referencePoints : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ReferencePoint.ReferencePoint`] = {}[source]

A repository of ReferencePoint objects.

sets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Set.Set`] = {}[source]

A repository of Set objects specifying the sets created on the assembly. For more information, see [Region commands](

surfaces : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Surface.Surface`] = {}[source]

A repository of Surface objects specifying the surfaces created on the assembly. For more information, see [Region commands](


This method translates an instance by the specified amount.


A sequence of three Floats specifying a translation vector.

vertices : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.VertexArray.VertexArray` = [][source]

A VertexArray object.

class PartInstance(name, part, autoOffset=0, dependent=0)[source]

Bases: object

A PartInstance object is an instance of a Part object.


This object can be accessed by:

import assembly

Member Details:

Contact(movableList, fixedList, direction, clearance, isFaceEdges=0)[source]

This method translates an instance along the specified direction until it is in contact with a fixed instance.


A sequence of Face or Edge objects on the part instance to be moved.


A sequence of Face or Edge objects on the part instance to remain fixed.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the direction of contact.


A Float specifying the distance between the two faces along the direction of contact.


A Boolean specifying how Abaqus calculates the contact. If isFaceEdges is OFF, contact is computed from the movable face to the fixed face. If isFaceEdges is ON, contact is computed using only the edges of the movable face and not its interior. The default value is OFF.


feature – A Feature object

Return type:



This method converts the position constraints of an instance to absolute positions.

The method deletes the constraint features on the instance but preserves the position in space.

analysisType : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.SymbolicConstant.SymbolicConstant`[source]

A SymbolicConstant specifying the part type. Possible values are DEFORMABLE_BODY, EULERIAN, DISCRETE_RIGID_SURFACE, and ANALYTIC_RIGID_SURFACE.

cells : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.CellArray.CellArray` = [][source]

A CellArray object.

checkGeometry(detailed=0, level=None)[source]

This method checks the validity of the geometry of the part instance and prints a count of all topological entities on the part instance (faces, edges, vertices, etc.).


A Boolean specifying whether detailed output will be printed to the replay file. The default value is OFF.


An Int specifying which level of checking is performed. Values can range from 20 to 70, with higher values reporting less and less important errors. The default value is 20, which reports all critical errors. When the default value is used, the stored validity status is updated to agree with the result of this check.


Exception – An exception is thrown if this is a dependent part instance and level was either not specified or was set to 20, because the validity status cannot be updated for a dependent part instance. In this case, this command should be called on the Part instead. The geometry of dependent part instances cannot be changed.

datums : --is-rst--:py:class:`list`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.Datum.Datum.Datum`] = [][source]

A repository of Datum objects.

dependent : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 0[source]

A Boolean specifying whether the part instance is dependent or independent. If dependent = OFF, the part instance is independent. The default value is OFF.

edges : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.EdgeArray.EdgeArray` = [][source]

An EdgeArray object.

elemEdges : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshEdge.MeshEdge`] = {}[source]

A repository of MeshEdge objects specifying all the element edges in the part instance. For a given element and a given edge index on a given face within that element, the corresponding MeshEdge object can be retrieved from the repository by using the key calculated as (i*32 + j*4 + k), where i, j, and k are zero-based element, face, and edge indices, respectively.

elemFaces : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshFace.MeshFace`] = {}[source]
elementEdges : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshEdgeArray.MeshEdgeArray` = [][source]

A MeshEdgeArray object.

elementFaces : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshFaceArray.MeshFaceArray` = [][source]

A MeshFaceArray object.

elements : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshElementArray.MeshElementArray` = [][source]

A MeshElementArray object.

excludedFromSimulation : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 0[source]

A Boolean specifying whether the part instance is excluded from the simulation. If excludedFromSimulation = ON, the part instance is excluded from the simulation. The default value is OFF.

faces : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.FaceArray.FaceArray` = [][source]

A FaceArray object.

geometryValidity : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.UtilityAndView.AbaqusBoolean.AbaqusBoolean`, :py:class:`bool`] = 0[source]

A Boolean specifying the validity of the geometry of the instance. The value is computed, but it can be set to ON to perform feature and mesh operations on an invalid instance. There is no guarantee that such operations will work if the instance was originally invalid.


This method prints the sum of the translations and rotations applied to the PartInstance object.


This method returns a tuple including the point of rotation, axis of rotation, and rotation angle (in degrees).


A tuple including the point of rotation, axis of rotation, and rotation angle (in degrees).

Return type:



This method returns a tuple of three Floats representing translation in the X, Y, and Z directions.


A tuple of three Floats representing the translation.

Return type:

tuple[float, float, float]

ignoredEdges : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.IgnoredEdgeArray.IgnoredEdgeArray` = [][source]

An IgnoredEdgeArray object.

ignoredVertices : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.IgnoredVertexArray.IgnoredVertexArray` = [][source]

An IgnoredVertexArray object.

name : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` = ''[source]

A String specifying the repository key. The name must be a valid Abaqus object name.

nodes : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.Mesh.MeshNodeArray.MeshNodeArray` = [][source]

A MeshNodeArray object.

part : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`~abaqus.Part.Part.Part`] = None[source]

A Part object specifying the instanced part.

partName : --is-rst--:py:class:`str` = ''[source]

A String specifying the name of the part from which the instance was created.

referenceNode : --is-rst--:py:data:`~typing.Optional`\[:py:class:`int`] = None[source]

An Int specifying the reference node number. This member is valid only if analysisType = DISCRETE_RIGID_SURFACE or ANALYTIC_RIGID_SURFACE.

referencePoints : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.ReferencePoint.ReferencePoint`] = {}[source]

A repository of ReferencePoint objects.

replace(instanceOf, applyConstraints=True)[source]

This method replaces one instance with an instance of another part.


A Part object specifying which Part will be instanced in place of the original Part.


A Boolean specifying whether to apply existing constraints on the new instance or to position the new instance in the same place as the original instance. The default value is True. A value of False indicates that constraints applies to the instance are deleted will be deleted from the feature list.

rotateAboutAxis(axisPoint, axisDirection, angle)[source]

This method translates an instance by the specified amount.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the X, Y, and Z coordinates of a point on the axis.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the direction vector of the axis.


A Float specifying the rotation angle in degrees. Use the right-hand rule to determine the direction.

sets : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Set.Set`] = {}[source]

A repository of Set objects specifying the sets created on the part. For more information, see Region commands.

skins : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Skin.Skin`] = {}[source]

A repository of Skin objects specifying the skins created on the part. For more information, see Region commands.

stringers : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Stringer.Stringer`] = {}[source]

A repository of Stringer objects specifying the stringers created on the part. For more information, see Region commands.

surfaces : --is-rst--:py:class:`dict`\[:py:class:`str`, :py:class:`~abaqus.Region.Surface.Surface`] = {}[source]

A repository of Surface objects specifying the surfaces created on the part. For more information, see Region commands.


This method translates an instance by the specified amount.


A sequence of three Floats specifying a translation vector.

translateTo(movableList, fixedList, direction, clearance, vector=())[source]

This method translates an instance along the specified direction until it is in contact with a fixed instance.


A sequence of Face or Edge objects on the part instance to be moved.


A sequence of Face or Edge objects on the part instances to remain fixed.


A sequence of three Floats specifying the direction of contact.


A Float specifying the distance between the two faces along the direction of contact.


A sequence of three Floats specifying a translation vector. If this argument is specified, the movable instance will be translated by the specified amount without solving for the actual contact.


feature – A Feature object

Return type:


vertices : --is-rst--:py:class:`~abaqus.BasicGeometry.VertexArray.VertexArray` = [][source]

A VertexArray object.